作者: 清水榴莲 时间: 2013-1-21 11:49
标题: 2013年暨南大学翻译硕士真题(高效回忆版)
呵呵 原谅我还自吹说是高效回忆版,不过英语翻译实务这一门题我倒是记住大概了,后面的大题做的时候印象很深,下场后去网上查了查 居然找到那两篇文章了。 废话不说了 看题吧: 第一部分是专业名词的英汉互译,现在记得的不多,有欧盟 FTA 汇率操纵国 美日安保条约 国务院侨务办公室(考暨大的都明白为啥考这个吧?) USCG(这个没复习到,考试时猜是美国煤气-us coal gas。结果考完查到是美国海岸警卫队......)还有 七国峰会 国家烟草专卖局,民生等, 考题总共三十个,就只能记这些了,难度偏高吧, 我去年就考的暨大,题比这容易(当然还是没考上,360)。
第一篇英译汉的文章,我查了一下 应该是这一篇 想看汉语翻译的自己去网上搜,很容易找到
Love Is Not Like Merchandise
By Sydney J.Harris
A reader in Florida, apparently bruised by some personal experience, writes in to complain, “If I steal a nickel’s worth of merchandise, I am a thief and punished; but if I steal the love of another’s wife, I am free.”
This is a prevalent misconception in many people’s minds---that love, like merchandise, can be “stolen”. Numerous states, in fact, have enacted laws allowing damages for “alienation of affections”.
But love is not a commodity; the real thing cannot be bought, sold, traded or stolen. It is an act of the will, a turning of the emotions, a change in the climate of the personality.
When a husband or wife is “stolen” by another person, that husband or wife was already ripe for the stealing, was already predisposed toward a new partner. The “love bandit” was only taking what was waiting to be taken, what wanted to be taken.
We tend to treat persons like goods. We even speak of the children “belonging” to their parents. But nobody “belongs” to anyone else. Each person belongs to himself, and to God. Children are entrusted to their parents, and if their parents do not treat them properly, the state has a right to remove them from their parents’ trusteeship.
Most of us, when young, had the experience of a sweetheart being taken from us by somebody more attractive and more appealing. At the time, we may have resented this intruder---but as we grew older, we recognized that the sweetheart had never been ours to begin with. It was not the intruder that “caused” the break, but the lack of a real relationship.
On the surface, many marriages seem to break up because of a “third party”. This is, however, a psychological illusion. The other woman or the other man merely serves as a pretext for dissolving or a marriage that had already lost its essential integrity.
Nothing is more futile and more self-defeating than the bitterness of spurned love, the vengeful feeling that someone else has “come between” oneself and a beloved. This is always a distortion of reality, for people are not the captives or victims of others---they are free agents, working out their own destinies for good or for ill.
But the rejected lover or mate cannot afford to believe that his beloved has freely turned away from him--- and so he ascribes sinister or magical properties to the interloper. He calls him a hypnotist or a thief or a home-breaker. In the vast majority of cases, however, when a home is broken, the breaking has begun long before any “third party” has appeared on the scene.
第一英译汉还蛮简单的 看到汉译英我就傻眼了,居然是张培基第一本故都的秋前两段,晕死。我张培基散文背了30多篇,居然没背这个。只能自己去翻,话说真的不好翻,有的地方看都看不懂(没错,就是汉语我都看不懂)。下面就是这两段:
还有翻译硕士英语的作文是说internet shopping的,汉语百科作文小作文是写一篇鲁迅文章的读后感, 大作文是写关于中国人在国外旅游时表现的素质差。
作者: Wang_Lichuan.Al 时间: 2013-1-21 13:28
同学你好 请问暨南大学翻译硕士的线有多少啊 我也有在考虑要不要报考这所学校 但如果线在370及以上实在让人惶恐。。。
作者: sea思 时间: 2013-1-21 16:17
Wang_Lichuan.Al 发表于 2013-1-21 13:28
同学你好 请问暨南大学翻译硕士的线有多少啊 我也有在考虑要不要报考这所学校 但如果线在370及以上实在让人 ...
去年380 370还不要人。。。
作者: 清水榴莲 时间: 2013-1-21 19:46
Wang_Lichuan.Al 发表于 2013-1-21 13:28
同学你好 请问暨南大学翻译硕士的线有多少啊 我也有在考虑要不要报考这所学校 但如果线在370及以上实在让人 ...
去年是368分进复试 但去年题简单 报暨大其实也不错吧 同是广州的,总比广外 中山容易吧
作者: spencer要考研 时间: 2013-2-24 22:10
作者: ∮上弦月∮ 时间: 2013-2-28 18:53
spencer要考研 发表于 2013-2-24 22:10
14年的,有参考书,真题,资料。。。。感激涕零!!! 578213781@qq.com
作者: 布伊娃娃 时间: 2013-3-20 15:50
作者: tudou1992 时间: 2013-3-24 21:10
作者: 大熊猫京京 时间: 2013-5-19 13:04
作者: 若有星 时间: 2013-9-4 11:14
同学你好!看到你暨大2013MTI的考研回忆 可以加个好友吗?我Q号438606891 如果不想加好友 可以提供一些复习资料和方向吗?谢谢!拜托了!
作者: 忽忽的淡淡 时间: 2013-10-9 14:59
楼主 求加扣扣466272331 真心需要求指导 感谢你 !!!