

清华大学 辅仁网/2017-07-07

李海峰1, 房春英1,2, 马琳1, 张满彩1, 孙佳音1
1. 哈尔滨工业大学 计算机学院, 哈尔滨 150001;
2. 黑龙江科技大学 计算机与信息工程学院, 哈尔滨 150027
S transform feature for pathological speech
LI Haifeng1, FANG Chunying1,2, MA Lin1, ZHANG Mancai1, SUN Jiayin1
1. School of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China;
2. School of Computer and Information Engineering, Heilongjiang Institute of Science and Technology, Harbin 150027, China


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摘要病理语音具有强烈的非平稳性和突变性特点,较难分析。S变换具有良好的时频分辨率和时频定位能力。该文将S变换与人耳听觉的Mel特性结合,提出一种能够突出发声器官病变的病理语音特征MSCC(Mel S-transform cepstrum coefficients)。在NCSC语料库上,通过与经典语音倒谱特征MFCC (Mel frequency cepstrum coefficients)和当前常用声学特征的对比,表明MSCC特征对语音中动态、快变的病理信息具有更强的刻画能力。此外,选用F-Score方法对特征进行评价和采用粒子群算法进行特征筛选,MSCC表现出了更好的分类性能。可见,MSCC特征可以为临床诊断提供病理语音的高精准分析。
关键词 病理语音,S变换,Mel倒谱,MSCC特征
Abstract:Pathological speech is difficult to analyze because it is non-stationary and mutative. The study combines the S transform, which has good time-frequency resolution and time-frequency positioning capability with the human auditory Mel characteristics to calculate Mel S-transform cepstrum coefficients (MSCC) which highlight vocal organ pathological lesions. The MSCC are compared with the classical Mel frequency cepstrum coefficients (MFCC) and the common acoustic characteristics in the NCSC corpus to show that the MSCC are more able to portray the dynamics and to quickly identify pathological speech information. In addition, the MSCC also give classification performance based on the F-Score method with the particle swarm optimization algorithm for feature selection. Therefore, the MSCC provide accurate analyses of pathological speech characteristics for clinical diagnosis.
Key wordspathological speechS transformMel cepstrumMel S-transform cepstrum coefficients (MSCC) feature
收稿日期: 2015-07-10 出版日期: 2016-07-22
李海峰, 房春英, 马琳, 张满彩, 孙佳音. 病理语音的S变换特征[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 56(7): 765-771.
LI Haifeng, FANG Chunying, MA Lin, ZHANG Mancai, SUN Jiayin. S transform feature for pathological speech. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2016, 56(7): 765-771.
http://jst.tsinghuajournals.com/CN/10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2016.21.042 http://jst.tsinghuajournals.com/CN/Y2016/V56/I7/765

图1 S变换Gauss窗函数不同频率的形状示意图
图2 一段病理语音在不同变换下的时频分析图
图3 基于S变换的语音特征MSCC示意图
表1 NCSC语料分布情况
表2 基于MSCC和MFCC特征识别结果对比
表3 病理声音BAFS的构造
表4 基于MSCC和BAFP的实验结果对比
表5 基于MSCC+BAFP和PSOGFeatures的实验结果对比
图5 降维前后MSCC与BAFP在特征集中被保留数目及所占比重示意图

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相关话题/病理 声学 黑龙江科技大学 实验 计算机