

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-04



[1] 名称:冷弯型钢夹支薄板剪力墙耐火性能,任务来源:国家自然科学基金,编号:**,经费:72万,起止年月:2019.1-2022.12;
[2] 名称: 考虑高温蠕变特性和残余应力的高强度钢柱抗火性能研究,任务来源:国家自然科学基金,编号:**,经费:66.7万,起止年月:2017.1-2020.12;
[3] 名称: 钢结构体系的防灾减灾设计理论及工程应用,任务来源:科技部国家重点研发计划,编号:2016YFC**,经费:75.0万,起止年月:2016.7-2020.12;



[1] 戴国欣主编,钢结构(第四版),武汉理工大学出版社,2012年,编写7.8万字。
[2] 戴国欣主编,钢结构(第五版),武汉理工大学出版社,2019年,编写8.0万字。
[3] 王卫永,李国强主编,结构抗火设计基本原理,中国建筑工业出版社,编写中,40万字。
[1] 王卫永,李国强.高强度Q460钢结构抗火设计原理,38万字,科学出版社,2016.
[2] Weiyong Wang,Venkatesh Kodur. Material properties of steel in fire conditions, Elsevier, 2019.
[1] 钢管约束混凝土结构应用技术规程,JGJ/T471-2019
[2] 高强钢结构设计标准,JGJ/T483-2020
[3] 建筑铝合金结构抗火设计规程,T/CECS756-2020
[4] 钢结构防火涂料应用技术规程,CECS24-2020
[4] 装配式建筑防火技术规程,编制中
[1].Ziyue Yang, Weiyong Wang, Juan Zhang, Lei Xu.Experimental and numerical studies on residual stresses in Q690 steel sections after fire exposure, Journal of Constructional Steel Research.2020 In press.
[2].Wang weiyong,Yangjignjie,Xiayue, Fire resistance of axially restrained Q690 steel columns, Journal of Constructional Steel Research.2020 In press.
[3].Hisham Al-azzani, Yang Jingjie, Ahmed Sharhan, Weiyong Wang. A practical approach for fire resistance design of restrained high-strength Q690 steel beam considering creep effect. Fire Technology.
[4].Jingjie Yang, Yu Shi, Weiyong Wang*, Lei Xu, Hisham Al-azzani. Experimental and numerical study on axially restrained cold-formed steel built-up box columns at elevated temperature, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2020,171:106143.(SCI,EI收录)
[5].Ruizhi Zhang, Jiepeng Liu, Weiyong Wang*,Y. Frank Chen. Fire behaviour of thin-walled steel tube confined reinforced concrete stub columns under axial compression, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2020,172:106180.(SCI,EI收录)
[6].Weiyong Wang*, Yanhong Zhang, Lei Xu, Xiang Li. Mechanical properties of high-strength Q960 steel at elevated temperature,Fire Safety Journal,2020,114:103010.(SCI,EI收录)
[7].Weiyong Wang*, Ru Yan, Lei Xu. Effect of tensile strain rate on mechanical properties of high strength Q460 steel at elevated temperatures,Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2020,32(7):**.(SCI,EI收录)
[8].Jingjie Yang Weiyong Wang, Yu Shi*, Lei Xu. Experimental study on fire resistance of cold-formed steel built-up box columns. Thin–Walled Structures 147 (2020) 106564.(SCI,EI收录)
[9].Huanting Zhou,Yufan Deng,Yuli Ye,Weiyong Wang. A Simplified analytical method for fire resistance of prestressed composite steel-concrete beams, Fire Technology,2019.(SCI,EI收录)
[10].Xuhong Zhou, Weiyong Wang, Keyan Song, Y. Frank Chen. Fire resistance studies on circular tubed steel reinforced concrete stub columns subjected to axial compression. Journal of Constructional Steel Research,2019,159:231–244.(SCI,EI收录)
[11].Wang W.Y., Zhou H.Y., Xu L. Creep buckling of high strength Q460 steel columns at elevated temperatures. Journal of Constructional Steel Research,2019,157:414-425.(SCI,EI收录)
[12]Huanting Zhou, Weiyong Wang, Kang Wang, Lei Xu. Mechanical properties deterioration of high strength steels after high temperature exposure. Constructions and Building Materials, 2019,199:664-675. (SCI,EI收录)
[13].Zhou Xuhong, Shi Yu, Xu Lei, Xiaomei Yao, Wang Weiyong. A simplified method to evaluate the flexural capacity of lightweight cold-formed steel floor system with oriented strand board subfloor. Thin-walled structures, 2019,134:40-51. (SCI,EI收录)
[14].Weiyong Wang, Yue Xia,Guoqiang Li. Fire resistance studies on high strength steel structures, International journal of high-rise buildings,2018,7(4):287-298.
[15].Wang Weiyong, Zhang Linbo, Ge Yong. Behaviour of restrained high strength steel columns at elevated temperature. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2018,148: 251–264.(SCI,EI收录)
[16].Wang Weiyong, Zhang Linbo, He Pingzhao. A Numerical Investigation on Restrained High Strength Q460 Steel Beams Including Creep Effect. International Journal of Steel Structures,2018,18(5):1497-1507.(SCI,EI收录)
