

清华大学 辅仁网/2017-07-07

韩心慧, 李晨, 肖祥全, 刘丙双, 叶佳奕
北京大学 计算机科学技术研究所, 北京 100871
Defense of P2P live video systems facing Eclipse-delay attack
HAN Xinhui, LI Chen, XIAO Xiangquan, LIU Bingshuang, YE Jiayi
Institute of Computer Science & Technology, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China


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摘要P2P直播系统在当今互联网上的应用越来越广泛, 相对于P2P文件共享系统, 其对数据传输的实时性要求更高, 因此对该类系统实时性的破坏, 即延迟攻击, 产生的危害极大。通过分析相关理论模型, 该文指出P2P直播系统在实时性方面存在安全脆弱性, 基于Eclipse攻击提出了No-Offer、Delay-Chunk和No-Chunk延迟攻击方法, 并提出了基于信誉机制的路由表清洗防御策略。在PlanetLab平台上基于PeerStreamer实施了真实的互联网实验, 证明了Eclipse延迟攻击对当前系统的危害和该文防御策略的有效性。
关键词 Eclipse攻击,P2P,直播系统,延迟攻击
Abstract:P2P live video systems are widely used in today's Internet. Compared with eMule/BitTorrent and other traditional P2P file-sharing systems, a P2P live video system has higher requirements on real-time data, which becomes vulnerable weakness. Delay attack, with strong concealment, is potentially lethal for large P2P video broadcasting systems. Theoretical security threats of popular P2P live video systems were analyzed to propose three types of delay attack based on Eclipse attack, No-Offer attack, Delay-Chunk attack, and No-Chunk attack, with a high-availability defense strategy against delay attack being developed. Experiments were made on PlanetLab based on PeerStreamer, which proves the impact of delay attack and the effectiveness of the developed defense strategy.
Key wordsEclipse attackP2Plive video systemdelay attack
收稿日期: 2014-10-28 出版日期: 2016-01-29
韩心慧, 李晨, 肖祥全, 刘丙双, 叶佳奕. 针对P2P直播系统的Eclipse延迟攻击方法研究[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 56(1): 58-65.
HAN Xinhui, LI Chen, XIAO Xiangquan, LIU Bingshuang, YE Jiayi. Defense of P2P live video systems facing Eclipse-delay attack. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2016, 56(1): 58-65.
http://jst.tsinghuajournals.com/CN/10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2016.23.008 http://jst.tsinghuajournals.com/CN/Y2016/V56/I1/58

图1 一个理想状况下的P2P直播系统
图2 邻居间数据交换过程示意图
图3 Eclipse攻击模型示意图
图4 普通和受害节点路由表中恶意节点数量变化情况
图5 No-Offer攻击中普通和受害节点播放率变化情况
图6 Delay-Chunk攻击中普通和受害节点播放率变化情况
图7 No-Chunk攻击对受害节点播放率影响情况
图8 部署防御策略后节点路由表中攻击节点数量对比
图9 部署防御策略后No-Offer攻击中节点播放率对比
图10 部署防御策略后Delay-Chunk攻击中节点播放率对比
图11 部署防御策略后No-Chunk攻击中节点播放率对比

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