一、工作及教育简历:<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
1985. 9-1989. 7:西南师范大学物理系,获学士学位。
1989. 9-1996. 7:四川平昌驷马中学教师。
1996. 7-1999. 7:中山大学物理系硕士研究生,获硕士学位,导师刘良钢教授。
1999. 9-2002.7:中山大学物理系博士研究生,获博士学位,导师刘良钢教授。
[1] 陈伟,梅仲豪,刘良钢,核物质物态方程的研究,高能物理与核物理,23(1999)681。(SCI)
[2] W. Chen, L.G. Liu, the Thermal Properties of D-Resonance Nuclear matter, IL NUOVO CIMENTO, 112A(1999)1509。(SCI)
[3] W Chen, B.Q. Ai, X.P. Zheng, L.G. Liu, the Influence of the Renormalization Condition to the Equation of State of Nuclear Matter, Commun. Thero. Phys. 36(2)(2001)。(SCI)
[4] 陈伟,艾保全,郑小平,刘良钢,s介子的自相互作用对核物质物态方程的影响,高能物理与核物理,25(2000)23。 (SCI)
[5] W Chen, L.G. Liu, the Tachyon pole in the Relativistic s-w Model, Commun. Thero. Phys. 36(1)(2001)。(SCI)
[6] W. Chen, Q.G. Li, L.G. Liu, the Properties of Pure Neutron Star, Commun. Thero. Phys. 36(2001)。(SCI)
[7] W. Chen, D. H Wen, L. G. Liu, Softness of nuclear matter and the production of Strange particles in neutron stars, Chin. Phy. Lett. 20(3)(2003) 436-439 。(SCI)
[8] W. Chen, D. H. Wen, G. T. Liu, X. J. Wang, and L. G. Liu, Thermal Dynamics Behavior of Protoneutron Star Matter, Commun. Theor. Phys. 39(3)(2003)317-322。(SCI)
[9] W. Chen, D. H. Wen, and L.G. Liu, The Properties of Neutron Star in Its Evolution, IL NUOVO CIMENTO, 118B(1)(2003)71-77。(SCI)
[10] 陈伟,文德华,刘良钢,Study of the Gravitational Energy in Neutron Stars,中山大学学报(自然科学版) 42(3)(2003)16-18。
[11] W. Chen, D.Q. Dong, D. H. Wen, G. T. Liu, and L. G. Liu,,Equation of State of Nuclear Matter in Chiral $\sigma$-$\omega$ Model,Commun. Theor. Phys.,41(2004)925-928。(SCI)
[12] 陈伟,刘良钢,均匀强磁场中中子星物质的物态方程,高能物理与核物理,29(2005)17-20.(SCI)
[13] 陈伟,董东桥,文德华,刘良钢,手征模型研究的进展,中山大学学报,43(3)(2004)25-27。
[14] L.G. Liu, X.Q. Luo, Q.F. Zhou, W. Chen, M. Nakano, N<?xml:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" />
[15] L.G. Liu, X.Q. Luo, W. Chen, A New Regularization method in 3-Diemnsional Momentum Space, Nuovo Cimento, 110A(1998)1。(SCI)
[16] L.G. Liu, W. Chen,Study of the Binding Energy of Relativistic Nuclear Matter in Relativistic s - w -p Model, Comm. Theor. Phys.,29(1998)81。(SCI)
[17] L.G. Liu, W. Chen,Z.H. Mei, Nakano M.,The binding energy of nuclear matter with pionic degree of freedom, Nuovo Cimento,111A(1998)1。(SCI)
[18] L.G. Liu, W. Chen, X.Q. Luo, M. Nakano,Antiparticle Excitation Effect in the Relativistic Spin-Isospin-Dependent Response Function of Nucleus, Comm. Theor. Phys., 34(2000)101。(SCI)
