本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-29
中南大学应用心理学博士,副教授,连续3年(2016-2018)获广州大学青年学术新锐奖,2017年入选广州大学首届青年拔尖人才,2019年入选广州市青年后备人才。主持完成国家自然科学基金项目一项,其他项目多项。发表论文80多篇(含32篇英文论文,其中第一和通讯作者发表21篇SSCI/SCI论文),近年在美国心理学会出版的临床心理学旗舰杂志《Psychological Assessment》和美国心理学会临床心理学分会官方杂志《Assessment》上连续发表论文6篇。出版《潜变量建模与Mplus应用》基础和进阶2部。截止目前学术成果被引用692次(谷歌学术)。先后修订和编制心理测验10多种。近年,为科大讯飞、广东省监狱管理局、广东省保险协会等企事业单位提供心理测评专家咨询。
2003年-2007年 井冈山学院 学士
2007年-2010年 深圳大学 硕士
2010年-2013年 中南大学 博士
1. 目前担任PLOS ONE Academic Editor;Frontiers in Psychology Guest Associate Editor
2. Journal of Clinical Psychology; PLOS ONE; ASSESSMENT; International Journal of Culture and Mental Health; Journal of Anxiety Disorder; Journal of Traumatic Stress; Journal of Affective Disorder; Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment; 心理学报; 心理科学; 中国临床心理学杂志;心理科学进展和中国心理卫生杂志审稿人。
3. 中国社会心理学会网络大数据心理学分会委员
王孟成.(2014).潜变量建模与Mplus应用:基础篇. 重庆: 重庆大学出版社.
王孟成, 毕向阳.(2018). 潜变量建模与Mplus应用:进阶篇. 重庆: 重庆大学出版社.
戴晓阳(主编)程灶火,张进辅,王孟成(副主编)(2015). 常用心理评估量表手册.北京:人民军医出版社.
96. 刘桂荣, 滕秀芹, 王孟成(2020).大学生完美主义学业拖延与手机成瘾的关系有调节的中介模型.中国特殊教育,(9)88-96.
95. You, X., Wang,M-C.,Xia, F., & Liu, T*. (2020). Measurement Invariance of the Reactive and Proactive Aggression Questionnaire (RPQ) across Self- and Other-reports.Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma. https://doi.org/10.1080/**.2020.**
94.Deng, J., Wang, M-C*., Shou, Y., &Gao, Y.(2020). Core features of Callous-Unemotional Traits: Network analysis of the Inventory of Callous-Unemotional Traits in community and offender Samples. Journal of Clinical Psychology.
93.Zhong, C?.,Wang, M-C*.,Shou, Y., Zhang, X., &Deng, J. (2020). The longitudinal relationship between parent’s psychopathy and children’s callous-unemotional traits: the parenting as mediator. Journal of Child and Family Studies,29,3142–3152.https://doi.org/10.1007/s10826-020-01814-1
92.Wang, M-C*., Gong, J., Gao, Y., Yang, W,& Luo, J. (2020)Latent profile analysis of psychopathic traits and related variable among Chinese male offenders. JournalofCriminalJustice.69:101708.
91. Luo, J., Wang, M-C.*, Neumann, C. S., Hare, R. D., & Salekin, R. T. (2020). Evaluating the PSCD in Chinese adolescents: factor structure and construct validity.Assessment.
90.Ren, F., Li, X., Chen, G., & Wang, M-C*.(2020). A taxometric analysis of psychopathy in a Chinese prison sample.PsyCh Journal.
89.Allen*, J. L., Shou, Y., Wang, M-C., & Bird, E. (2020). Assessing the measurement invariance of the inventory of Callous-Unemotional traits in school students in China and the United Kingdom.Child Psychiatry & Human Development.
88. Shou, Y*., Sellbom, M.,& Wang, M-C. (2020).Developing and Validating a Chinese Version of the Comprehensive Assessment of Psychopathic Personality- Self-Report (CAPP-SR).Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment.
87. Deng, J?., Wang, M-C*., Shou, Y., Zhang, X., Lai, H., Zeng, H., &Gao, Y. (accepted).Parenting Behaviors and Children Callous Unemotional Traits: A Regression Mixture Analysis. CurrentPsychology.
