

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-12


1.Siyu Chen, Chao Yan, Jinglong Xiao, Hai Xiang, Hao Liu, Jikun Wang, Hui Zhang, Simon Turner, Xingbo Zhao. (2020). Transcriptome changes underlie alterations in behavioral traits in different types of chicken. Journal of Animal Science, On-line.
2.Hai Xiang, Siyu Chen, Hui Zhang, Xu Zhu, Dan Wang, Huagui Liu, Jikun Wang, Tao Yin, Minghua Kong, Hua Li, Simon Turner, Xingbo Zhao. (2020). Removal of rooster intensifies the process of chicken domestication. China Life Science, Accepted. Equal to the first author.
3.Siyu Chen, Hai Xiang, Hui Zhang, Xu Zhu, Dan Wang, Jikun Wang, Tao Yin, Langqing Liu, Minghua Kong, Hua Li, Xingbo Zhao. (2019). Rearing system causes changes of behavior, microbiome and gene expression of chickens. Poultry Science, 1: 1-12.
4.Dandan Peng, Siyu Chen, Gan Li, Jian Chen, Jian Wang, Xianhong Gu. (2019). Infrared Thermography as a Tool to Evaluate Body Surface Temperature and Its Relationship with Rectal Temperature in Dairy Cows under Different Temperature-humidity Indexes. International Journal of Biometeorology, 60: 173-181.Equal to the first author.
5.Siyu Chen, Jian Wang, Dandan Peng, Gan Li, Jian Chen, Xianhong Gu. (2018). Exposure to heat-stress environment affects the physiology, circulation levels of cytokines, and microbiome in dairy cows. Scientific Reports, 0: 1-11.
6.Siyu Chen, Hai Xiang, Hui Zhang, Xu Zhu, Dan Wang, Huagui Liu, Jian Wang, Tao Yin, Langqing Liu, Minghua Kong, Jian Zhang, Shin-ichiro Ogura, Xingbo Zhao. (2018). Free dietary choice and free-range rearing improve product quality, gait score, and microbial richness of chickens. Animals, 84: 1-14.
7.Hai Xiang, Siyu Chen, Hui Zhang, Xu Zhu, Dan Wang, Huagui Liu, Jikun Wang, Tao Yin, Langqing Liu, Minghua Kong, Jian Zhang, Hua Li, Xingbo Zhao. (2018). Transcriptome changes provide genetic insights into the effects of rearing systems on chicken welfare and product quality. Journal of Animal Science, 96: 4552-4561. Equal to the first author.
8.Siyu Chen, Shin-ichiro Ogura, Sanggun Roh, Shusuke Sato. (2017). Relationship of Serum Oxytocin Concentration with Positive Social Behaviors in Cattle. Journal of Integrated Field Science, 14: 15-21.
9.Siyu Chen, Shin-ichiro Ogura. (2017). Effects of environmental enrichment on welfare of cattle. Journal of Integrated Field Science, 14: 55-59.
10.Siyu Chen, Shusuke Sato. (2016). Role of Oxytocin in Improving the Welfare of Farm Animals. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science, 4: 449-454.
11.Siyu Chen, Shigefumi Tanaka, Shin-ichiro Ogura, Sanggun Roh, Shusuke Sato. (2015). Effect of suckling systems on serum oxytocin and cortisol concentrations and behavior to a novel object in beef calves. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science. 28: 1662-1668.
12.Siyu Chen, Shigefumi Tanaka, Chisako Oyakawa, Sanggun Roh, Shusuke Sato. (2014). Individual difference in serum oxytocin concentrations of calves and the correlation with those in dams. Animal Science Journal. 85: 53-57.
1.Gan Li, Siyu Chen, Jian Chen, Dandan Peng, Chuang Zhang, Xianhong Gu. Predicting rectal temperature and respiration rate responses in lactating dairy cows exposed to heat stress. (2020). Journal of dairy science, 103: 5466-5484.
