简 历:
1. 差应力条件下的矿物相变;2. 重亲铁元素地球内部温度和压力条件下的存在形式及迁移行为。
1.Huifang Zhao, Dayong Tan*, Yu Tian, Yunhong He, Yanchun Li, Xiaodong Li, Ke Yang, Bin Chen and Wansheng Xiao, Studies on Im-3-type KSbO3 using high pressure X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy, High Pressure Res. 38, No. 3, 232-242 (2018).2. Ming Chen, Jinfu Shu, Xiande Xie, Dayong Tan, and Ho-kwang Mao, Natural diamond formation by self-redox of ferromagnesian carbonate,Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 115(11): 2676-2680 (2018).
3. Ming Chen, Jinfu Shu, Xiande Xie, and Dayong Tan, Maohokite, a post-spinel polymorph of MgFe2O4 in shocked gneiss from the Xiuyan crater in China, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, doi: 10.1111/maps.13222 (2018)
4.Binbin Yue, Fang Hong, Sébastien Merkel, Dayong Tan, Jinyuan Yan, Bin Chen, and Ho-Kwang Mao, Deformation Behavior across the Zircon-Scheelite Phase Transition, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 135701 (2016)
5.Xiaozhi Yan, Dayong Tan, Xiangting Ren, Wenge Yang, Duanwei He, and Ho-Kwang Mao, Anomalous compression behavior of germanium during phase transformation, Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 171902 (2015)
6.Feng Ke, Cailong Liu, Yang Gao, Junkai Zhang, Dayong Tan, Yonghao Han, Yanzhang Ma, Jinfu Shu, Wenge Yang, Bin Chen, Ho-Kwang Mao, Xiao-Jia Chen, and Chunxiao Gao Interlayer-glide-driven isosymmetric phase transition in compressed In2Se3, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 212102 (2014)
7.Dayong Tan, Wei Zhou, Wenzhu Ouyang, Zhongying Mi, Lingping Kong, Wansheng Xiao, Kai Zhu and Bin Chen, Growth of magnesium aluminate nanocrystallites, CrystEngComm, 16, 1579-1583 (2014)
8.Wansheng Xiao, Dayong Tan, Wei Zhou, Jing Liu, and Jian Xu, Cubic perovskite polymorph of strontium metasilicate at high pressures, Amer. Mineral. 98, 2096-2104 (2013)
9.Dayong Tan, Wansheng Xiao, Wei Zhou, Ming Chen, Wege Zhou, and Jian Xu, Effects of pressure on PbWO4-III, Phys. Chem. Miner. 40, 341-348 (2013)10.Ming Chen, Feng Yin, Xiaodong Li, Xiande Xie, Wansheng Xiao, Dayong Tan, Natural occurrence of reidite in the Xiuyan crater of China, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 48(5), 796-805 (2013)
11.Wansheng Xiao, Dayong Tan, Wei Zhou, Ming Chen, Xiaolin Xiong, Maoshuang Song, Jing Liu, Ho-Kwang Mao, and Jian Xu, A new cubic perovskite in PbGeO3 at high pressures, Amer. Mineral. 97, 1193-1198 (2012)12. Dayong Tan, Wansheng Xiao, Wei Zhou, Ming Chen, Wenge Zhou, Xiaodong Li, Yanchun Li, and Jing Liu, High pressure X-ray diffraction study on BaWO4-II, High Pressure Res. 32, No. 2, 262-269 (2012)
13.Dayong Tan, Wansheng Xiao, Wenge Zhou, Ming Chen, Xiaolin Xiong, Maoshuang Song, First-order character of the displacive structural transition in BaWO4. Chin. Phys. B, 21, No. 8, 086201 (2012)
14.Wei Zhou, Dayong Tan, Wansheng Xiao, Maoshuang Song, Ming Chen, Xiaolin Xiong, and Jian Xu. Structural properties of PbVO3 perovskites under hydrostatic pressure conditions up to 10.6 GPa. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 24, 435403 (2012)
15.M. Chen, C. Koeberl, W. Xiao, X. Xie, and D. Tan. Planar deformation features in quartz from impact-produced polymict breccia of the Xiuyan crater, China. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 46(5), 729–736 (2011)
16.Wansheng Xiao, Dayong Tan, Xiaolin Xiong, Jing Liu, and Jian Xu, Large volume collapse observed in the phase transition in cubic PbCrO3 perovskite. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 27(32), 14026-14029 (2010)
17.Chen Ming, Xiao Wansheng, Xie Xiande, Tan Dayong, and Cao Yubo. Xiuyan crater, China: impact origin confirmed. Chin. Sci. Bull. 55(17): 1777-1781 (2010)
18.Dayong Tan, Wansheng Xiao, Wenge Zhou, Maoshuang Song, Xiaolin Xiong, Ming Cheng, Raman Investigation of BaWO4-II Phase under Hydrostatic Pressures up to 14.8GPa. Chin. Phys. Lett. 26(4), 046301 (2009)
19.陈鸣,肖万生,谢先德,谭大勇,曹裕波, 岫岩陨石撞击坑的证实, 科学通报, 54: 3507-3511 (2009)
20.Wansheng Xiao, Dayong Tan, Yanchun Li and Jing Liu, The effects of high temperature on the high-pressure behavior of CeO2, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 19, 425213 (2007)
21.XIAO Wan-sheng, ZHANG Hong, TAN Da-yong, WENG Ke-nan, LI Yan-chun, LUO Chong-ju, LIU Jing, XIE Hong-sens. Raman Characterization of Rutile Phase Transitions under High-Pressure and High-Temperature. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 27(7): 1340-1343 (2007)
22.ZHONG Hong, XIAO Wan-Sheng, TAN Da-Yong, LUO Chong-Ju, LI Yan-Chun, LIU Jing. Investigation of phase transitions of ZrO2 under high–pressure and high-temperature conditions by Raman spectroscopy. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics. 21(3): 264-268 (2007)
1. 中科院战略性先导科技专项(B类):地幔温压条件下钙钛矿相变机制研究(项目编号:XDB**),2016.07—2021.12,250万,项目骨干,执行;2. 中科院战略性先导科技专项(B类):星球撞击高温高压下矿物的变化特征及其对地球深部高压相变的认识(项目编号:XDB**),2016.07—2021.12,200万,项目骨干,执行;
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,白钨矿结构钨酸盐高温高压相变及其差应力效应研究(项目批准号:**),2014.01—2017.12,73万,主持,结题。