86. Liang, J?., Wang, M-C*, Zhang, X., Luo, J., &Liang, J.(2020). Elaborating on the construct validity of the antisocial process screening device in Chinese children and adolescents: Across-informants and across-samples.Current Psychology.https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-020-00777-2
85.Luo, J., Wang, M-C.*, Zhang, X?.,Huang, D., & Zhou, Z.(2020). Psychometric properties of the Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory Triarchic Scales and its short version in Chinese male juvenile offenders.Journal of Personality Assessment.https://doi.org/10.1080/**.2020.**(Q2, SSCI, IF=2.7)
84. Luo, J., Wang, M-C*., Gao, Y., Deng, J., & Qi, S.(2020). The factor structure and psychometric properties of the Emotions as a Child Scale in Chinese children.Psychological Assessment, 32, 85–97.https://doi.org/10.1037/pas**(Q2, SSCI, IF=3.5)
83.Lu, M., Luo, J*., Chen, W., & Wang, M-C.(2020). The Influence of job satisfaction on the relationship between professional identity and burnout: A Study of student teachers in Western China. Current Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-019-00565-7
82. Luo, J., Wang, M-C*,Ge,Y*., Chen, W., & Xu, S. (2020) Longitudinal Invariance Analysis of the Short Grit Scale in Chinese Young Adults.Frontiers in Psychology,11: 466.
81. Wang, M-C.*, Shou, Y., Liang, J., Lai, H., Gao, Y., Cheng, L., & Zeng, H. (2020). Further validation of the Inventory of Callous-Unemotional Traits in Chinese: Cross-Informants invariance and longitudinal invariance.Assessment,27,1668–1680.(Q1, SSCI, IF=3.7)
80. Luo, J., Wang, M-C.*,Gao, Y., Zeng H., Yang, W., Chen, W., & Zhao, S. (2019). Refining the Parenting Stress Index–Short Form (PSI-SF) in Chinese parents. Assessment.https://doi.org/10.1177%2F1073**7(Q1, SSCI, IF=3.8)
79. Luo, J., Liu, Z., Jian, S., & Wang, M-C*. (2019). Psychometric properties of the Chinese adjectives scale of Big-Five Factor Personality Short Version in Chinese primary school teachers. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology,27(3), 534–538. [罗杰, 刘振会, 蹇世琼, 王孟成*(2019).中文形容词大五人格量表简式版在小学教师群体中的应用. 中国临床心理学杂志, 27(3), 534–538.]CSSCI
78. Ren, F., Liu, J., Fang, Y., & Wang, M-C. (2019). Measurement invariance of the CES-D in adult sample. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 27,973–977.[任芬,刘峻良,房玉上,王孟成.(2019). 流调中心抑郁量表在成人群体中的跨性别等值性.中国临床心理学杂志, 27,973–977.]CSSCI
77. Zhang, X?., Wang, M-C*, Luo, J., & He, L.(2019).The development and psychometric evaluation of the Chinese Big Five Personality Inventory-15.PLoS ONE,14(8): e**. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.**
76. Ren, F., Zhang, Q*, Li, M., Luo, J., Deng, J?., Zhang, X?., & Wang, M-C. (2019). Factor structure and measurement invariance of Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory-Child Version in Chinese children.Frontiers in Psychology,10:2550
75.Yang, W., Zhang, X?., Wang, M-C*, Zhong, C?., Luo, J., & Gao, Y. (2019). Factor structure and construct validity of the youth psychopathic traits inventory and its shorten version in Chinese detained boys.Frontiers in Psychology,10:1831.
74.Zhang, X?., Shou, Y., Wang, M-C*., Zhong, C?., Luo, J., Gao, Y., & Yang, W. (2019). Assessing callous-unemotional traits in Chinese detained boys: Factor structure and construct validity of the inventory of callous-unemotional traits.Frontiers in Psychology,10:1841.
73.Luo, J.,Wang, X*., Wang, M-C*,Gao, Y.,Deng, J?., Zhong, C?.,&Qi, S-S.(2019).Longitudinal measurement invariance of the Child Problematic Trait Inventory in older Chinese children.PLoS ONE 14(7): e**. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.**
72.Deng, J?., Zhao, Y., Wang, R?., & Wang, M-C*. (2019). The relationship between psychopathy and the five-factor model. Journal of Guizhou Normal University (Nature Science), 37(2),114–120.[邓嘉欣?,赵英武,王荣强?,王孟成*. (2019). 精神病态与大五人格.贵州师范大学学报(自然科学版),37(2),114–120.]
