

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-12





1. 2018/01 –至今 佛山科学技术学院, 特聘教授, 增减材复合制造
2. 2016/01-2017/12 澳大利亚伍伦贡大学, 博士后研究员, 机器人电弧增材制造
3. 2011/12-2015/12 澳大利亚伍伦贡大学, 博士, 机器人电弧增材制造
4. 2009/09-2011/12 南京理工大学, 研究生, 航空宇航推进理论与工程
5. 2005/09-2009/06 南京理工大学, 本科, 武器系统与工程专业
1. 国家自然科学基金,2019/01-2021.12,25万元,在研,主持
2. 佛山科学技术学院高层次人才启动项目,2018/01-2020/12,50万元,主持
3. 澳大利亚金属增材制造AML项目,2017/01-2017/12,50万元,已结题,参加
4. 澳大利亚STORMTECH PTY LIMITED项目,2017/01-2017/12,5万元,已结题,参加
5. 澳大利亚伍伦贡大学全球挑战种子项目,2016/05-2017/04,10万元,已结题,参加
6. 澳大利亚国防材料科技中心项目,P9.12,2015/09-2021/08,1200万元,在研,参加
[1] Donghong Ding, Fengyang
He, Lei Yuan*, Zengxi Pan, Lei Wang, Montserrat Ros, The first step towards
intelligent wire and arc additive manufacturing: an automatic bead modelling
system using machine learning through industrial information integration, Journal
of Industrial Information Integration
, 2021, Accepted. (中科院1区TOP期刊,IF=10.615)
[2] Donghong Ding*, Zengxi Pan,
Dominic Cuiuri, Huijun Li, Wire-feed additive manufacturing of metal
components: technologies, developments and future interests, International
Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
, 2015, 81: 465~481. (WOS他引330次,ESI高被引)
[3] Donghong Ding, Zengxi
Pan*, Dominic Cuiuri, Huijun Li, A multi-bead overlapping model for robotic
wire and arc additive manufacturing (WAAM), Robotics and
Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
, 2015, 31: 101~110. (计算机科学1区TOP,WOS他引123次,ESI高被引)
[4] Donghong Ding, Zengxi
Pan*, Dominic Cuiuri, Huijun Li, Nathan Larkin, Adaptive path planning for
wire-feed additive manufacturing using medial axis transformation, Journal
of Cleaner Production
, 2016, 133: 942~952. (IF=7.246,环境科学1区TOP,WOS他引43次)
[5] Lei Yuan, Donghong Ding*, Zengxi Pan et al., Application of
Multi-directional Robotic Wire Arc AM Process for The Fabrication of Complex
Metallic Parts, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2020, 16:
[6] Donghong Ding, Runzhuo
Zhao, Qinghua Lu* et al., A shape control strategy for wire arc additive
manufacturing of thin-walled aluminium structures with sharp corners, Journal
of Manufacturing Processes
, 2021, 64: 253-264. (IF=4.086,工程技术2区)
[7] Bintao Wu, Zengxi Pan, Donghong Ding*,et al, Effects
of heat accumulation on microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti6Al4V
alloy deposited by wire arc AM, Additive Manufacturing, 2018, 23:
151-160. (IF=7.002,工程技术1区TOP,唯一通讯,WOS他引19次)
[8] Donghong Ding, Zengxi
Pan*, Dominic Cuiuri, Huijun Li, A practical path planning methodology for
wire and arc additive manufacturing of thin-walled structures, Robotics
and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
, 2015, 34: 8~19. (计算机科学1区TOP,WOS他引64次)
[9] Donghong Ding, Zengxi
Pan*, Dominic Cuiuri, Huijun Li, et al, Automatic multi-direction slicing
algorithms for wire based additive manufacturing, Robotics and
Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
, 2016, 37: 139~150.(IF=5.057,计算机科学1区TOP,WOS他引41次)
[10] Donghong Ding, Zengxi
Pan*, Dominic Cuiuri, Huijun Li, et al, Bead modelling and implementation of
adaptive MAT path in wire and arc additive manufacturing, Robotics and
Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
, 2016, 39: 32~42. (IF=5.057,计算机科学1区TOP,WOS他引51次)
[11] Donghong Ding, Chen Shen,
Zengxi Pan*, Dominic Cuiuri, Huijun Li, et al, Towards an automated robotic
arc-welding-based additive manufacturing system from CAD to finished part, Computer-Aided
, 2016, 73: 66~75. (IF=3.156,工程技术2区,WOS他引47次)
[12] Donghong Ding*, Zengxi Pan,
Dominic Cuiuri, Huijun Li, A tool-path generation strategy for wire and arc
additive manufacturing, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing
, 2014, 71: 173~183. (工程技术3区,WOS他引85次)
[13] Donghong Ding, Zengxi Pan*, et al, Fabricating Superior NiAl Bronze Components through
Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing, Materials, 2016, 9: 652~661. (材料科学3区,WOS他引40次)
[14] Zhenyu Fei, Zengxi Pan, Dominic Cuiuri,
Huijun Li, Bintao Wu, Donghong Ding*, Lihong Su, Effect of heat
input on weld formation and tensile properties in keyhole mode TIG welding
process, Metals, 2019, 9:1327. (材料科学3区,唯一通讯)
[15] Donghong Ding, Bintao Wu,
Zengxi Pan, Zhijun Qiu, Huijun Li. Wire arc additive manufacturing of Ti6Al4V
using active interpass cooling, Materials and Manufacturing Processes,
2020, 35: 845-851. (IF=3.350,工程技术3区,共同一作排第一)
[16] Shu-Qing Yang, Donghong Ding*,
Drag reduction induced by polymer in turbulent pipe flows, Chemical
Engineering Science, 2013, 102: 200-208.(工程技术2区,唯一通讯)
1. 软件著作权登记4项
2. 专利申请5个
1. 广东省青年珠江学者,2019
2. 第六届全国周培源杯大学生力学竞赛,优秀奖(Top 100),国家级,2007
3. 第五届江苏省大学生力学竞赛,一等奖,省部级,2007
4. CASC中国航天科技集团公司公益奖学金,三等奖,省部级,2008
5. CSC 国家公派留学奖学金,2011


相关话题/自动化 机电工程