[17]. Wang Weiyong, Zhou Hongyang, Zhou Yichao,Lei Xu. An approach for predicting fire resistance of high strength Q460 steel beams considering un-uniform temperature distribution. Fire technology, 2018,54(2):437-460. (SCI,EI收录)
[18]. Wang Weiyong, Wang Kang,Kodur VK, Wang Bin. Mechanical properties of high strength Q690 steel at elevated temperature. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2018, 30(5):**.(SCI,EI收录)
[19].Wang W.Y., Qin S.Q., Kodur V.K.R. Wang Yuhang. Experimental study on residual stress in welded box-sections after high temperature exposure. Advanced steel construction, 2018,14(1):73-89.(SCI,EI收录)
[20].Wang W.Y.,Yan S.H. Liu J.P. Test on temperature induced creep in high strength Q460 steel. Materials & Structures,2017,(2): 50-68. (SCI,EI收录)
[21].Wang W.Y., Wang K., Engelhardt M.D.,Li G.Q. Behavior of steel-concrete partially composite beams subjected to fire—Part 2:Analytical study. Fire Technology,DOI: 10.1007/s10694-016-0624-0. (SCI,EI收录)
[22].Wang W.Y., Engelhardt M.D., Li G.Q., Huang G.S. Behavior of steel-concrete partially composite beams subjected to fire—Part 1:Experimental study. Fire Technology,2016,1-20.(SCI,EI收录)
[23].Wang W.Y., Liu T.Z. Experimental and numerical study on post-fire behavior of high-strength Q460 steel columns. Advanced in Structural Engineering, 2016,19(12):1-16. (SCI,EI收录)
[24].Wang W.Y., Qin S.Q. Experimental investigation of residual stresses in thin-walled welded H-sections after fire exposure. Thin-walled Structures, 2016, (101):109-119. (SCI,EI收录)
[25].Wang, W., Yan, S., and Kodur, V. Temperature Induced Creep in Low-Alloy Structural Q345 Steel. J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2016, 28(6): **.(SCI,EI收录)
[26].Wang W.Y.,Liu T.Z. Liu J.P. Experimental study on post fire mechanical properties of high strength Q460 steel. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2015,114:100-109.(SCI,EI收录)
[27].Wang W.Y., Li G.Q., Ge Y. Residual stress study on welded section of high strength Q460 steel after fire exposure. Advanced steel constructions,2015,11(2):150-164.(SCI,EI收录)
[28].Wang W.Y., Kodur VK, Yang X.C., Li G.Q. Experimental study on local buckling of axially compressed steel stub columns at elevated temperatures; Thin-walled structures, 2014,82:33-45.(SCI,EI收录)
[29].Wang W.Y.,Li G.Q. An approach for evaluating fire resistance of high strength Q460 steel columns. Frontier of Structural and Civil Engineering, 2014, 8(1):26-35.
[30].Wang W.Y., Ohmiya Y., Ma G.F. Fire resistance study of axially loaded high strength steel columns. Procedia Engineering,2013,62:690-701.(ISTP收录)
[31].Wang W.Y., Bing LIU, Kodur V.K. Effect of temperature on strength and elastic modulus of high strength steel. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2013,25(2):174-182.(SCI,EI收录)
[32].Wang W.Y., Li G.Q., Kodur V.K. An Approach for Modeling Fire Insulation Damage in Steel Columns, Journal of Structural Engineering, 2013,139(4):491-503.(SCI,EI收录)
[33].Li G.Q., Wang W.Y. A simplified approach for fire-resistance design of steel-concrete composite beams, Steel & Composite Structures,2013,14(3):295-312.(SCI,EI收录)
[34].Wang W.Y., Li G.Q. Fire-resistance study of steel columns with partial fire protection damage. Fire Safety Journal, 2009, 44(8):1088-1094.(SCI,EI收录)
[35].Wang W.Y., Li G.Q. Behavior of steel columns in a fire with partial damage to fire protection. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2009, 65(6): 1392-1400.(SCI,EI收录)
[36].Li G.Q., Wang W.Y., Chen S.W. A simple approach for modeling fireresistance of steel columns with locally damaged fire retardant coating. Engineering Structures, 2009,31(3):617-622.(SCI,EI收录)
[37].Wang W.Y., Li G.Q., Dong Y.L. A practical approach for fire-resistance design of extended end-plate joints. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2008, 64(12):1456-1462.(SCI, EI收录)
[38].Wang W.Y., Li G.Q., Dong Y.L. Experimental study and spring-component modeling of extended end-plate joints in fire. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2007, 63 (8):1127-1137.(SCI, EI收录)