[19] L.G. Liu, W. Chen, B.Q. Ai, X.P. Zheng, M. Nakano, Relativistic Spin-Isospin Dependent Response Function of Nucleus, Chin. Phys. Lett.,17(2000)652。(SCI)
[20] 文德华,陈伟,王先菊,艾保全,刘国涛,刘良钢,静态球对称星体结构方程的不同推导与比较,中山大学学报 42(2)(2003)15-17。
[21] D.H. Wen, W. Chen, X.J. Wang, B.Q. Ai, G.T. Liu, L.G. Liu, Energy of Gravitational Field of Static Spherically Symmetric Neutron Stars, Commun. Theor. Phys., 40(5) (2003)637-640。(SCI)
[22] B.Q. Ai, X.J. Wang, G. T. Liu, D.H. Wen, W. Chen and L.G. Liu, Efficiency optimization in a correlation ratchet with asymmetric unbiased fluctuations, Phys. Rev. E. 68(6) (2003)061105。(SCI)
[23] B.Q. Ai, W. Chen, X.J. Wang, G.T. Liu, D.H. Wen , L.G. Liu, Noise in Genotype Selection Model, Commun. Theor. Phys. 39 (2003) 765-768。(SCI)
[24] B.Q. Ai, W. Chen, X.J. Wang, G.T. Liu, D.H. Wen, H.Z. Xie and L.G. Liu, Noise in an Insect Outbreak Model, Chin. J. Phys. 40 (4)(2003) 422-429。(SCI)
[25] 文德华,陈伟,李绍新,郑华,对大学物理教材立体化建设的几点认识,大学物理物理教育专刊 27(2003)78。
[26] D.H. Wen, W. Chen, X.J. Wang, B.Q. Ai, G.T. Liu, D.Q. Dong, L.G. Liu, Structures of rotating traditional neutron stars and hyperon stars in the relativistic sigma-omega model, Eurp. Phys. J. A 21(2)(2004)349-354。(SCI)
[27] B.Q.Ai, X.J. Wang, G.T. Liu, D.H. Wen, W. Chen and L.G. Liu, Current Reversals in a inhomogeneous system with asymmetric unbiased fluctuations, Eur. Phys. J. B37(4)(2004)523-526。(SCI)
[28] D.H. Wen, W. Chen, X.J. Wang, B.Q. Ai, G.T. Liu, L.G. Liu, Properties of Rotating Neutron Stars in the Relativistic
[29] D.H. Wen, W. Chen, X.J. Wang, B.Q. Ai, G.T. Liu, D.Q. Dong, L.G. Liu, Energy of Gravitational Field of the Slowly Rotating Neutron Stars, Chin. J. Phys. 41(6)(2003)595-600。(SCI)
[30] D.Q. Dong, W. Chen, D. H. Wen, L. G. Liu, and M. Nakano,Dispersion relation of s meson and pion at finite nuclear density in chiral s model, Commun. Theor. Phys. 41(5)(2004)741-745。(SCI)
[31] 董东桥,陈伟,文德华,刘良钢,手征s模型中s介子的质量与核物质结合能曲线关系的研究, 高能物理与核物理, 27(10)(2003)892-896。(SCI)
[32] 陈伟,文德华,刘良钢,a Study of the Tachyon Pole in the Chiral s-w model, Chin. J. Phys., 43(2)(2005).(SCI)
[33] D.H. Wen, W. Chen, X.J. Wang, B.Q. Ai, G.T. Liu, D.Q. Dong, L.G. Liu, Structures of rotating traditional neutron stars and hyperon stars in the relativistic sigma-omega model, Eurp. Phys. J. A 21(2)(2004)349-354。(SCI)
[34] D.H. Wen, W. Chen, L.G. Liu, Rotational Deformation of Neutron Stars, Chin. Phys. Lett. 22(7)(2005)1604-1607。(SCI)
[35] D.H. Wen, W. Chen, L.G. Liu, Comparation of Two Methods for Calculating Properties of Rotating Neutron Stars, 原子核物理评论,22(1)(2005)23-26。