liuzh3@sustech.edu.cn http://faculty.sustech.edu.cn/liuzh3/
2020.9至今 南方科技大学,数学系,助理教授
2018.9--2020.8 香港科技大学,数学系,研究助理教授
2017.8--2018.8 香港理工大学,应用数学系,博士后
2012.9--2017.7 中国科学院,数学与系统科学研究院,博士
2008.9--2012.7 湖北大学,数学与统计学院,学士
2020-2023 PI,香港研究资助局(RGC)一般研究基金(GRF),“Long-time Behaviors and Numerical Approximations of Stochastic Phase Field Models” [HKUST GRF**](HK $599,861)离职终止
2019-2022 PI,香港研究资助局(RGC)一般研究基金(GRF),“Mathematical and Numerical Analysis of Stochastic Phase Field Models [HKUST GRF**]”(HK $332,261)离职转移
2019-2022 PI,香港大学研究资助局(UGC)研究基础设施拨款(RIG)香港科技大学校内研究资助, “Mathematical and Numerical Analysis of Stochastic Phase Field Models [HKUST IRS20SC39]”(HK $30,000)离职转移
Z. Liu, Harnack inequalities, ergodicity, and contractivity of stochastic reaction-diffusion equation in $L^p$, arXiv:2008.01335.
Z. Liu, Asymptotic log-Harnack inequality for monotone SPDE with multiplicative noise, arXiv:2007.13080.
J. Hong, C. Huang, and Z. Liu, Strong convergence rate for fully discrete scheme of semilinear stochastic evolution equation with multiplicative noise, arXiv:1805.07537.
Z. Liu and Z. Qiao, Strong approximation of monotone stochastic partial differential equations driven by multiplicative noise. Stoch PDE: Anal Comp (2020), https://doi.org/10.1007/s40072-020-00179-2.
Y. Cao, J. Hong, and Z. Liu, Well-posedness and finite element approximations for elliptic SPDEs with Gaussian noises, Commun. Math. Res. 36 (2020), no. 2, 113--127.
Z. Liu and Z. Qiao, Strong approximation of monotone stochastic partial differential equations driven by white noise, IMA J. Numer. Anal. 40 (2020), no. 2, 1074--1093.
J. Hong, C. Huang, and Z. Liu, Optimal regularity of stochastic evolution equations in M-type 2 Banach spaces, J. Differential Equations 267 (2019), no. 3, 1955--1971.
J. Cui, J. Hong, Z. Liu, and W. Zhou, Strong convergence rate of splitting schemes for stochastic nonlinear Schr"odinger equations, J. Differential Equations 266 (2019), no. 9, 5625--5663.
J. Hong and Z. Liu, Well-posedness and optimal regularity of stochastic evolution equations with multiplicative noises, J. Differential Equations 266 (2019), no. 8, 4712--4745.
Z. Liu and Z. Qiao, Wong--Zakai approximations of stochastic Allen--Cahn equation, Int. J. Numer. Anal. Model. 16 (2019), no. 5, 681--694.
Y. Cao, J. Hong, and Z. Liu, Finite element approximations for second order stochastic differential equation driven by fractional Brownian motion, IMA J. Numer. Anal. 38 (2018), no. 1, 184--197.
J. Hong, L. Ji, and Z. Liu, Optimal error estimates of conservative local discontinuous Galerkin method for nonlinear Schr"odinger equation), Appl. Numer. Math. 127 (2018), no. 5, 164--178.
X. Niu, J. Cui, J. Hong, and Z. Liu, Explicit pseudo-symplectic methods for stochastic Hamiltonian systems, BIT 58 (2018), no. 1, 163--178.
J. Cui, J. Hong, and Z. Liu, Strong convergence rate of finite difference approximations for stochastic cubic Schr"odinger equations, J. Differential Equations 263 (2017), no. 7, 3687--3713.
Y. Cao, J. Hong, and Z. Liu, Approximating stochastic evolution equations with additive white and rough noises, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 55 (2017), no. 4, 1958--1981.
J. Cui, J. Hong, Z. Liu, and W. Zhou, Stochastic symplectic and multi-symplectic methods for nonlinear Schr"odinger equation with white noise dispersion, J. Comput. Phys. 342 (2017), no. 8, 267--285.
J. Cui, Z. Liu, L. Miao, and X. Wang, H"older continuity for parabolic Anderson equation with non-Gaussian noise, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 441 (2016), no. 2, 684--691.