
中国矿业大学北京能源与矿业学院导师教师师资介绍简介-谢生荣 副教授

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-14

谢生荣,男,汉族,中共党员,江苏南京人,1981年1月生,现任中国矿业大学(北京)能源与矿业学院矿业工程系副书记、副教授、博导、越崎青年****。主要从事资源开采理论与技术、矿山压力与岩层控制、矿井灾害防治理论与技术等方面的研究与教学工作。主持或参与了国家自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目和青年项目以及数十项横项课题的研究,获省部级科技进步一等奖2项,二等奖8项,获得国家发明专利9项,实用新型专利3项,出版著作3部和教材1部。在煤炭学报、Journal of Central South University、international journalof mining science and technology、岩土力学等学术刊物发表论文60余篇,其中40余篇被SCI或EI收录。
[3]Xie Shengrong, Gao Mingming, Chen Dongdong, Sun Yanding, Pan Hao, Su Hai, Lan Shizhong.Stability influence factors analysis and construction of a deep beam anchorage structure in roadway roof,International Journal of Mining Science and Technology[J],2018,28(3): 445-451.
[4]谢生荣,岳帅帅,陈冬冬,等.深部充填开采留巷围岩偏应力演化规律与控制[J],煤炭学报,2018,43(7): 1837-1846.
[5]谢生荣,潘浩,陈冬冬,等.多煤层开采层间等效基本顶结构及其活动规律[J],中国矿业大学学报,2017,46(6): 1218-1225.
[6]谢生荣,陈冬冬,何尚森,等.基本顶弹性基础边界薄板模型分析(Ⅱ)-周期破断[J],煤炭学报,2017,42(12): 3106-3115.
[7]谢生荣,郜明明,陈冬冬,等.单轨吊巷道顶板深梁支护结构的构建及应用[J].煤炭学报,2017,42(6): 1420-1428.
[8]谢生荣,郜明明,陈冬冬,等.大巷穿采空区时锚网喷与组合框架联合支护技术[J],采矿与安全工程学报,2017,34(4): 698-706.
[9]谢生荣,陈冬冬,孙颜顶,等.基本顶弹性基础边界薄板模型分析(I)—初次破断[J].煤炭学报,2016,41(6): 1360-1368.
[10]谢生荣,李世俊,黄肖,等.深部沿空巷道围岩主应力差演化规律与控制[J].煤炭学报,2015,40(10): 2355-2360.
Short Bio-sketch of Associate ProfessorShengrong Xie
Born inJan.1981, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, China,S.R. Xieserves as anAssociate Professorat School of Energy and Mining Engineering, China University of Mining & Technology (Beijing) now. He also serves as aDoctoral Supervisorand theYue Qi Young Scholarat Facultyof Mining Engineering,School of Energy and Mining Engineering, China University of Mining & Technology (Beijing) now.S.R. Xieismainly engaged inthe research and teaching oftheory and technology of resources exploitation,rock pressure and strata control, andtheory and technology of mine disaster prevention and control,etc.Hehas presided over or participated inthe study ofseveral projects of National Natural Science Foundation of Chinaanddozens of horizontal subjects.S.R. Xiehas wontwofirst class prizes and eightsecond class prizesfor science and technology progress at the provincial and ministerial level.Heowns ninenational authorized patentsofinventionand threenational authorized patentsforutility models.S.R. Xiehaspublishedthreemonographsand onetextbook.S.R. Xiehas authored more than60papers inacademicjournals, such as“Journal of China Coal Society”,“Journal of Central South University”,“International Journal of Mining Science and Technology”and“Rock and Soil Mechanics”,including more than40papers indexed by EI Compendexor SCI.
Xie SR, Chen DD, Zhang SB. Fracture law of thin plate of main roof with elastic foundation boundary in stope. China Coal Industry Publishing House, 2017.11.
Xie SR, Chen DD, Yue SS. Deviatoric stress evolution law of surrounding rock under mining-induced influence in deep backfilling mining. China Coal Industry Publishing House, 2018.11.
Xie SR, Gao MM, Chen DD, Sun YD, Pan H, Su H, Lan SZ. Stability influence factors analysis and construction of a deep beam anchorage structure in roadway roof,International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, 2018, 28(3): 445-451. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijmst.2017.11.007)
Xie SR, Yue SS, Chen DD, Pan H, Suo HX, Yang JH, Qiao SX. Deviatoric stress evolution laws and control of surrounding rock at gob-side entry retaining in deep backfilling mining.Journal of China Coal Society, 2018, 43(7): 1837-1846. (doi: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2017.1719)
XieSR, Pan H, Chen DD, Gao MM, He SS, Song BH. The structure and activity laws of interlayer equivalent basic roof in multi-seam mining.Journal of China University of Mining & Technology, 2017, 46(6): 1218-1225.(doi: 10.13247/j.cnki.jcumt.000748)
Xie SR, Chen DD, He SS, Gao MM, Sun YD, Pan H. Analysis on thin plate model of main roof with elastic foundation boundary (II): Periodic fracture.Journal of China Coal Society, 2017, 42(12): 3106-3115.(doi: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2017.0657)
Xie SR, GaoMM, ChenDD, SuH, LanSZ. Deep beam support structure construction of roadway roof with monorail crane and its application.Journal of China Coal Society, 2017, 42(6): 1420-1428.(doi: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2016.1808)
Xie SR, GaoMM, ChenDD, SongBH, Huang Y, Wang ZK. The combined support technology of bolt-mesh-shotcrete and composite frame during main roadway crossing goaf.Journal of Mining & Safety Engineering, 2017, 34(4): 698-706.(doi: 10.13545/j.cnki.jmse.2017.04.014)
XieSR, ChenDD, Sun YD, Gao MM, Sun YJ, Shi W. Analysis on thin plate model of basic roof at elastic foundation boundary (I): First breaking.Journal of China Coal Society, 2016, 41(6): 1360-1368.(doi: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2016.0197)
Xie SR, Li SJ, Huang X, Sun YD, Yang JH, Qiao SX. Surrounding rock principal stress difference evolution law and control of gob-side entry driving in deep mine.Journal of China Coal Society, 2015, 40(10): 2355-2360. (doi: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2015.6002)
Contact:Dr.Shengrong Xie, Associate Professor, Doctoral Supervisor
School of Energy and Mining Engineering
China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing
Xueyuan Road D11, Beijing 100083, PR China
Tel: +86**
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