71.Wang, M-C.*, Deng, Q?, Shou, Y., Deng, J?.,Gao, Y., & Li, Z.*(2019). Assessing Impulsivity in Chinese Elaborating Validity of BIS among Male Prisoners. Criminal Justices and Behavior,46(3), 492–506. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F6033 (Q1, SSCI, IF=2.2)
70.Wang, J., Deng, J?., Lai, H., & Wang, M-C*. (2019). Sex difference in processing negative emotion in adolescents with different level of callous unemotional trait. Chinese Mental Health Journal,33,109–113.[王家慰, 邓嘉欣, 赖红玉, 王孟成*.(2019). 青少年冷酷无情特质与情绪加工特点的性别差异.中国心理卫生杂志, 33,109–113.]
69. Deng, J?., Wang, M-C. *, Zhang, X?., Shou, Y., &Gao, Y. (2019). The Inventory of Callous Unemotional Traits: A reliability generalization meta-analysis.Psychological Assessment,31(6), 765–780.(Q1, SSCI, IF=3.5)
68. Xu, W?., Wang, M-C*.,Deng, J?., Liu, H., Zeng, H., & Yang, W. (2019). Reliability generalization for the Chinese Version of Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology,27(1), 67–72. [许文兵?,王孟成*,邓嘉欣,刘惠华,曾红,杨文登(2019).长处和困难问卷中文版的信度概化分析.中国临床心理学杂志,27(1), 67–72.CSSCI
67. Miao, X., Jiang, X., Wang, P., Li, Hu., Wang M-C., & Zeng, H. (2018). Online activities, prevalence of internet addiction and risk factors related to family and school among adolescents in China.Addictive Behaviors Reports,7, 14–18. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.abrep.2017.10.003
66. Zeng, H*., Su, D., Wang, P., Wang, M-C., Vollstädt-Klein, S., Chen, Q*., & Ye, H*. (2018). The Action Representation Elicited by Different Types of Drug-Related Cues in Heroin-Abstinent Individuals. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 12:123. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2018.00123
65.Zhong, C?., Wang, M-C.*,Shou, Y., Ren,F., Zhang, X., Li, M., & Yang, W*(2018). Assessing construct validity of the Grit-S in Chinese employees. PLoS ONE, 13(12): e**. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.**
64. Yu. M., Chasso, G. S., Wang, M-C., Zhu, Y., Xu, Q., & Wang. J. (2018). The latent profile analysis of Chinese adolescents’ anxiety: Examination and validation. Journal of Anxiety Disorders,59,74–81. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.janxdis.2018.09.005
63. Yang, W., Xiong, G., Garrido, L. E., Zhang, J. X., Wang, M-C., & Wang, C. (2018). Factor structure and criterion validity across the full scale and ten short forms of the CES-D among Chinese adolescents. Psychological Assessment, 30(9), 1186–1198. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/pas**(Q1, SSCI, IF=3.3)
62. Wang, M-C.*, Colins, O. F., Deng, Q., Deng, J., Huang, Y., & Andershed, H.(2018). The Child Problematic Traits Inventory in China: A multiple informant-based validation study.Psychological Assessment, 30(7), 956–966.http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/pas**. (Q1, SSCI, IF=3.3)
61. Wang, M-C.*, Shou, Y., Deng, Q?., Sellbom, M., Salekin, R. T., & Gao, Y. (2018). Factor structure and construct validity of the Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale (LSRP) in a sample of Chinese male inmates.Psychological Assessment,30(7), 882–892. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/pas** (Q1, SSCI, IF=3.3)
60. Wang, M-C.*,& Bi, X. (2018). Regression mixture modeling: Advances in method and its implementation. Advances in Psychological Science, 26 (12), 2272–2280.王孟成*,毕向阳*(2018). 回归混合模型:方法进展与软件实现.心理科学进展, 26 (12), 2272–2280. doi:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.02272CSSCI
59. Li, M?., Wang, M-C.*, Shou, Y., Zhong, C?., Ren, F., Zhang, X?., & Yang, W*. (2018).Psychometric properties and measurement invariance of the Brief Symptom Inventory-18 among Chinese insurance employees.Frontiers in Psychology,9:519. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00519
58. Gao, Y., Mendez, K., Li, X., & Wang M-C*. (2018). Autonomic conditioning to monetary and social stimuli and aggression in children. Aggressive Behavior, 44, 147–155. (Q2, SSCI, IF=2.7)
57. Bi, X.*, &Wang M-C*. (2018). Hostility personality, parental care and individual belief in a just word of criminals. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology,26(1),139–142. [毕向阳*, 王孟成*.(2018). 父母关爱与服刑人员敌对特质及个人公正世界信念的关系.中国临床心理学杂志, 26(1),139–142.]CSSCI
56. Wang, M-C.*, Gao, Y.,Deng, J.?, Lai, H., Deng, Q?., & Armour, C. (2017). The factor structure and construct validity of the inventory of callous-unemotional traits in Chinese undergraduate students.PLoS ONE,12(12): e**. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.** (Q1, SCI, IF=3.1).
