1. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:一种具有最佳结构形态的弹性共轭壳体理论及实验研究。(编号:**),2018-2021
2. 主研国家自然科学基金面上项目:多参数摄动法及其在功能梯度压电材料结构多场耦合中的应用(编号:**),2016-2019
3. 主研国家自然科学基金面上项目:圆形和矩形薄膜结构在冲击荷载作用下的动力响应研究(编号:**),2012-2015
4. 主研重庆市基础与前沿研究计划项目:拉压不同模量柔性薄层结构变形问题研究(编号:cstc2013jcyjA30012),2013-2016
5. 主研重庆市科技计划项目:菜园坝长江大桥运行状态监测与诊断系统
6. 主研重庆市科技计划项目:重庆市工程造价指数系统测算模型及网络应用研究
[1] Yong-sheng Lian, Jun-yi Sun, Jiao Dong, Zhou-lian Zheng, Zhi-xin Yang. Closed-form solution of axisymmetric deformation of prestressed F?ppl-Hencky membrane under constrained deflecting. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2019, 69(6): 693-698.
[2] Xiao-ting He, Xue Li, Zhi-xin Yang, Guang-hui Liu, Jun-yi Sun. Application of biparametric perturbation method to functionally graded thin plates with different moduli in tension and compression. ZAMM-Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2019, 99(7): e.
[3] Xiao-ting He, Xue Li, Wei-min Li, Jun-yi Sun. Bending analysis of functionally graded curved beams with different properties in tension and compression. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2019, 89(9): 1973–1994.
[4] Xiao-ting He, Ying-zhu Wang, Si-jie Shi, Jun-yi Sun. An electroelastic solution for functionally graded piezoelectric material beams with different moduli in tension and compression. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2018, 29(8): 1649–1669.
[5] Xiao-ting He, Wei-min Li, Jun-yi Sun, Zhi-xiang Wang. An elasticity solution of functionally graded beams with different moduli in tension and compression. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2018, 25(2): 143–154.
[6] Yong-sheng Lian, Jun-yi Sun, Xiao-min Ge, Zhi-xin Yang, Xiao-ting He, Zhou-lian Zheng. A theoretical study of an improved capacitive pressure sensor: Closed-form solution of uniformly loaded annular membranes. Measurement, 2017, 111: 84-92.
[7] Zhi-xin Yang, Jun-yi Sun, Guang-ming Ran, Xiao-ting He. A new solution to F?ppl-Hencky membrane equation. Journal of Mechanics, 2017, 33(4): N7-N11.
[8] Yong-sheng Lian, Xiao-ting He, Guang-hui Liu, Jun-yi Sun, Zhou-lian Zheng. Application of perturbation idea to well-known Hencky problem: A perturbation solution without small-rotation-angle assumption. Mechanics Research Communications, 2017, 83: 32–46.
[9] Xiao-ting He, Liang Cao, Ying-zhu Wang, Jun-yi Sun, Zhou-lian Zheng. A biparametric perturbation method for the F?ppl-von Kármán equations of bimodular thin plates. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2017, 455(2):1688–1705.
[10] Yong-sheng Lian, Jun-yi Sun, Zhi-xin Yang, Xiao-ting He, Zhou-lian Zheng. Closed-form solution of well-known Hencky problem without small-rotation-angle assumption. ZAMM-Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2016, 96(12): 1434-1441.
[11] Xiao-ting He, Xin-xin Pei, Jun-yi Sun, Zhou-lian Zheng. Simplified theory and analytical solution for functionally graded thin plates with different moduli in tension and compression. Mechanics Research Communications, 2016, 74: 72–80.
[12] Xiao-ting He, Liang Cao, Yin Guo, Jun-yi Sun, Zhou-lian Zheng. A perturbation solution of von-Kármán circular plates with different moduli in tension and compression under concentrated force. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2016, 23(3): 318–327.