[1] 2010年获“上海市研究生优秀成果(博士学位论文)”
[2] 2011年入选“重庆市首批青年骨干教师资助计划”;
[3] 2012年获“重庆大学十佳优秀青年教师”;
[4] 2014年获“黄尚廉院士青年创新奖”;
[5] 2017年入选“重庆市留学人员回国创新支持计划”;
[6] 2018年获“重庆大学先进工作者”;
[7] 2018年获“重庆大学唐立新优秀科研教师奖”;
[8] 2018年获教育部高等学校科技进步一等奖(7/19);
[9] 2019年入选首批“重庆英才青年拔尖人选计划”;
[10] 2020年获中国钢结构协会科技进步特等奖(4/11);
[11] 2020年获中国钢结构协会创新人才奖。

[1] 2012届硕士生刘天姿获得重庆大学优秀硕士学位论文奖和重庆市优秀硕士学位论文奖(发表SCI论文2篇,EI论文1篇)。
[2] 2013届硕士生何平召,提前毕业(发表6篇核心期刊论文),荣获第八届全国结构抗火技术研讨会“优秀青年论文奖”。
[3] 2014届研究生王尚荣获中国钢结构协会稳定与疲劳分会第15届(ISSF-2016)学术交流会(昆明)“优秀论文”奖。
[4] 2014届研究生宋柯岩荣获中国钢结构协会稳定与疲劳分会第15届(ISSF-2016)学术交流会(昆明)“中信设计杯研究生优秀论文奖”。
[5] 2014届研究生宋柯岩发表在期刊《土木建筑与环境工程》上的论文“高温下钢管约束型钢混凝土柱的受力性能”荣获重庆市第18届期刊优秀作品一等奖。
[6] 2015届研究生张琳博,获得CSC资助赴加拿大滑铁卢大学攻读博士学位。
[7] 2016届研究生夏月荣获中国钢结构协会稳定与疲劳分会第16届(ISSF-2018)学术交流会(青岛)“中信设计杯研究生优秀论文奖”。
[8] 2016届研究生张娟荣获中国钢结构协会稳定与疲劳分会第16届(ISSF-2018)学术交流会(青岛)“中信设计杯研究生优秀论文奖”。
[9] 2016届研究生夏月提前毕业(发表2篇核心期刊论文)。
[10] 2015届研究生周弘扬(发表SCI论文2篇),张琳博(发表SCI论文2篇,EI论文1篇)获得重庆大学2019年度优秀硕士学位论文奖。
[11] 2016届研究生张娟获重庆大学优秀硕士学位论文(发表1篇SCI论文,2篇EI论文)。
[12] 2018届硕士留学生Ahmed Sharhan获重庆大学校长奖学金硕士毕业后攻读博士学位。


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