55. Liu, T., Wang, M-C., & Xin, T*. (2017). An investigation of enhancement of ability evaluation by using a nested logit model for multiple-choice items. Annals of Psychology, 33, 530–537. http://dx.doi.org/10.6018/analesps.33.3.238621 (Q3, SSCI, IF=0.83)
54. Wang, M-C.*,Colins, O. F., Deng, Q?., Andershed, H, Deng, J?., & Ye, H. (2017).Psychometric properties of the original and short version of the Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory among Chinese adolescents.Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment,39, 620–634.(Q2, SSCI, IF=1.9)
53.Wang, M-C.*,Deng, Q?., Bi, X., Ye, H., & Yang, W. (2017). Performance of the entropy as an index of classification accuracy in latent profile analysis: A Monte Carlo simulation study. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 49, 1473–1482. [王孟成*, 邓俏文?, 毕向阳, 叶浩生, 杨文登*. (2017). 分类精确性指数 Entropy 在潜剖面分析中的表现:一项蒙特卡罗模拟研究.心理学报, 49, 1473–1482.http://dx.doi.org/10.3724/SP.J.1041.2017.01473]CSSCI
52. Wang, M-C.*,Deng, Q?., & Bi, X. (2017). Latent variable modeling using Bayesian methods. Advances in Psychological Science,25(10), 1682–1695.[王孟成*, 邓俏文?, 毕向阳.(2017). 潜变量建模的贝叶斯方法.心理科学进展, 25(10), 1682–1695. http://dx.doi.org/10.3724/SP.J.1042.2017.01682]CSSCI
51. Deng, Q?., Deng, J?., Huang, Y?., & Wang, M-C*. (2017). The Factor structure and psychometric properties of the Levenson Self-Report Psychopathic Scale. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 25(4),659–661.[邓俏文?, 邓嘉欣?, 黄语嫣?, 王孟成*(2017).莱文森精神病态自评量表的因子结构及心理测量学特性分析.中国临床心理学杂志, 25(4),659–661.]CSSCI
50. Deng, J?., Yang, R., Wang, M-C.*, Deng, Q?.,& Liu, J?. (2017). Psychometric properties of Narcissistic Admiration and Rivalry Questionnaire in Chinese adolescent. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology,25(3),445–447. [邓嘉欣?, 杨忍, 王孟成*, 邓俏文?, 刘洁芸?. (2017). 钦佩-竞争自恋量表在中学生群体的信效度检验.中国临床心理学杂志, 25(3),445–447.]CSSCI
49. Yang, W., Song, Y., & Wang, M-C*. (2016). How to implement evidence-based psychotherapy: Taking the national registry of evidence-based programs and practices as an example. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology,24(6), 1154–1156. [杨文登, 宋艳, 王孟成*.(2016). 如何实施循证心理治疗:以美国循证项目与实践注册系统为例.中国临床心理学杂志, 24(6), 1154–1156.]CSSCI
48. Liu., M?., Cheng, J., Deng, Q?.,Huang, Y?., Deng, J?., Zeng, H., & Wang, M-C*.(2016). The preliminary assessment of the Antisocial Process Screening Device-Self-Report in adolescents.Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 24(6), 1016–1020. [刘明亮?, 程娇,邓俏文?, 黄雨嫣?, 邓嘉欣?, 曾红, 王孟成*.(2016). 反社会过程筛查表在国内青少年群体中的初步应用.中国临床心理学杂志, 24(6), 1016–1020.]CSSCI
