姓名 李志
Email piersli@foxmail.com
2009.01-2013.05 工学博士 香港大学,工程学院,工业与制造系统工程系
2001.09-2005.07 工学学士 华中科技大学,机械学院,机械制造及其自动化系
2013.06-至今 广东工业大学讲师、副教授
1. 2017-2018,企业项目“医药制造区块链”主持人
2. 2017-2018,企业项目“服务机器人云操作系统”主持人
3. 2015-2017, 国家自然科学基金项目“基于粗糙概念格理论的多尺度模具知识发现及重用方法研究”主持人
4. 2016-2018, 广东省科技厅应用型科技研发专项“面向虚拟产业集群的社交化企业大数据服务平台的研发与规模应用”,高校主持人
5. 2016,中韩商务信用认证(CKA)物联网平台研发及应用,主持人。
6. 2014-2017,企业项目,基于物联网的消费者连接平台,主持人,推广应用于27家企业。
7. 2009-2012,参与完成2008年广东省现代信息服务业发展专项资金扶持项目“模具产品服务系统信息服务协同平台”的开发工作
8. 2009-2010,参与香港创新科技署项目“珠三角加工贸易企业基于RFID的实时制造信息平台核心技术”的研发工作
1. Li, Z., Guo, H., Wang, W. M.*, Guan, Y., Vatankhah Barenji, A., Huang, G. Q., McFall, K. S., Chen, X. (2019) A Blockchain and AutoML Approach for Open and Automated Customer Service. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.(SCI&EI)
2. Li, Z., Vatankhah Barenji, A. *, Huang, G. Q. (2018). Toward a blockchain cloud manufacturing system as a peer to peer distributed network platform. Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 54,133-144.(SCI&EI)
3. Li, Z., Zhong, R. Y., Barenji, A. V., Liu, J. J., Yu, C. X., & Huang, G. Q. (2019) Bi-objective Hybrid Flow Shop Scheduling with Common Due Date. International Journal of Operational Research, 1-26. (SCI&EI)
4. Li, Z., Liu, X., Wang, W. M., Vatankhah Barenji, A., & Huang, G. Q. (2018). CKshare: secured cloud-based knowledge-sharing blockchain for injection mold redesign. Enterprise Information Systems, 1-33. (SCI&EI)
5. Li, Z., Wang, Z. G. Tian, J. W. Wang, W. M*. (2019). Extraction of affective responses from customer reviews: An opinion mining and machine learning approach. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing. (SCI&EI)
6. Li, Z., Vatankhah Barenji, A., Jiang, J.Z. Zhong, R.Y. Xu, G.Y. (2018). A mechanism for scheduling multi robot intelligent warehouse system face with dynamic demand. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. (SCI&EI)
7. Li, Z., Wang, W. M*., Liu, G., Liu, L., He, J., & Huang, G. Q. (2018). Toward open manufacturing: A cross-enterprises knowledge and services exchange framework based on blockchain and edge computing. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 118(1), 303-320., (SCI&EI)
8. Li, Z., Zhou, X., Wang, W.M. et al. An ontology-based product design framework for manufacturability verification and knowledge reuse. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-018-2099-2 (SCI&EI)
9. Li, Z., & Ni, J*. (2018). Dynamic product innovation and production decisions under quality authorization. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 116, 13-21. (SCI&EI)
10. Li, Z., Tian, Z. G., Wang,J. W., Wang W. M. ,& Huang, G. Q. (2018) Dynamic mapping of design elements and affective responses: a machine learning based method for affective design, Journal of Engineering Design, 29(7), 358-380. (SCI&EI)
11. Li, Z., Liu, G., Liu, L., Lai, X., & Xu, G*. (2017). IoT-based tracking and tracing platform for prepackaged food supply chain. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 117(9), 1906-1916. (SCI&EI)
12. Li, Z., He, J., Lai, X., Huang, Y., Zhou, T., Vatankhah Barenji, A., & Wang, W. M*. (2017). Evaluation of product recyclability at the product design phase: a time-series forecasting methodology. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 31(4-5), 457-468. (SCI&EI)
13. Li, Z., Huang, G. Q., Fang, J., & Qu, T.*. (2014). Ontology-based dynamic alliance services (ODAS) in production service system. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 27(2), 148-164. (SCI&EI)
14. Barenji, A. V., Wang, W. M., Li, Z. *, & Guerra-Zubiaga, D. A. (2019). Intelligent E-commerce logistics platform using hybrid agent based approach. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 126, 15-31. (SCI&EI)
15. Wang, W.M., Wang, J.W. Li, Z.*, Tian, Z.G., Tsui, E. (2019). Multiple affective attribute classification of online customer product reviews: A heuristic deep learning method for supporting Kansei engineering. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 85, 33-45. (SCI&EI)
