

清华大学 辅仁网/2017-07-07

2. 浙江传媒学院, 杭州 310018
3. 常州大学, 常州 213000
Collaborative filtering recommender method based on trust
Qiang ZHU1,2,Yuqiang SUN1,3()
1. University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230022, China
2.Zhejiang University of Media and Communications, Hangzhou 310018, China
3. Changzhou University, Changzhou 213000, China

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摘要提出了一种基于朋友网数据的推荐方法,包括好友推荐和应用服务推荐。通过分析朋友网中用户之间的好友关系、互动行为等来计算用户之间的信任度,可以获取更真实的社会关系; 根据计算得到的信任度构建用户社会网络,并根据凝聚子群和朋友网中已有的分组信息对构建的社会网络进行社区划分,可以获得更细的社会关系; 根据已获得的社区和用户使用的应用服务,提出了一种朋友网中好友和应用服务的推荐计算方法,在计算应用服务推荐时区分了社区内和社区外的用户与目标用户相似度计算方法的不同,提高了寻找近似邻居的准确率以及服务推荐的准确率。

关键词 社会网络划分,信任度,好友推荐,协同过滤
Abstract:In this paper, a recommender method based on data was developed, which includes friend recommender and application recommender. According to the friend relationship and interaction behavior, a trust computing method was proposed, with a more authentic social network then constructed with the obtained trust. The cohesive subgroup and existing friend information was employed to divide the constructed social network. Based on the work mentioned above, an improved friend recommender and application method was proposed with the similarity of users in the community being differentiated with the similarity of the user out of the community. The improved method can obtain more nearest neighbors and enhance the accuracy of friend recommender and application recommender.

Key wordssocial network divisiontrustfriend recommendercollaborative filtering
收稿日期: 2014-01-20 出版日期: 2015-04-16
基金资助:浙江省自然科学基金资助项目(Y1100314 );国家广电总局研究项目(GD10101)
朱强, 孙玉强. 一种基于信任度的协同过滤推荐方法[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 54(3): 360-365.
Qiang ZHU, Yuqiang SUN. Collaborative filtering recommender method based on trust. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2014, 54(3): 360-365.
http://jst.tsinghuajournals.com/CN/ http://jst.tsinghuajournals.com/CN/Y2014/V54/I3/360


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