

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-06


简  历:
2003年本科毕业于华中农业大学资源与环境学院,2007年在该校获得土壤学硕士学位,2011年于中国科学院广州地球化学研究所获得矿物学博士学位。现任中科院广州地化所特任研究员、硕士生导师。2015年受国家留学基金委资助在悉尼大学电镜中心进行了为期1年的访问研究。已在Nature CommunicationsGeochimica et Cosmochimica ActaApplied Clay ScienceAmerican MineralogistChemical GeologyLangmuir等国际主流专业期刊上发表SCI论文近70篇,总他引1700余次,2篇论文入选美国ESI“TOP 1%”高被引论文。授权国家发明专利8项。现主持国家自然科学基金4项、中科院知识创新工程重要方向项目1项、广东省和广州市自然科学基金面上项目3项;2016年获得广东省杰出青年科学基金。曾获中科院“朱李月华”博士生奖、“涂光炽”青年人才和“广东特支计划”科技青年拔尖人才称号。




1)Liu, D.; Yuan, P.; Tian, Q.; Liu, H.; Deng, L.; Song, Y.; Zhou, J.; Losic, D.; Zhou, J.; Song, H., Lake sedimentary biogenic silica from diatoms constitutes a significant global sink for aluminium. Nature Communications. 2019, 10 (1), 1-7.
2)Liu, D., Q. Tian, P. Yuan, P. Du, J. Zhou, Y. Li, H. Bu and J. Zhou. Facile sample preparation method allowing TEM characterization of the stacking structures and interlayer spaces of clay minerals. Applied Clay Science 2019, 171, 1-5.
3)Bu, H.; Liu, D. (Corresponding author); Yuan, P.; Zhou, X.; Liu, H.; Song, H.; Zhang, B., Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether adsorption by interlayer montmorilonite-organic matter complexes: Dependence on the organic matter content and its alkyl chain length. Applied Clay Science 2019, 180, 1-8.
4)Bu, H.; Liu, D. (Corresponding author); Yuan, P.; Zhou, X.; Liu, H.; Du, P., Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether (EGME) adsorption by organic matter (OM)-clay complexes: Dependence on the OM Type. Applied Clay Science 2019, 168, 340-347.
5)Du, P.; Liu, D. (Corresponding author); Yuan, P.; Deng, L.; Wang, S.; Zhou, J.; Zhong, X., Controlling the macroscopic liquid-like behaviour of halloysite-based solvent-free nanofluids via a facile core pretreatment. Applied Clay Science 2018, 156, 126-133.
6)Deng, L.; Liu, D. (Corresponding author); Du, P.; Bu, H.; Song, Y.; Tian, Q.; Yuan, W.; Yuan, P.; Liu, Z.; He, H., Enhancement of diatomite solid acidity by Al incorporation, as evaluated by the catalytic effects on the thermal decomposition of 12-aminolauric acid. Colloids and Surfaces A. 2016, 509, 190-194.
7)Liu D.; Yu, W. B; Deng L. L.; Yuan, W. W.; Sun H. J.; Ma, L. Y.; Yuan, P.; Du P. X.; He H. P. Possible mechanism of structural incorporation of al into diatomite during the deposition process I. Via a condensation reaction of hydroxyl groups. Journal of Colloid Interface Science. 2016, 461, 64-68.
8)Liu, D.; Yuan, W. W.; Deng L. L.; Yu, W. B; Sun H. J.; Yuan, P.; Preparation of porous diatomite-templated carbons with large adsorption capacity and mesoporous zeolite K-H as a byproduct. Journal of Colloid Interface Science. 2014, 424, 22-26.
9)Liu, D.; Yuan, P.; Liu, H. M; Tian L.; Tan, D. Y.; Yuan, W.W.; He, H P; High-pressure adsorption of methane on montmorillonite, kaolinite and illite. Applied Clay Science, 2013, 85, 25-30.
10) Liu, D.; Yuan, P. ; Liu, H. M.; Cai, J. G.; Qin, Z. H.; Tan, D. Y.; Zhou, Q.; He, H. P.; Zhu, J. X.; Quantitative characterization of the solid acidity of montmorillonite using combined FTIR and TPD based on the NH3 adsorption. Applied. Clay Science. 2013. 80-81, 407-412.
11) Liu, D.; Yuan, W.W.; Yuan, P.; Yu, W. B; Tan, D. Y; Liu, H. M; He, H. P; Physical activation of diatomite-templated carbons and its effect on the adsorption of methylene blue (MB). Applied Surface Science. 2013, 282, 838–843.
12) Liu, D.; Yuan, P.; Tan, D. Y.; Liu, H. M.; Wang, T.; Fan, M. D.; Zhu, J. X.; He, H. P., Facile preparation of hierarchically porous carbon using diatomite as both template and catalyst and methylene blue adsorption of carbon products. Journal of Colloid Interface Science. 2012, 388, 176-184.
13) Liu, D.; Yuan, P. ; Liu, H. M.; Cai, J. G.; Qin, Z. H.; Tan, D. Y.; Zhou, Q.; He, H. P.; Zhu, J. X., Influence of heating on the solid acidity of montmorillonite: A combined study by DRIFT and Hammett indicators. Applied Clay Science. 2011, 52 (4), 358-363.
14) Liu, D.; Yuan, P. ; Tan, D. Y.; Liu, H. M.; Fan, M. D.; Yuan, A. H.; Zhu, J. X.; He, H. P., Effects of inherent/enhanced solid acidity and morphology of diatomite templates on the synthesis and porosity of hierarchically porous carbon. Langmuir 2010, 26 (24), 18624-18627.
15) Zhou, X.; Liu, D. (Corresponding author); Bu, H.; Deng, L.; Liu, H.; Yuan, P.; Du, P.; Song, H., XRD-based quantitative analysis of clay minerals using reference intensity ratios, mineral intensity factors, Rietveld, and full pattern summation methods: A critical review. 2018, 3 (1), 16-29.
16) Yuan, P.; Liu, D.; Zhou, J.; Tian, Q.; Song, Y.; Wei, H.; Wang, S.; Zhou, J.; Deng, L.; Du, P., Identification of the occurrence of minor elements in the structure of diatomaceous opal using FIB and TEM-EDS. American Mineralogist 2019, 104 (9), 1323-1335.
17) Bu, H.; Yuan, P.; Liu, H.; Liu, D.; Qin, Z.; Zhong, X.; Song, H.; Li, Y., Formation of macromolecules with peptide bonds via the thermal evolution of amino acids in the presence of montmorillonite: Insight into prebiotic geochemistry on the early Earth. Chemical Geology 2019, 510, 72-83.
18) Wei, Y.; Yuan, P.; Song, Y.; Liu, D.; Losic, D.; Tan, D.; Chen, F.; Liu, H.; Du, P.; Zhou, J., Activating 2D nano-kaolinite using hybrid nanoparticles for enhanced phosphate capture. Chemical Communications 2018, 54 (82), 11649-11652.
19) Bu, H.; Yuan, P.; Liu, H.; Liu, D.; Liu, J.; He, H.; Zhou, J.; Song, H.; Li, Z., Effects of complexation between organic matter (OM) and clay mineral on OM pyrolysis. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 2017, 212, 1-15.


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