李芯芯,女,1983年生,助理教授,博士生导师。2013年获得德州农工大学(Texas A&M University)化学海洋学博士学位。主要利用稳定及放射性碳同位素、生物标志物(例如木质素)、微生物种群动态和代谢过程等方法研究从河口向海沟各海洋生态系统中有机碳的生物有机地球化学循环过程,及其与海洋富营养化、缺氧效应和全球气候变化的相互关系。在海洋学科知名学术期刊Marine Chemistry、JGR-Biogeosciences、Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta已发表15篇论文和一篇国际海水营养盐标准报告(共76名作者),被引约400余次(2019年10月,Google Scholar)。
2008-2013 博士 化学海洋学 德州农工大学
2005-2008 硕士 海洋化学 中国海洋大学
2001-2005 本科 应用化学 青岛大学
2016.12- 助理教授,南方科技大学海洋科学与工程系
2013-2016 博士后研究员,美国德州农工大学地球化学和环境科学研究组,
2010-2012 助教和讲师,美国德州农工大学海洋学系《海洋学简介》及实验
2008-2010 助研,美国德州农工大学海洋学系
1. 2020年度南方科技大学“优秀书院导师”
2. 2020年南方科技大学科普大使奖
3. 2020年南方科技大学科普奉献奖
4. 2020年南方科普大讲堂优秀讲师奖
5. 2019年度南方科技大学树仁书院优秀导师
6. 2019年南方科技大学主题教育征文比赛一等奖。
7. 2018年深圳南山区“领航人才”
8. 2018年南方科技大学“优秀共产党员”
9. 2017年深圳市孔雀计划C类人才
1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,**,微生物净固碳过程对智利海沟有机碳的贡献研究,2019.01-2021.12,25万,在研,主持;
2. 深圳市创新环境建设计划重点实验室:深圳海洋地球古菌组学重点实验室,2019-2020,450万,在研,核心成员;
3. 国家科技部重点研发项目全球变化及应对专项:海洋惰性有机碳的生物成因及其环境效应研究,2018-2023,280万,骨干成员;
? 通讯作者
# 共同第一作者
1) Xi Mei#, Xinxin Li#,*, Zhongbo Wang*, Chuanlun Zhang, Yong Zhang, 2019, Cross shelf transport of terrigenous organic matter in surface sediments from outer shelf to Okinawa Trough in East China Sea. Journal of Marine systems. Accepted.
2) Penghui Li?, Jianchang Tao, Jian Lin, Chen He, Quan Shi, Xinxin Li*, Chuanlun Zhang, 2019, Stratification of dissolved organic matter in the upper 2000 m water column at the Mariana Trench. Science of the Total Environment, 668, 1222–1231.
3) Wenpeng Li, Chunru Liu, Gongming Yin, Chuanyi Wei, Jianping Li, Xinxin Li, 2018. Effect of high temperature baking on characteristics of quartz electron spin resonance (ESR) signal-taking Datong volcanic baking layer as an example. Journal of Earth Environment, 9(6), 599-606 (In Chinese).
4) Xinxin Li, Zhaoru Zhang,Terry L. Wade, Anthony H. Knap, Chuanlun L. Zhang, 2017, Sources and compositional distribution of organic carbon in surface sediments from the lower Pearl River to the coastal South China Sea. JGR-Biogeosciences, 122, 2104–2117.
5) Michio Aoyama et al. (a total of 72 coauthors). 2016, IOCCP-JAMSTEC 2015 inter-laboratory calibration exercise of a certified reference material for nutrients in seawater. Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, International Standard Book, 978-4-901833-23-3.
6) Schüller, S., T. Bianchi, Xinxin. Li, M. Allison, and C. Savage. 2015, Historical reconstruction of phytoplankton composition in estuaries of fiordland, New Zealand: the application of plant pigment biomarkers. Estuaries and Coasts, 38, 56-71.
7) Xinxin Li, T.S. Bianchi, M.A. Allison, L.E. Osterman, P. Chapman, and GP Yang. 2013. Historical reconstruction of organic carbon decay and preservation in sediments on the East China Sea shelf. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 118(3), 1079-1093.
8) T.S. Bianchi, M.A. Allison, J Zhao, Xinxin Li, R. S. Comeaux, R. A. Feagin, and R.W. Kulawardhana. 2013. Historical Reconstruction of mangrove expansion in the Gulf of Mexico: linking climate change with carbon sequestration in coastal wetlands. Continental Shelf Research, 119, 7-16.
9) Xinxin Li, T.S. Bianchi, M.A. Allison, P. Chapman, S. Mitra, Zhaoru Zhang, GP Yang and ZG Yu. 2012. Composition, abundance and age of total organic carbon in surface sediments from the inner shelf of the East China Sea. Marine Chemistry, 145-147, 37-52.
10) Jun Zhao, T.S. Bianchi, Xinxin Li, M.A. Allison, Yao, P. & Yu, ZG. 2012. Historical eutrophication in the Changjiang and Mississippi delta-front estuaries: Stable sedimentary chloropigments as biomarkers. Continental Shelf Research, 47, 133-144.
11) Richard W. Smith, T.S. Bianchi, Xinxin Li. 2012. A re-evaluation of the use of branched GDGTs as terrestrial biomarkers: Implications for the BIT and TEX86 Indices. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 80(1), 14-29.
12) Xinxin Li, T.S. Bianchi, ZS Yang, L.E. Osterman, M.A. Allison, S.F. DiMarco and GP Yang.2011. Historical trends of hypoxia in Changjiang River estuary: applications of chemical biomarkers and microfossils. Journal of Marine Systems, 86(3-4), 57-68.
13) Gui-Peng Yang, Qiang Chen, Xinxin Li, Xiao-Yan Cao, 2010. Study on the sorption behaviors of Tween-80 on marine sediments. Chemosphere, 79(11): 1019-1025.
14) Xinxin Li, Guipeng Yang, Xiaoyan Cao. 2008. Sorption behaviors of sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate (SDBS) on marine sediments. Water, Air & Soil Pollution, 194, 23-30.
15) GP Yang, Xinxin Li, XY Cao. 2008. Sorption behaviors of Tween20 on marine sediments. Periodical of Ocean University of China, 38(2), 309-314 (In Chinese).
Marine Chemistry
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Progress in Oceanography
Journal of Coastal Research
Estuaries, Coasts and Shelf Sciences