47. Deng, Q?.,Ding, C?., Liu., M?., Deng, J?., & Wang, M-C*.(2016). Psychometric properties of the Inventory of Callous-Unemotional in preschool students. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology,24(4), 663–666. [邓俏文?, 丁宸曦, 刘明亮, 邓嘉欣?, 王孟成*.(2016). 冷酷无情特质问卷在学龄前儿童中的信效度.中国临床心理学杂志,24(4), 663–666.]CSSCI
46.Wang, M-C.*, & Deng, Q?. (2016). The mechanism of auxiliary variables in full information maximum likelihood–based structural equation models with missing data. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 48(11), 1489–1498.[王孟成*, 邓俏文?. (2016). 缺失数据的结构方程建模:全息极大似然估计时辅助变量的作用. 心理学报,48(11), 1489–1498.]CSSCI
45. Wang, M-C*, Deng, Q?., Armour, C., Bi, X., & Zeng, H. (2015). The psychometric properties and factor structure of the Antisocial Process Screening Device self-report version in Chinese adolescents. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 37, 553–562. doi: 10.1007/s10862-015-9486-x (Q2, SSCI, IF=2.08)
44.Wang, H., Wang, M-C.*, & Wu, S. (2015). Mobile phone addiction symptom profiles related to interpersonal relationship and loneliness for college students: A latent profile analysis.Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 23(5), 881–885.
43.Wang, M-C.*, Ren, F., & Wu, Y. (2014). The latent class structure of the posttraumatic stress disorder among adolescent. Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medicine and Brain Science, 23(9), 836–838. [王孟成, 任芬, 吴艳. (2014). 青少年创伤后应激障碍的潜类别结构分析. 中华行为医学与脑科学杂志, 23(9), 836–838.]
42. Wang, M-C.*, & Ye, B. (2014). Estimating test reliabilities using Mplus. Psychological Exploration,34, 48–52.[王孟成,叶宝娟.(2014). 通过Mplus计算几种常用的测验信度.心理学探新, 34, 48–52.]
41.Wang, M-C.*, & Ye, H.(2014). Planned missing data design: Through intended missing data make research more effective. Advances in Psychological Science, 22(6), 1025–1035. [王孟成, 叶浩生. (2014). 计划缺失设计—通过有意缺失让研究更高效. 心理科学进展, 22(6), 1025–1035.]
40 Wang, M-C.*, Bi, X., & Ye, H.(2014). Growth mixture modeling: A method for describing specific class growth trajectory. Sociological Studies,4,220–241. [王孟成, 毕向阳, 叶浩生. (2014). 增长混合模型——分析不同类别个体发展趋势. 社会学研究, 4, 220–241. (人大复印资料社会学全文转载)]
39.Wang, M-C., Deng, Q., Zhang, J., Luo, X., & Wu, Y. (2014). The Callous-unemotional trait: A new marker variable for conduct disorder. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology,22(3), 466–469. [王孟成, 邓俏文, 张积标, 罗兴伟, 吴艳. (2014). 冷酷无情特质:儿童品行障碍新的标记变量. 中国临床心理学杂志, 22(3), 466–469. ]
38. Li, Z.*, Yin, X., Jiang, S., Wang, M-C., & Cai, T*. (2014). Psychological mechanism of subjective well-being: A stable trait or situational variability. Social Indicators Research, 118(2), 523–534.
37. Li, B., Wu, Y.*, Wen, Z., & Wang, M-C. (2014). Adolescent student burnout inventory in mainland china: Measurement invariance across gender and educational track. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 32(3), 227–235.