2.Hailan Chen, Honglian Tan, Jian Yang, Manling Song, Heyu Feng, Na Kuang, Wenyue Hu, Siyu Chen, Yingyi Wei, Tingjun Hu. (2019). Inhibitory effect of polysaccharide of Sargassum weizhouense on PCV2 induced inflammation in mice by suppressing histone acetylation. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 112: 1-8.
3.Yuyu Hong, Yuchang Pang, Haiquan Zhao, Siyu Chen, Shuwen Tan, Hai Xiang, Hui Yu, Hua Li. (2019). The Morphology of Cross-Beaks and BMP4 Gene Expression in Huiyang Bearded Chickens. Animals, 9: 1-12.
4.陈健,陈丝宇,李淦,杨春合,彭丹丹,赵越,韩丽,王占彬,顾宪红.(2017).北京市典型奶牛舍春季温热环境和空气质量的研究.家畜生态学报. ISSN (8):1673-1182, 45-50. 中文核心收录.
5.张校军,陈丝宇,杨春合,王占彬,贾闯,郝月,顾宪红 (2017). 音乐对犊牛生长性能、应激及免疫的影响. 家畜生态学报. ISSN (8):1673-1182, 37-40. 中文核心收录.
6.顾宪红,陈健,何祥波,陈丝宇,李淦. (2017). 京郊奶牛场奶牛福利与养殖状况调研报告——奶牛福利设施、饮水和健康状况. 中国奶牛. ISSN(4):1004-4264, 9-12. 中文核心收录.
7.顾宪红,陈健,何祥波,李淦,陈丝宇. (2017). 京郊奶牛场奶牛福利与养殖状况调研报告——奶牛冷热应激程度与防暑防寒情况. 中国奶牛. ISSN(3):1004-4264, 9-12. 中文核心收录.
8.张校军,陈丝宇,王占彬,顾宪红. (2016).集约化猪场主要动物福利问题及改善对策. 猪业科学. ISSN:1673-5358, 34-37. 中文核心收录.
国际学术会议报告 (speaker)
Siyu Chen, Hai Xiang, Hui Zhang, Xu Zhu, Dan Wang, Jikun Wang, Tao Yin, Huagui Liu, Langqing Liu, Minghua Kong, Jian Zhang, Xingbo Zhao. (2017). Rearing system on gut microbiome, production performance and physiological indicators in chickens. International Symposium on Farm Animal Welfare, Beijing China. Oct. 19-20.
Siyu Chen, Shin-ichiro Ogura, Shusuke Sato. (2016). Effect of Environmental Enrichment on Pituitary Gland Hormones and Behavior of Cattle. 14th International Symposium of Integrated Field Science, Sendai Japan. Nov. 26-28.
Siyu Chen, Sanggun Roh, Shusuke Sato. (2015). Effect of intranasal oxytocin administration on serum oxytocin oxytocin concentration and its relationship with responses to a novel material on cows. Proceedings of the 49h of the International Society for Applied Ethology, Sapporo Japan pp68. Sep. 14-17.
Siyu Chen, Shigefumi Tanaka, Sanggun Roh, Shusuke Sato. (2014). Factors affecting oxytocin concentration and relationship between oxytocin concentration and affiliative bahavior. Proceedings of the 48th of the International Society for Applied Ethology.Vitoria Spain pp137.July 27-Aug.2.
陳 絲宇?田中繁史?千葉純子?佐藤和也?有野祐樹?盧 尚建?佐藤衆介 (2012) 子牛における血中オキシト子牛における血中オキシトシンの個体差とストレス反応性との関係.日本家畜管理学会誌?応用動物行動学会誌 48(1), pp. 27.日本家畜管理学会?応用動物行動学会合同2012年度研究発表会(2012年3月,名古屋)
国际学术会议报告 (poster)
Siyu Chen, Shigefumi Tanaka, Yuki Arino, Sanggun Roh, Shusuke Sato. (2013). Effects of natural suckling and brushing on serum oxytocin concentration and stress reactivity in male claves. Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Animal Production, Beijing, China, pp. 370. Oct.15-20.
Siyu Chen, Shigegumi Tanaka, Chisako Oyakawa, Sanggun Roh, Shusuke Sato. (2012). Individual differences in serum oxytocin of calves and their dams’ effect on it. The 15th Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies Animal Science Congress. Bangkok Thailand, pp. 614.Nov. 26-Dec.01.
陳 絲宇?盧 尚建?佐藤衆介(2014)搾乳牛における血中オキシトシン濃度は社会的親和行動を促進する. 日本家畜管理学会誌?応用動物行動学会誌 50(1) pp35.日本家畜管理学会?応用動物行動学会合同2014年度春季研究発表会.(2014年3月,筑波)
陳 絲宇?赤坂千晶?二宮 茂?田中繁史?盧 尚建?佐藤衆介(2014)ヒトによるブラッシングはウシの血中オキシトシン濃度を高める. 日本畜産学会要旨pp181.日本畜産2014年度春季研究発表会.(2014年3月,つくば)
陳 絲宇?田中繁史?有野祐樹?盧 尚建?佐藤衆介 (2013) 子牛における血中オキシトシン濃度とストレス反応に及ぼす自然哺乳およびブラッシングの効果. 日本家畜管理学会誌?応用動物行動学会誌49 (1), pp. 43. 日本家畜管理学会?応用動物行動学会合同2013年度春季研究発表会.(2013年3月,広島)
赵兴波,陈丝宇,张卉,朱旭,向海,刘健. 《散养鸡的365天》,中国农业出版社,2019.12.
邮箱: jihebuluo2015@163.com

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