

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-26

关 蕾

Email: lguan@gdut.edu.cn

2011.09~2016.11 中国科学院金属研究所 环境腐蚀中心 博士
2007.09~2011.07 山东大学 材料科学与工程 学士
l 材料表面处理及其耐蚀性研究
l 局部腐蚀机理,主要包括钝化材料在常温下的点蚀及电偶腐蚀行为研究
l 力学化学交互作用研究,如腐蚀磨损
1. “激光喷丸奥氏体不锈钢的亚稳点蚀行为研究”(No. **),国家自然科学基金委,2018-2020 年,26 万,在研,主持;
2. “几种车用防腐涂镀层的腐蚀动力学行为”, 工业产品环境适用性国家重点实验室开放课题,2018-2019 年,6.5 万,在研,主持;
3. “激光喷丸生物医用钛合金性能调控及延寿机理”,校青年培育基金,2018-2019 年,10 万元,在研;
4. “5xxx 系铝合金中 β 相诱发亚稳点蚀机制探究”(No.),国家自然科学基金委,2014-2016 年,2 万,结题,主持;
5. “基于铝合金中纳米尺度金属间化合物溶解电流测量与分析的局部腐蚀机理研究”(No. **),国家自然科学基金委,2016-2019 年,62 万,在研,主要参与人;
6. “循环载荷作用下不锈钢点蚀萌生和生长机理”(No. **), 国家自然科学基金委,2012-2015 年,60 万,结题,参与;
7. “Nb 元素对 TiAl 合金高温疲劳性能的影响”,国家自然科学基金委,2013-2015 年,27 万,结题,参与。
1. L. Guan, Yu Li*, G. Wang, Y.K. Zhang, L.C. Zhang, pH dependent passivation behavior of niobium in acid fluoride-containing solutions, Electrochimica Acta 285 (2018) 172-184.(SCI, IF=5.116, JCR一区)
2. Y. Li, J.M. Cai, L. Guan*, G. Wang, pH dependent electrochemical behaviour of Al3Mg2 in NaCl solution, Applied Surface Science 467–468(2018)619-633. (SCI, IF=4.439, JCR一区)
3. Y. Li, L. Guan, H.Y. Wei, Z.N. Guo, G. Wang*, Preparation of cell adhesive micropores by one-step potentiostatic polarization on 304 stainless steel, Proc. IMechE Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, DOI: 10.1177/. (SCI, IF=1.445, JCR四区)
4. L. Guan, B. Zhang*, J.Q. Wang, E.H. Han, W. Ke, The reliability of electrochemical noise and current transients characterizing metastable pitting of Al–Mg–Si microelectrodes, Corrosion Science 80 (2014) 1-6. (SCI, IF=4.862, JCR一区)
5. L. Guan, B. Zhang*, X.P. Yong, J.Q. Wang, E.-H. Han, W. Ke, Effects of cyclic stress on the metastable pitting characteristic for 304 stainless steel under potentiostatic polarization, Corrosion Science 93 (2015) 80–89. (SCI, IF=4.862, JCR一区)
6. L. Guan, Y. Zhou, B. Zhang*, J.Q. Wang, E.-H. Han, W. Ke, Detection and analysis of anodic current transients associated with nanoscale β-phase precipitates on an Al–Mg microelectrode, Corrosion Science 95 (2015) 6–10. (SCI, IF=4.862, JCR一区)
7. L. Guan, Y. Zhou, B. Zhang*, J.Q. Wang, E.-H. Han, W. Ke, Influence of aging treatments on the pitting behaviour associated with the dissolution of active nanoscale β-phase precipitates for an Al-Mg alloy, Corrosion Science, 103 (2016) 255–267. (SCI, IF=4.862, JCR一区)
8. L. Guan, B. Zhang*, X.P. Yong, Y. Zhou, J.Q. Wang, E.-H. Han, W. Ke, Quantitative understanding of the current response under elastic cyclic loading for 304 stainless steel, Journal of the electrochemical society, 163(2016) C627-C632. (SCI, IF=3.662, JCR二区)
9. L. Guan, Y. Zhou, B. Zhang*, J.Q. Wang, E.-H. Han, W. Ke, The electrochemical and morphological characteristics of single metastable pit for 304 stainless steel under potentiostatic polarization, International journal of electrochemical science, 11 (2016) 2326 – 2334. (SCI, IF=1.369, JCR四区)
10. 李雨, 关蕾*, 王冠, 张波, 柯伟, 机械应力对不锈钢点蚀行为的影响, 中国腐蚀与防护学报,已接收 (通讯作者,核心学术期刊)
授课情况l 设备腐蚀与防护 (2017 秋季,环境学院)
l 工程材料(2018年春季,机电学院)
相关话题/广东工业大学 机电工程学院