[13] Jun-yi Sun, Yong-sheng Lian, Yin-min Li, Xiao-ting He, Zhou-lian Zheng. Closed-form solution of elastic circular membrane with initial stress under uniformly-distributed loads: Extended Hencky solution. ZAMM-Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2015, 95(11): 1335-1341.
[14] Xiao-ting He, Peng Xu, Jun-yi Sun, Zhou-lian Zheng. Analytical solutions for bending curved beams with different moduli in tension and compression. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2015, 22(5): 325–337.
[15] Jun-yi Sun, Yong-sheng Lian, Zheng-liang Li, Xiao-ting He, Zhou-lian Zheng. Theoretical study on shaft-loaded blister test technique: Synchronous characterization of surface and interfacial mechanical properties. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2014, 51: 128-139.
[16] Xiao-ting He, Liang Cao, Jun-yi Sun, Zhou-lian Zheng. Application of a biparametric perturbation method to large-deflection circular plate problems with a bimodular effect under combined loads. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2014, 420(1): 48–65.
[17] Jun-yi Sun, Yang Rong, Xiao-ting He, Xiao-wei Gao, Zhou-lian Zheng. Power series solution of circular membrane under uniformly distributed loads: Investigation into Hencky transformation. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2013, 45(5): 631-641.
[18] Jun-yi Sun, Shao-hua Qian, Ying-min Li, Xiao-ting He, Zhou-lian Zheng. Theoretical study of adhesion energy measurement for film/substrate interface using pressurized blister test: Energy release rate. Measurement, 2013, 46(8): 2278-2287.
[19] Xiao-ting He, Liang Cao, Zheng-ying Li, Xing-jian Hu, Jun-yi Sun. Nonlinear large deflection problems of beams with gradient: A biparametric perturbation method. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2013, 219(14): 7493–7513.
[20] Xiao-ting He, Jun-yi Sun, Zhi-xiang Wang, Qiang Chen, Zhou-lian Zheng. General perturbation solution of large-deflection circular plate with different moduli in tension and compression under various edge conditions. International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics, 2013, 55: 110–119.
[21] Xiao-ting He, Qiang Chen, Jun-yi Sun, Zhou-lian Zheng. Large-deflection axisymmetric deformation of circular clamped plates with different moduli in tension and compression. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2012, 62(1): 103–110.
[22] Jun-yi Sun, Jian-li Hu, Xiao-ting He, Zhou-lian Zheng, Huan-huan Geng. A theoretical study of thin film delamination using clamped punch-loaded blister test: Energy release rate and closed-form solution. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 2011, 25(16): 2063-2080.
[23] Jun-yi Sun, Jian-li Hu, Zhou-lian Zheng, Xiao-ting He, Huan-huan Geng. A practical method for simultaneous determination of Poisson's ratio and Young's modulus of elasticity of thin films. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2011, 25(12): 3165-3171.
[24] Jun-yi Sun, Jian-li Hu, Xiao-ting He, Zhou-lian Zheng. A theoretical study of a clamped punch-loaded blister configuration: The quantitative relation of load and deflection. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2010, 52(7): 928-936.
[25] Xiao-ting He, Qiang Chen, Jun-yi Sun, Zhou-lian Zheng, Shan-lin Chen. Application of Kirchhoff hypotheses to bending thin plates with different moduli in tension and compression. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 2010, 5(5): 755–769.
[26] Xiao-ting He, Xing-jian Hu, Jun-yi Sun, Zhou-lian Zheng. An analytical solution of bending thin plates with different moduli in tension and compression. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2010, 36(3): 363–380.
[27] Xiao-ting He, Zhou-lian Zheng, Jun-yi Sun, Ying-min Li, Shan-lin Chen. Convergence analysis of a finite element method based on different moduli in tension and compression. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2009, 46(20): 3734–3740.
[28] Xiao-ting He, Shan-lin Chen, Jun-yi Sun. Applying the equivalent section method to solve beam subjected lateral force and bending-compression column with different moduli. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2007, 49(7): 919–924.
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-04
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