16. Wang, W. M., Tian, Z. G., Li, Z. *, Wang, J. W., Vatankhah Barenji, A., & Cheng, M. N. (2019). Supporting the construction of affective product taxonomies from online customer reviews: an affective-semantic approach. Journal of Engineering Design, 1-32. (SCI&EI)
17. Vatankhah Barenji, A., Li, Z.*. (2019) An agent-based approach to dynamic scheduling and control for a flexible system. International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications and Practice. 26, 251-263. (SCI&EI)
18. Wang, W. M., Wang, J.W. Vatankhah Barenji, A., Li, Z.*, Tsui, E. (2018) "Modeling of individual customer delivery satisfaction: an AutoML and multi-agent system approach", Industrial Management & Data Systems(SCI&EI)
19. Wang, W. M., Li, Z.*, Tian, Z. G., Wang, J. W., & Cheng, M. N. (2018). Extracting and summarizing affective features and responses from online product descriptions and reviews: A Kansei text mining approach. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 73, 149-162. (SCI&EI)
20. Wang, W. M., Li, Z.*, Liu, L., Tian, Z., Tsui, E. (2018). Mining of affective responses and affective intentions of products from unstructured text. Journal of Engineering Design,29(7),404-429. (SCI&EI) )
21. Hassannia, R., Barenji*, A.V., Li, Z. and Alipour., H. (2019). Web-Based Recommendation System for Smart Tourism: Multiagent Technology. Sustainability, 2019, 11(2), 323. (SCI&EI)
22. Wang, W. M*., Li, Z., Wang, J. W., & Zheng, Z. H. (2017). How far we can go with extractive text summarization? heuristic methods to obtain near upper bounds. Expert Systems with Applications, 90, 439–463. (SCI&EI)
23. Yu, C., Wong, T. N., & Li, Z. (2017). A hybrid multi-agent negotiation protocol supporting supplier selection for multiple products with synergy effect. International Journal of Production Research, 55(1), 18-37. (SCI&EI)
24. Zhai, Y., Zhong, R. Y., Li, Z., & Huang, G. (2016). Production lead-time hedging and coordination in prefabricated construction supply chain management. International Journal of Production Research, 55(14), 3984-4002. (SCI&EI)
25. Zhong, R. Y., Li, Z., Pang, L. Y., Pan, Y., Qu, T., & Huang, G. Q. (2013). RFID-enabled real-time advanced planning and scheduling shell for production decision making. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 26(7), 649-662. (SCI&EI)
26. Pang, L. Y., Li, Z., Huang, G. Q., Zhong, R. Y., Pan, Y., & Qu, T. (2014). Reconfigurable auto-ID enabled software as a service (SaaS) shell for real-time fleet management in industrial parks. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 29(2), **. (SCI&EI)
27. Fang, J., Qu, T., Li, Z., Xu, G. Y., & Huang, G. Q. (2013). Agent-based Gateway Operating System for RFID-enabled ubiquitous manufacturing enterprise. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 29(4), 222-231. (SCI&EI)
28. Fang, J., Huang, G. Q., & Li, Z. (2013). Event-driven multi-agent ubiquitous manufacturing execution platform for shop floor work-in-progress management. International Journal of Production Research, 51(4), 1168-1185. (SCI&EI)
29. Huang, G.*, Qu, T., Zhong, R., Li, Z., Yang, H., Zhang, Y., Chen, X. (2011). Establishing production service system and information collaboration platform for mold and die products. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 52(9), 1149-1160. (SCI&EI)
30. Zhang, T., Huang, G. Q.*, Qu, T., & Li, Z. (2013). Headquarter-centered common sourcing management through Order Coordination and consolidation. Computers & Operations Research 40(8): 2011-2025. (SCI&EI)
1. 基于NSGA-II的轮胎模具加工及装配集成优化方法,20**,第一发明人。
2. 一种基于物联网大数据处理方法、系统及服务处理端,20**,第一发明人。
3. 模具设计与制造的知识服务系统及方法,20**,第一发明人。
4. 基于BP神经网络的二维码防伪预测装置和方法,20**,第一发明人。
5. 一种智能仓储中运输设备任务分配的方法及装置,20**,第一发明人。
1. 2018年“挑战杯·创青春”大学生创业计划竞赛,2018年11月,第一指导老师,金奖,共青团中央,国家级。
2. 2019年“挑战杯”大学生创业计划竞赛,2019年6月,第一指导老师,特等奖,共青团广东省委员会,省级。
3. 2018年“挑战杯·创青春” 广东大学生创业大赛,2018年5月,第一指导老师,金奖,共青团广东省委员会,省级。
4. 第四届中国“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛,2018年8月,第一指导老师,铜奖,广东省教育厅,省级。
5. 赢在广州第六届大学生创业大赛,2017年9月,第一指导老师,银奖,广东省教育厅,省级。
6. 第三届中国“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛,2017年8月,第一指导老师,银奖,广东省教育厅,省级。
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-26
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