

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-05


姓名 潘莉 性别 女
职称 教授 所在部门 高级翻译系
职务 研究方向 媒体翻译、多模态翻译、时政翻译
个人主页 办公室 7教504
办公电话 暂无 邮箱 @oamail.gdufs.edu.cn


2014.08-2015.08 英国曼彻斯特大学翻译与跨文化研究中心 国家公派访学进修
2011.07-2014.08 广东外语外贸大学英文学院高级翻译系 专任教师
2007.09-2011.06 澳门大学社会科学与人文学院英文系 语言学博士在读
2002.07-2007.08 广东外语外贸大学英文学院高级翻译系 专任教师

2002.07-至今 广东外语外贸大学英文学院高级翻译系 专任教师

1. 媒体翻译
2. 文体与翻译
3. 国家话语翻译
4. 笔译I
5. 笔译II


2019. 国家话语中的隐喻翻译与中外媒体构建对比研究(GD19CYY08) 广东省哲学社会科学规划一般项目, 广东省哲学社会科学规划办.
2019. 政治话语修辞的媒体翻译建构研究(2019GZGJ67)广州市哲学社会科学发展十三五规划项目, 广州市社会科学规划领导办.
2019. 语料库语言学及最新语料库软件在媒体话语及翻译实证研究中的运用, 科技创新战略专项, 广东省财政厅.
2018. 中国特色新喻中外媒体英译对比研究(CTS201803)广东外语外贸大学翻译学研究中心.
2018.“融通中外”理念下政治新奇隐喻外译策略和接受实证研究 (18SS16),广东外语外贸大学.
2017. 粤港澳政府网站多模态翻译批评研究 (2017XM20279-0731) 广东省哲学社会科学“十三五”规划项目, 广东省哲学社会科学规划办, 排名第一.
2015.媒体文化与翻译研究(DZ201511) 广东外语外贸大学.
2015. 应用翻译多模态教学实证研究(CIS201506)广东外语外贸大学翻译学研究中心.
2014. 新闻翻译实证研究及教学运用(2013JK062)2013年省教育科学规划项目, 广东省教育厅.
2013. 新闻翻译机制实证研究(广外科[2013]19号) 广东外语外贸大学.
2012. 全球化与文化身份理论研究(GDUFS211-2-008)广东外语外贸大学.
2009. Translation for the media (媒体翻译研究)(RG038/08-09S/ZMF/FSH)澳门科学技术发展基金, 澳门政府.

1. “Conflict and Positioning in News Translation: A Critical Account”, first author. Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice, under review. SSCI (一类A核心).
2. “Language, Media and Culture: The Key Concepts”, first author. Babel: International Journal of Translation International Journal of Translation, 2019, 65:3, p465-470, July 23, 2019. SSCI (一类A核心).
3. “Interpreter Mediation at Political Press Conferences”. (corresponding author). Interpreting, 2018, 20:2. SSCI (一类A核心).
4. “Ideological Positioning in News Translation: A Case Study of Evaluative Resources in Reports on China”. Target: International Journal of Translation Studies, 27:2, 215-237. 2015. SSCI (一类A核心).
5. “Multimodality and Contextualisation in Advertisement Translation: a Case Study of Billboards in Hong Kong”, Journal of Specialized Translation,23, 2015. SSCI (一类A核心).
6. “Investigating Institutional Practice in News Translation: An Empirical Study of a Chinese agency Translating Discourse on China”. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 22(4), 547-565, 2014. DOI: 10.1080/**X.2014.948888. SSCI; A&HCI (一类A核心).
7. “Introducing a Chinese Perspective on Translation Shifts: A Comparative Study of Shift Models by Loh and Vinay & Darbelnet” (corresponding author). The Translator 15 (2), 2009/11. SSCI (一类A核心).
8. “Stance Mediation in Media Translation of Political Speech: An Analytical Model of Appraisal and Framing in News Discourse”, first author, in Advances in Discourse Analysis of Translation and Interpreting, eds. by Jeremy Munday and Binhua Wang, Routledge, proofread and to be published in 2020. (二类A核心.
9. “Contextualizing Political Discourse in News Translation: A Case Study of Chinese Political Metaphors in English reports”, first author, in Chinese News Discourse: Perspectives from Communications, Linguistics, Translation and Pedagogy, ed. by Nancy Liu, Routledge, accepted for publication in 2021. (二类A核心.
10. “Mediation in News Translation: A Critical Analytical Framework.” In Media and Translation: An Interdisciplinary Approach, ed. by Abend-David, Dror. New York: Continuum Publishing Corporation, 2014: 246-65. (二类A核心.
11. “The Politics in Conflict Translation: Representing the Tibet Conflicts in the Chinese Translation of Western News Reports.” In Translation and the Intersection of Texts, Contexts and Politics: the Historical and Social-cultural Perspectives, ed. by Mohammed Albakry, Springer International Publishing AG, 2017: 208-223. (二类A核心.
12. “Mediation and Reception of Political Metaphor in Media Discourse: A case study of President Xi’s most quoted anti-corruption metaphor”, first author, Translation Quarterly, 2019 . (二类B核心).
13. “从语篇分析看译者的立场: 基于语料库和新闻翻译机构调查的实证研究”, 《翻译季刊》(香港)82, 2016/12, p73-92. (二类B核心.
14. “文化失衡与艺术文本翻译策略研究: 基于香港艺术节推介文本的分析调查”, (香港)《翻译季刊》75, 2014/6, p86-109. (二类B核心.
15. “关联语境下的翻译研究”,香港《翻译季刊》 23, 2002.(二类B核心.
16. “Foreignized or Domesticated: Investigating Translation for Enhancing Artistic Dialogue”, Journal of Universal Language 12 (1), 2011. (三类核心).
17. “从关联理论角度解读广告翻译中的变通”,《山东外语教学》, 2003年12月(三类核心).
18. “求同存异”,《翻译学刊》(香港中文大学), 6, 2001.(三类核心).
19. “从跨文化角度看喻语的翻译”,《外语与外语教学》, 2001年(三类核心).
20. “口语教学模拟辩论法之新探” ,《国外外语教学》, 2, 2001.
21. “The Application of the RT Notion of Context in the Translation of Discourse of Ironic Narration”, Chinese Academic Forum (Hong Kong) 7, 2004.
22. “Exploring New Guidelines and Methods for Advertisement Translation”, in Translation and Cultural Diversity: XVIII FIT World Congress Proceedings (I). Beijing: Foreign Language Press, 2008: 441-6.
23. “News Translation from the Perspective of Discourse Analysis: A Case Study of Chinese Translation of News Reports Related to China on American Media”, in the Academic Forum of Postgraduate Students of Guangdong Province 2009 Proceedings. Guangzhou: Guangdong University of Foreign Studies Press, 452-61.




1. 国际顶级翻译期刊Studies in Translation Theory and Practice(SSCI; A&HCI)编委
2. 国际顶级学术期刊Target (SSCI), Perspectives (SSCI), Translation and Interpreting Studies (SSCI), Discourse context and media (SSCI), Language and Intercultural Communication Journal (SSCI) 等评审专家
3. 中国翻译协会对外话语体系研究委员会委员
4. 中国翻译认知研究会会员
5. 澳门译联创始会员


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