

暨南大学 /2011-11-24

    (7)可以除去 DNA中任何一个带有氨基基团的碱基上氨基基团的诱变剂是:      。

18. 据估计,单倍体人基因组包括50O00个基因,如果每个世代每个基因的突变率为5×10—5,那么,每个个体中存在                 刚产生的突变。

19. DNA中两种常见的自发突变是由于腺嘌呤、鸟嘌呤与脱氧核糖间的N-糖基连接断裂而导致的              和使胞嘧啶变为尿嘧啶而导致的             。



1. Regarding DNA replication: What would be the consequence if PolI was absent? Diagram the results. Would the result be lethal to the organism?


2. Diagram the proofreading process used by E.coli DNA polymerse.


3. Explain how a single base change in a gene could lead to premature termination of translation of the mRNA from that gene.


4. How do base analogs cause mutations?


5. How do intercalating agents cause mutations?


6. How does UV light cause mutation?


7. Describe the Methyl Transferase repair mechanism.


8. Diagram the mismatch repair mechanism in E.coli.


9. Compare and contrast base excision repair and nucleotide excision repair. Diagram both processes.


10. Draw a diagram of a Holliday junction. Starting with that diagram, illustrate: a) Branch migration; b) Resolution to yield a short heteroduplex; c) Resolution to yield crossover recombinant DNAs.




IS,Tn,LTR,L1 LINE element,SINE,Alu sequences,Transposon,



1. At the two ends of an insertion sequence you would expect to find:(  )

   (a) Inverted repeats

   (b) Single stranded overhangs generated by restriction enzymes

   (c) GC rich regions whose melting temperature is higher

   (d) Short segments of RNA

(e) Short tandem repeats of about 6 base pairs


2. During the production of the DNA:RNA hybrid, retroviruses use: (  )

    (a) primase to synthesize a small RNA primer.

    (b) a tRNA as a primer.

     (c) RNA replicase to synthesize a small RNA primer.

(d) a host rRNA as a primer.

(e) reverse transcriptase to synthesize a small DNA primer


3. IS元件:(     ) 







4.组成转座子的旁侧IS元件可以:(     ) 






5.复制转座:(     ) 









 (b) PIN中的一个位点被甲基化可以刺激转座酶的转录

 (c) Tn10转座在dam突变中增加1000倍



7.玉米控制因子:(     ) 






8. Ds元件:(     ) 








9.下面哪些是在反转录病毒中发现的基因?(     ) 

 (a) gag    (b) pol    (c) env    (d) onc


10.宿主染色体在反转录病毒整合位点上会发生什么?(     ) 

 (a) 4~6个核昔酸被切除

 (b) 4~6个核昔酸在整合的一边被复制而在另一边被切除

 (c) 4~6个核昔酸在整合的每一边都被复制

 (d) 两个核昔酸从右边被切除

 (e) 两个核昔酸从左边被切除



1.    Sequences at the ends of viral retrotransposons are similar to the ___________________ of retroviruses.
