申请人姓名 |
申请专业 |
申请导师 |
外语水平 |
科研成果 |
备 注 |
陈帅禹 |
基础心理学 |
陈红 |
CET-6: 445 |
Altered Frontal Inter-Hemispheric Resting State Functional Connectivity Is Associated With Bulimic Symptoms Among Restrained Eaters(Neuropsychologia) |
范玲霞 |
发展与教育心理学 |
冯廷勇 |
CET-6:511 |
1.Visual Working Memory Representations Guide the Detection of Emotional Faces: An ERP Study(Vision Research) 2.奖励影响注意选择的认知加工机制(心理科学进展) 3.Electrophysiological evidence of object processing in visual working memory(International Journal of humanities and social science) 4.视觉工作记忆内容引导情绪面孔的视觉搜索(心理学进展) |
童薇 |
应用心理学 |
冯廷勇 |
CET-6:471雅思:6.5 |
1.幼儿心理理论与时序记忆的关系—来自时序记忆分离的证据(心理发展与教育) 2..5-12岁儿童反事实情绪的发生及其影响因素(心理与行为研究) 3.大学生反事实思维与情绪中的角色效应(中国特殊教育) 4.研究生奖学金制度压力、压力转化对其学习生活的影响(成都航空职业技术学院学报) 5.研究生奖学金压力体验及调适的调研(教育与教学研究) 6.奖学金制度下研究生压力的个案研究(克拉玛依学刊) |
廉彬 |
发展与教育心理学 |
冯廷勇 |
CET-6:445 |
抗精神病药对大鼠母性行为的影响及其机制(心理科学进展) |
蒙 杰 |
基础心理学 |
邱 江 |
CET-6:468雅思:6.0 |
1.抑郁症的影像遗传学研究:探索基因与环境的交互作用(心理科学) 2.基于个体差异的大样本脑影像数据在心理学研究中的应用(科学通报) 3.艾宾浩斯错觉的脑形态学机制及其与冲动性人格的关系(中国科学) |
孙江洲 |
基础心理学 |
邱江 |
CET-6:434雅思:6.5 |
1. Regional gray matter volume is associated with rejection sensitivity: A voxel-based morphometry study.( Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience) 2. Neuroanatomical Differences between Men and Women in Help-Seeking Coping Strategy.(Scientific reports) 3. Gender-specific neuroanatomical basis of behavioral inhibition/approach systems (BIS/BAS) in a large sample of young adults: A voxel-based morphometric investigation.(Behavioural brain research) 4. Brain structural alterations associated with young women with subthreshold depression. (Scientific reports) 5. A meta- analysis of neuroimaging studies on divergent thinking using activation likelihood estimation.(Human brain mapping) 6. Abnormal degree centrality of functional hubs associated with negative coping in older Chinese adults who lost their only child.(Biological psychology) 7. Individual differences in verbal creative thinking are reflected in the precuneus.(Neuropsychologia) |
郑德宇 |
应用心理学 |
杨 东 |
CET-6:458 |
从“知识中心论”到“习惯中心论”——基于后现代的教育视角(东方教育) |
徐梦思 |
应用心理学 |
杨 东 |
CET-6:459 |
1.社会排斥增强对模糊笑脸的辨认优势(西南大学学报(自然科学版)) 2.The Divergent Effects of Fear and Disgust on Unconscious Inhibitory Control Cognition and Emotion (published online) 3.Social Exclusion Influences Attentional Bias to Social Information(Asian Journal of Social Psychology) 4.The Divergent Effects of Fear and Disgust on Inhibitory Control: An ERP Study(PLoS ONE) 5.Dissociable effects of fear and disgust in proactive and reactive inhibition(Motivation and Emotion, (published online)) |
康颖 |
基础心理学 |
郑涌 |
CET-6:442 |
1.Sex and eating: relationships based on wanting and liking(Frontiers in psychology) 2. 男女有别:压力影响下的性与进食gender differences in eating and sexuality under stress(Advances in Psychology) |
尹首航 |
基础心理学 |
陈安涛 |
CET-6:471 |
1. Task-switching Cost and Intrinsic Functional Connectivity in the Human Brain: Toward Understanding Individual Differences in Cognitive Flexibility(PLoS One, In press) 2. The neural basis of trait self-esteem revealed by the amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations and resting state functional connectivity(Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, nsv119) 3. Rapid emotional control triggered by the processing priority of negative emotion(Under review) |
郭直岳 |
应用心理学 |
陈焕新 |
通过6级 |
1.The developmental regulation of glutamate receptor-mediated calcium signaling in primary cultured rat hippocampal neurons(Neuroreport) 2. A model of synaptic plasticity: activation of mGluR I induced long-term theta oscillations in medial septal diagonal band of rat brain slice(Neurological Sciences)
武丽丽 |
发展与教育心理学 |
张大均 |
CET-6:455 |
1. Peer Victimization Among Children and Adolescents A Meta-Analytic Review of Links to Emotional Maladjustment(Clinical pediatrics) 2. Parental emotional warmth and psychological Suzhi as mediators between socioeconomic status and problem behaviours in Chinese children( Children and Youth Services Review) |
陈玉洁 |
基础心理学 |
赵玉芳 |
CET-6:429 |
1.探究性教学法应用于小学科学教学的比较研究(成都师范学院学报) 2.群际威胁对社会注意力分配的影响研究[摘要](北京:第十七届全国心理学学术会议) 3.Intergroup threat gates social attention in humans(Biology letters) |
1.公示期限:2016年 1 月 15 日--- 2 月 16日 (不少于10个工作日)
2.受理意见单位: 心理学部 受理电话:023-68252777