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Paul J. Thibault








厦门大学外文学院 讲座教授


1. 2006. (with Anthony Baldry). Multimodal Transcription and Text Analysis: A
multimedia toolkit and coursebook (with associated online course). Foreword by Jay Lemke.
London and Oakville, CT: Equinox. (ISBN 1-904768-06-7)
2. 2004. Agency and Consciousness in Discourse: Self-other Dynamics as a
Complex System. London and New York: Continuum.
3. 2004. Brain, Mind, and the Signifying Body: An Ecosocial Semiotic Theory.
Foreword by M. A. K. Halliday. London and New York: Continuum.
4. 2003. Language and Interaction: Discussing John J. Gumperz, Susan Eerdmans, Carlo
Prevignano and Paul J. Thibault (eds.). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins.
5. 2003. Discussing Conversation Analysis: The work of Emanuel A. Schegloff,
Carlo Prevignano and Paul J. Thibault (eds.). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins.
6. 1997. Re-reading Saussure. The dynamics of signs in social life. London and
New York: Routledge (360 pp.).
7. 1991. Social Semiotics as Praxis. Text, social meaning making and Nabokov's
Ada. Theory and History of Literature series, Vol. 74, Wlad Godzich and Jochen Schulte-Sasse, (eds.),
Minneapolis and Oxford: University of Minnesota Press (303 pp.).
8. 1988-89. Grammar, Text, and Discourse Genre: An advanced introduction to the
systemic-functional approach. Department of Linguistics, University of Sydney, mimeo.
9. 1986. Text, Discourse, and Context: A social semiotic perspective. Victoria
University, Toronto: Monographs, Working Papers and Prepublications of the Toronto Semiotic Circle,
Vol. 3. 152 pp.著作章节:
1. Thibault Paul J. (2018). Graphic trace-making as articulated-expressive trajectories ofmovement: de
textualising and de-stratifying graphic traces, In: Johannessen Christian Mosb?k and Van Leeuwen
Theo (Eds.) The Materiality of Writing: A trace making perspective, Routledge;
London and New York, 46-90.
2. (2017). Emotional labour and the neoliberal entrepreneural self at work and in the home: Emotions as
privatized individual capital or revolutionary social praxis?. In: Adrian Pable (Ed.), Critical Humanist
Perspectives: The integrational turn in philosophy of language and
communication, pp. 212- 234. London and New York: Routledge.
3. (2017). Language dynamics, values, and interactivity. In: Dorthe Duncke and Bettina Perregaard (Eds.),
Creativity and Continuity: Persectives on the dynamics of language
conventionalisation, pp. 353-378. Copenhagen: U Press.
4. (2016). (with Mark E. King). Interactivity, values, and the microgenesis of learning in a tertiary setting: a
Distributed Cognition Perspective. In: Reforming Learning and Teaching in Asia-Pacific
Universities: Influence of Globalised Processes, Chi-hung Clarence Ng, Bob Fox, and
Michiko Nakano (Eds.). , pp. 173-211. In the Asia-Pacific Education Series. Berlin: Springer.
5. (2016). (with Morten Tonnessen). Human Perceptions of Animals: A Multimodal Interaction Analysis of
interview data. In: Semiotic Methods in the Study of Human-Animal Interactions.
Tartu: Tartu University Press.
6. (2015). The microgenesis of meaning and value: Differentiation-articulation in brain and body and the
text-context relation in systemic-functional linguistics.. In: Gunhild Kvale, Eva Maagero and Aslaug Veum
(Eds.), Kontekst, Spr錵, Multimodalitet: Nyere sosialsemiotisker perspektiver, pp.
205-273. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.
7. (2015). Enkinaesthetic polyphony as the underpinning of first-order languaging (with Susan Stuart). In:
Ulrike M. Ludtke (Ed.), Emotion in Language, pp. 113-133. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
1. Thibault, Paul J. (2018). Integrating self, voice, experience: Some thoughts on Harris’s idea of self
communication and its relevance to a dialogical account of languaging. Language and Dialogue
8(1) (September 2018): 159-179. Special issue, Integrating Dialogue, (Adrian Pable & Razvan
Saftoiu, Eds.). Professor Paul J. Thibault: Curriculum Vitae, August 2015
2. Thibault, Paul J. (2018b). Simplex selves, functional synergies, and selving: Languaging in a
complex world. Language Sciences: In Press, corrected proofs; available online 7 th
April 2018; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.langsci.2018.03.002
3. (2017). Thibault, Paul J. (2017). The reflexivity of human languaging and Nigel Love’s two orders of
language. Language Sciences 61: 74-85.Festschrift for Nigel Love, special issue of
Language Sciences (Talbot Taylor, Ed.). Online publication 31 December 2016; DOI information:
10.1016/j.langsci.2016.09.014 18. 2014. Memoria, coordenacoes associativas e sintagmaticas e
microgenese linguistica: implicacoes e prospectos para a teoria da linguagem de Saussure (Memory,
Associative and Syntagmatic Coordinations, and Linguistic Microgenesis: Implications and Prospects for
Saussure’s Theory of Language.] Matraga: Estudos Linguistico e Literáríos (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
21(34): 228-279. (Special issue edited by Tania Shepherd); ISSN 1414-7165
4. (2014). Events and Affordances: Ecosocial Time Scales and the Two Orders of Language. Cyberneticsand Human Knowing 21(1-2): 23-36.
5. 2011. ‘Languaging Behaviour as Catalytic Process: Steps Towards a Theory of Living Language, Part 2’
The Public Journal of Semiotics III.2: 80-151.
6. 2011. ‘Languaging Behaviour as Catalytic Process: Steps Towards a Theory of Living Language, Part 1’
The Public Journal of Semiotics III.2: 2-79.
7. 2011. ‘First-order Languaging Dynamics and Second-order Language: The Distributed Language View’
Ecological Psychology 23: 3: 210-245.
8. 2008. (with Anthony Baldry) ‘Applications of multimodal concordances’. Hermes – Journal of
Language and Communication Studies 41: 1-31.
9. 2005. ‘What kind of minded being has language: Anticipatory dynamics, arguability, and agency in a
normatively and recursively self-transforming learning system, Part 2’. Linguistics and the Human
Sciences 1, 3, 355-401.
10. 2005. ‘What kind of minded being has language: Anticipatory dynamics, arguability, and agency in a
normatively and recursively self-transforming learning system, Part 1’. Linguistics and the Human
Sciences 1, 2: 261-335.
11. 2005. ‘Brains, bodies, contextualizing activity and language: do humans (and bonobos) have a
language faculty, and can they do without one?’. Linguistics and the Human Sciences 1, 1: 99-
125. Professor Paul J. Thibault: Curriculum Vitae, August 2015
12. 2004. ‘Two notes on the concept of realization and meaning in systemicfunctional linguistics’.
Educational Research on Foreign Languages & Arts (Guangzhou) 7: 95-96. [Special issue
on Functional Linguistics and Discourse Analysis].
13. 2001. 'Reference as semiotically mediated activity in ecosocial networks: a comment on Stuart
Shanker's What a child knows when she knows what a name is '. Cultural Anthropology 42, 4:
14. 2000. 'The dialogical integration of the brain in social semiosis: Edelman and the case for downward
causation'. Mind, Culture, and Activity 7, 4: 291-311.


2010年获香港大学与剑桥大学Doris Zimmern休斯学堂访问****奖
English Linguistics and ELT杂志亚太区高级主编

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