

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-26

1999-2003 山东师范大学 计算机科学学士学位
2003-2005.9 广东工业大学 计算机应用技术硕士学位
2005.10-2006.2 不莱梅大学 访问学生
2009-2014 广东工业大学 机械电子工程博士学位
2016.2-2017.1 KAIST 访问****
2006年至今,广东工业大学 机电工程学院
(3)广东省科技计划项目-协同创新与平台环境建设专项, 7,高端节能环保染整装备三维复杂焊缝机器人自动焊接关键技术研究与应用,2015年 03 月 - 2017年 03 月 ,100万,结题,参与。
(4)广东省前沿与关键创新技术专项, 2014B,锻压装备复杂结构机身体机器人自动焊接系统集成与应用,2015年1月-2017年12月,500万元,结题,参与。
(1) Yanxi Zhang, Deyong You, Xiangdong Gao, Nanfeng Zhang, Perry P. Gao ; Welding defects detection based on deep learning with multiple optical sensors during disk laser welding of thick plates, Journal of Manufacturing Systems (中科院二区)
(2) Yanxi Zhang, Nanfeng Zhang, Deyong You, Xiangdong Gao, Seiji Katayama ; High-power disk laser welding statuses monitoring based on analyses of multiple-sensor signals, Journal of Manufacturing Processes (中科院三区)
(3) Yanxi Zhang , Xiangdong Gao, Deyong You, Wenjun Ge; Low-Cost Welding Status Monitoring Framework for High-Power Disk Laser Welding, IEEE access (中科院二区).
(4) Yanxi Zhang, Deyong You, Xiangdong Gao, Seiji Katayama; Online monitoring of welding status based on DBN model during laser welding, Engineering (中科院二区).
(5) Yanxi Zhang, Deyong You, Xiangdong Gao, Congyi Wang, Yangjin Li, Perry P. Gao; Real-time monitoring of high-power disk laser welding status based on deep learning framework. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing (中科院二区).
(6) Yanxi Zhang, Xiang-Dong Gao, De-Yong You, Nan-Feng Zhang;
Data-driven detection of laser welding defects based on real-time spectrometer signals, IEEE sensors Journal (中科院三区).
(7) Yanxi Zhang ; You Deyong; Gao Xiangong ; Na Suck-Joo. Automatic gap tracking during high power laser welding based on particle filtering method and BP neural network, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (中科院三区).
(8) Yanxi Zhang; Han Sang-woo; Cheon,Jason; Na Suck-Joo; Gao Xiangdong, Effect of joint gap on bead formation in laser butt welding of stainless steel, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY, 2017.11.1, 249: 274~284 (中科院二区).
(9) Yanxi Zhang ; Gao Xiangdong ; Katayama Seiji, Weld appearance prediction with BP neural network improved by genetic algorithm during disk laser welding, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2015.01.01, 34(1): 53~59 (中科院二区).
(10) Yanxi Zhang; Xiangdong Gao , Analysis of characteristics of molten pool using cast shadow during high-power disk laser welding, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2014.02.01, 70(9-12): 1979~1988 (中科院三区).
(11) Xiangdong Gao,Yanxi Zhang; Monitoring of welding status by molten pool morphology during high-power disk laser welding , Optik – International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2015.10, 126(19): 1797~1802 (中科院三区).
(12) Gao Xiangdong, Zhang Yanxi; Prediction model of weld width during high-power disk laser welding of 304 austenitic stainless steel, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 2014.05.01, 15(3): 399~405 (中科院三区).
(13) Xiangdong Gao,Yanfeng Li,Tingyan Chen, Perry P. Gao, Yanxi Zhang; Magneto-optical imaging feature extraction of micro-gap weld joint under nonuniform magnetic field excitation, Applied Optics (中科院三区). 2019
(14) Xiangdong Gao,Yu Wang,Ziqin Chen,Bo Ma, Yanxi Zhang; Analysis of welding process stability and weld quality by droplet transfer and explosion in MAG-laser hybrid welding process, Journal of Manufacturing Processes (中科院三区),2018.
(15) Xiangdong Gao, Yanfeng Li, Xiaohu Zhou, Xinxin Dai, Yanxi Zhang, Deyong You, Nanfeng Zhang, Multidirectional magneto-optical imaging system for weld defects inspection. Optics and Lasers in Engineering 124 (2020) 105812. (中科院二区)
(16) Xiangdong Gao, Lin Wang, Ziqin Chen, Yanxi Zhang, Deyong You. Process stability analysis and weld formation evaluation during disk laser–mag hybrid welding. Optics and Lasers in Engineering 124 (2020) 105835. (中科院二区).

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