1979-1985 中南大学湘雅医学院 医学学士1987-1991 协和医科大学 医学哲学博士
1985-1987 中国医学科学院基础所助理研究员
1991-1992 中国协和医科大学助理教授
1992-1993 Vanderbilt 大学医学院细胞生物学 博士后
1993-2001 Medical College of Georgia博士后
2001-2010 Duke大学医学院,终身制助教授
2010-2011 南卡罗兰拉医科大学副教授
2011-2012首席技术官/副总裁 ,SMT 公司
2012-今 中国科学院广州生物医药与健康研究院,研究员,公共健康所所长
国家科技重大专项 973 “干细胞治疗重大疾病机理研究” 首席科学家
· 生物标志物筛选和疾病基因诊断的研发
1.Shaoyang Zhao, Jianhong Xia, Xiuhua Wu, Leilei Zhang, Pengtao Wang, Haiyun Wang, Heying Li, Xiaoshan Wang, Yan Chen, Jean Agnetti, Yinxiong Li, Duanqing Pei & Xiaodong Shu (2018) Deficiency in class III PI3-kinase confers postnatal lethality with IBD-like features in zebrafish Nature Communications. 9, 26392.Xu, G., Guo, D., Wu, F., Lai, K., Yuan, F., Liu, Y., Zhuang, Y., Wu, Y., Xu, Y., Chen, Y., Yang, F., You, K., Pan, T., Abbas, N. & Li, Y.-x. (2017) Generation of a GDE Heterozygous Mutation Human Embryonic Stem Cell Line WAe001-A-14 by CRISPR/Cas9 Editing, Stem Cell Research. 27:38-41.
3.Yuan, F., Guo, D., Liu, Y., Xu, Y., Gao, G., Wu, Y., Yang, F., Ke, X., Lai, K., Wei, H. & Li, Y.-X. (2017) Generation of an ASS1 heterozygous knockout human embryonic stem cell line, WAe001-A-13, using CRISPR/Cas9, Stem Cell Research. 26:67-71.
4.Wu, F., Gao, G., Pan, T., Yang, Z., Xu, G., Abbas, N., Liu, Y., Chen, Y., Tan, S., You, K., Ke, X., Zhuang, Y., Lin, X., Yang, F. & Li, Y.-x. (2017) Generation of a SMO Homozygous Knockout Human Embryonic Stem Cell Line WAe001-A-16 by CRISPR/Cas9 Editing, Stem Cell Research. 27:5-9
5.Lin, M., Xue, X. Y., Liang, S. Z., Li, Y. X., Lv, Y. Y., He, L. H., Xu, K. C., Zhang, L. F., Chen, J. B. & Niu, L. Z. (2017) MiR-187 overexpression inhibits cervical cancer progression by targeting HPV16 E6, Oncotarget. 8, 62914-62926
6.Yuan, F., Guo, D., Gao, G., Liu, Y., Xu, Y., Wu, Y., Yang, F., Ke, X., Lai, K. & Li, Y.-x. (2017) Generation of a KCNJ11 homozygous knockout human embryonic stem cell line WAe001-A-12 using CRISPR/Cas9, Stem Cell Research. 24, 89-93.
7.Liu, Y., Wu, F., Zhuang, Y., Guo, D., Abbas, N., Wei, R., Wang, K., Chen, Y., Tao, J., Wu, Y., Yuan, F., Pan, T., Yang, F., Lai, K., Lai, L. & Li, Y.-x. (2017) Generation of three miR-122 knockout lines from a human embryonic stem cell line, Stem Cell Research.24, 164-168.
8.Liu, Y., Ruzi, A., Guo, D., Wu, F., Liu, H., Wu, H., Wu, Y., Yuan, F., Zhuang, Y., Yang, F., Lai, K., Lai, L. & Li, Y.-x. (2017) Generation of two MEN1 knockout lines from a human embryonic stem cell line, Stem Cell Research. 24, 169-173.
9.Liu, H., Guo, D., Ruzi, A., Chen, Y., Pan, T., Yang, F., Li, J., Xu, K., Zhou, T., Qin, D. & Li, Y. X. (2017) Testosterone improves the differentiation efficiency of insulin-producing cells from human induced pluripotent stem cells, PLoS One. 12, e**.
10. Xu, Y., Wu, Y., Guo, D., Gao, G., Lai, K., Yang, F., Wang, K., Wu, H., Lai, L., Li, J., Xu, K. & Li, Y.-x. (2017) Generation of an ASGR1 homozygous mutant human embryonic stem cell line WAe001-A-6 using CRISPR/Cas9, Stem Cell Research. 22, 29-32.