36.Wang, M-C.,Armour, C., Wu,Y.,Ren, F.,Zu, X., & Yao, S*. (2013). Factor structure of the CES-D and measurement invariance across gender in Mainland Chinese adolescents.Journal of Clinical Psychology,69(9), 966–979.(Q2, SSCI, IF=2.11)
35.Wang, M-C.,Armour, C., Li, X., Dai, X., Zu, X., & Yao, S*.(2013). The factorial invariance across gender of three well-supported models:Further evidence for a five-factor model of PTSD. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 201(2), 145–152.doi: 10.1097/NMD.0b013e31827f627d (Q3, SCI, IF=1.82;截止2015年12月共被引12次)
34. Ren, F., Wang, G., Wang, M-C., & Zhang, J. (2013). A taxometric analysis of the children’s sleep habits questionnaire. Sleep Medicine, 14(Suppl 1), e241–e242. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.sleep.2013.11.585
33. Wang, M-C.(2013). Active exploration on the effectiveness of psychotherapy-evaluation on evidence-based psychotherapy. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology,21(4), 696. [王孟成. (2013). 心理治疗有效性的积极探索—评《循证心理治疗》. 中国临床心理学杂志, 21(4), 696.]
32.Wang, M-C., Ren, F., Zhang, J., & Yao, S*. (2013). The latent structure of adolescent health related risky behavior: A taxometric analysis. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 21(5),779–782. [王孟成,任芬, 张建新, 姚树桥. (2013).青少年健康危险行为的潜结构的 Taxometric 分析.中国临床心理学杂志, 21(5),779–782.]
31. Wang, C., Wang, M-C., Gao, Y., Jiang, Y., Zhang, X., & Yao, S*. (2013). Reliability and validity of the Chinese version of Achenbach Youth self-report (2001 Version). Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology,21(6), 977–980. [王润程, 王孟成, 高一点, 蒋雅丽, 张小崔,姚树桥. (2013). Achenbach青少年自评量表(2001年版)中文版的信效度.中国临床心理学杂志, 21(6), 977–980.]
30. Cai, L., Wang, M-C., Hu, M., Zhu, X.*, Yi, J., Yao, S., … Luo, Y. (2013). Neurological soft signs in adolescents with schizotypal personality features. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology,21(1), 77–80. [蔡琳, 王孟成, 胡牡丽, 朱熊兆, 蚁金瑶, 姚树桥, 白玫, 王瑜萍, 罗英姿(2013). 分裂型人格倾向青少年的神经系统软体征研究. 中国临床心理学杂志, 21(1), 77–80.]
29. Ren, F., Pan, L., Wang, M-C., Zhang, J.*, & Yao, S. (2013). Categorical or dimensional: A brief introduction to Taxometric techniques.Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology,21(5),786–789. [任芬, 潘林, 王孟成, 张建新,姚树桥. (2013).区分类别与维度:Taxometric分析法简介. 中国临床心理学杂志, 21(5),786–789.]
28. Cai, L., Zhu, X.*, Yi, J., Bai, M., Wang, M-C., Wang, Y., Hu. M, & Yao, S.(2013). Neurological soft signs and their relationship with measures of executive function in Chinese adolescents.Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 34(3), 197–204.
27. Wang,Y.,Zhu, X.*,Cai, L.,Wang, Q.Wang, M-C.,Yi, J., & Yao. S. (2013). ScreeningclusterAandclusterBpersonalitydisordersinChinesehighschoolstudents. BMCPsychiatry, 13:116.
26.Wang, M-C., Yi, J., Cai, L., Hu M., Zhu, X., Yao S.*, &Auerbach, R P. (2012). Development and psychometric properties of the Health-Risk Behavior Inventory for Chinese adolescents. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 12: 94.(Q1, SCI, IF=2.7)
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14.Wang, M-C., Cai, B., Wu, Y., & Dai, X.(2010). The factor structure of Chinese Rosenberg’ Self-esteem Scale affected by item statement method. Psychological Exploration,30(3), 63–68. [王孟成, 蔡炳光, 吴艳, 戴晓阳. (2010). 项目表述方法对中文Rosenberg自尊量表因子结构的影响. 心理学探新, 30(3), 63–68(CSSCI,中文核心).]
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10. Meng, X.*, Feng, J., Wang, M-C., Zhang, L., & Huang, X.(2010). Research on functioning mechanism of social support between mental health and emergency reaction of second-preparation students for college entrance examination. Journal of Kunming University,32(1), 128–131. [蒙希*, 冯江平, 王孟成, 张琳娜, 黄祥. (2010). 高复生的心理健康和应急事件状况及社会支持在两者间的作用机制. 昆明学院学报, 32(1), 128–131.]