11. Li, Q., Hutchins, A. P., Chen, Y., Li, S., Shan, Y., Liao, B., Zheng, D., Shi, X., Li, Y., Chan, W.-Y., Pan, G., Wei, S., Shu, X. & Pei, D. (2017) A sequential EMT-MET mechanism drives the differentiation of human embryonic stem cells towards hepatocytes, Nature Communications. 8. 15166.
12. Guo, D., Liu, H., Ruzi, A., Gao, G., Nasir, A., Liu, Y., Yang, F., Wu, F., Xu, G. & Li, Y.-x. (2017) Modeling Congenital Hyperinsulinism with ABCC8-Deficient Human Embryonic Stem Cells Generated by CRISPR/Cas9, Scientific Reports. 7, 3156.
13. Guo, D., Wu, F., Liu, H., Gao, G., Kou, S., Yang, F., Abbas, N., Zhou, T., Cai, X., Zhang, H., Qin, D., Li, J., Xu, K. & Li, Y.-x. (2017) Generation of non-integrated induced pluripotent stem cells from a 59-year-old female with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 syndrome, Stem Cell Research. 18, 64-66.
14. Guo, D., Liu, H., Gao, G., Liu, Y., Zhuang, Y., Yang, F., Wang, K., Zhou, T., Qin, D., Hong, L., Li, J., Xu, K. & Li, Y.-x. (2017) Creating a patient carried Men1 gene point mutation on wild type iPSCs locus mediated by CRISPR/Cas9 and ssODN, Stem Cell Research. 18, 67-69.
15. Guo, D., Wu, F., Liu, H., Gao, G., Kou, S., Yang, F., Abbas, N., Zhou, T., Cai, X., Zhang, H., Qin, D., Li, J., Xu, K. & Li, Y.-x. (2017) Generation of non-integrated induced pluripotent stem cells from a 23-year-old male with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 syndrome, Stem Cell Research. 18, 70-72.
16. Guo, D., Liu, H., Gao, G., Ruzi, A., Wang, K., Wu, H., Lai, K., Liu, Y., Yang, F., Lai, L. & Li, Y.-x. (2016) Generation of an Abcc8 homozygous mutation human embryonic stem cell line using CRISPR/Cas9, Stem Cell Research. 17, 640-642.
17. Guo, D., Liu, H., Gao, G., Ruzi, A., Wang, K., Wu, H., Lai, K., Liu, Y., Yang, F., Lai, L. & Li, Y.-x. (2016) Generation of an Abcc8 heterozygous mutation human embryonic stem cell line using CRISPR/Cas9, Stem Cell Research. 17, 670-672.
18.Li Y-X, Zdanowicz M, Young L, Kumiski D, Leatherbury L and Kirby ML. Cardiac neural crest in zebrafish embryos contributes to myocardial cell lineage and early heart function Development Dynamics. 226:540-550, 2003. PMID: **
19.Li Y-X, Kirby ML. Coordinated and conserved expression of alphoid repeat and alphoid repeat-tagged coding sequences. Developmental Dynamics 228(1):72-81, 2003. PMID: **
20.Wilkbanks AM, Fralish GB, Kirby ML, Barak LS, Li Y-X* and Caron MG.* Arrestin 2 regulates zebrafish development through the sonic hedgehog pathway. Science. 306:2264-2267, 2004. (*co-correspondence authors). PMID: **
21.Li YX*, Yang HT, Danowicz M, Sicklick JK, Qi Y, Camp T and Diehl AM. Fetal Alcohol Exposure Impairs Hedgehog Cholesterol Modification and Signaling. Lab Invest. 87(3):231-40. 2007. (Presented as the Journal cover picture and with an Editorial Press Release) (* correspondence authors). PMID: **.
22.Yang L, Wang Y, Mao H, Fleig S, Omenetti A, Brown KD, Sicklick JK, Li YX, Diehl AM. Sonic hedgehog is an autocrine viability factor for myofibroblastic hepatic stellate cells. Journal of Hepatology 48:98-106. 2008. PMID: **. PMC**.
23.Hua Mao H., Diehl AM., Li YX. Sonic Hedgehog Ligand Partners with Caveolin-1 for Intracellular Transportation. Lab Invest. 89:290-300. 2009. PMID: **. PMC**
·1991 欧洲分子生物学训练班学生奖,联合国世界科教文组织·1992美国卫生部国立卫生研究院 国际中心 博士后研究Forgarty奖
·1999外藉最杰出科学教育人士,美国新闻总署 国家移民规划局
·2005 杜克-斯特曼肿瘤及干细胞研究奖,杜克大学
·2009美国国立卫生院(NIH)肝脏干细胞总统科学促进计划基金,Challenge Grant Panel 18 (ZRG1 DKUS A58, Liver stem cell study) 科学审批委员会委员
·2010美国国立卫生院(NIH)先天畸形及酒精致畸国家科研基金,Special Emphasis Panel (ZAA1DD 01, Alcohol Defect research center grant) 科学审批委员会委员