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1. Luo, R.*, Shen, J., & Wang, M-C.(2006). Analysis about the influence of senior high school students’ mathematics grade. Journal of Mathematics Education,15(2), 57–60. [罗润生*, 申继亮, 王孟成. (2006). 影响高中生数学学业成绩的主因素分析.数学教育学报, 15(2), 57–60. (中文核心)]
国家自然科学基金青年项目2015.1-2017.12:《冷酷无情特质儿童情绪信息加工缺陷的神经机制,**》 排名:1/6
本科生:心理测量学 心理统计
相关话题/广州大学 教育学院
姓名:窦凯性别:男职务:心理学系副主任邮箱:psydk@gzhu.edu.cn二、研究方向主要从事应用心理学、青少年心理学、社会认知神经科学领域的相关研究,具体研究方向如下:研究方向一:青少年非理性决策的心理与神经机制联合运用神经科学技术(包括近红外、事件相关电位等)、行为遗传学方法、行为实验和自我 ...广州大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-29广州大学教育学院导师教师师资介绍简介-[副教授]苏得权
苏得权,基础心理学博士,广州大学教育学院副教授、硕士生导师。主要采用行为实验和脑成像技术研究药物成瘾的脑神经机制、汉语语义理解的具身性等问题。近年来,主持国家社会科学青年基金项目1项,在《心理学报》、《PsychiatryResearch》等学术刊物上发表论文十多篇,参与编写、翻译著作4部。承担本科 ...广州大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-29广州大学教育学院导师教师师资介绍简介-[副教授]喻承甫
姓名:喻承甫职称:副教授学位:博士性别:男职务:无电话:邮箱:yuchengfu@gzhu.edu.cn研究方向:青少年问题研究、贫困与儿童青少年发展。个人简历:喻承甫,博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师,广州大学首批“青年拔尖人才”培养对象。主持国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目、广东省哲学社会科学“十三 ...广州大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-29广州大学教育学院导师教师师资介绍简介-[讲师]李家新
姓名:李家新职称:讲师学位:博士性别:男职务:电话:邮箱:ljx@gzhu.edu.cn研究方向高等教育理论与政策、台湾教育与两岸关系、教育与青年认同个人简历广州大学教育学院(师范学院)教育学系、广州大学粤港澳大湾区社会发展与教育政策研究院讲师、硕士生导师,厦门大学教育学博士、复旦大学政治学博士后, ...广州大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-29广州大学教育学院导师教师师资介绍简介-[讲师]周丽萍
姓名:周丽萍职称:讲师学位:博士性别:女邮箱:@qq.com办公室:广州大学大学城校区文清楼414室研究方向:教育经济,教育财政个人简历:周丽萍,管理学博士,讲师,主讲教育统计与测量实务、教育评价与督导和教育学基础等课程。主要研究领域是教育经济和教育财政。熟练掌握SPSS、STATA、AMOS等多个 ...广州大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-29广州大学教育学院导师教师师资介绍简介-[讲师]丁国柱
职称:讲师学位:博士性别:男职务:无邮箱:dinggz@gzhu.edu.cn一、研究方向:教育人工智能、智能学习环境、教育知识图谱、中小学编程教育二、个人简历:丁国柱,博士,讲师,广州大学教育学院教育技术系专业教师。主要从事教育技术学方面的教学与科研工作,发表论文数篇,申请发明专利10余项,主持参 ...广州大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-29广州大学教育学院导师教师师资介绍简介-[讲师]许易
姓名:许易职称:讲师学位:博士性别:男职务:无电话:无邮箱:无研究领域:教育(技术)学基本理论、教学设计技术与教学分析技术、教育心理学、教育价值学个人简历:许易,1985年出生,博士,讲师,广州大学教育学院教育技术系教师。平生素无大志,想要在天下滔滔之中坐定书桌,希望自己可以静下心来做做学问。教育背 ...广州大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-29广州大学教育学院导师教师师资介绍简介-[讲师]黄赛
姓名:黄赛职称:讲师学位:博士性别:女电话:邮箱:sai.huang@gzhu.edu.cn研究兴趣和方向采用脑成像技术、脑电技术、眼动追踪技术及认知行为技术,研究(1)抑郁相关的认知损伤及其神经机制;(2)特殊儿童(包括智障儿童、自闭症儿童)的认知障碍特征及其相应的认知康复训练;(3)视频游戏经验 ...广州大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-29广州大学教育学院导师教师师资介绍简介-[讲师]李俊堂
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