

清华大学 辅仁网/2017-07-07

2. 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049
3. 中国信息安全测评中心, 北京 100085
Risk assessment of complex information system security based on threat propagation
Gang MA1,2,Yuge DU3,Jiang RONG1,2,Jiarui GAN1,2,Zhongzhi SHI1(),Bo AN1
1. The Key Laboratory of Intelligent Information Processing, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
3. China Information Technology Security Evaluation Center, Beijing 100085, China

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关键词 风险评估,资产,威胁传播树
Abstract:This paper presents a risk assessment method based on threat propagation between assets for assessing the risks related to complex information system security. This method describes the threat propagation route between assets as a threat propagation tree, with the risk to the complex information system security assessed by the expected value loss of each node in the threat propagation tree with the probability of each step in the threat propagation tree. The accuracy of this model is evaluated by applying the model to a representative complex information system. The analysis shows that this method represents the different probabilities for different threatened nodes and the threat propagation between nodes to identiby the key protected nodes during different periods. The system is more objective and accurate than the traditional isolated node analysis method and is able to guide security risk managers to formulate reasonable security protection strategies for complex information systems.

Key wordsrisk assessmentassetthreat propagation tree
收稿日期: 2013-12-01 出版日期: 2015-04-16
基金资助:国家 “九七三” 重点基础研究项目 (2013CB329502);国家 “八六三” 高技术项目 (2012AA011003);国家 “十二五” 科技支撑计划项目 (2012BA107B02);国家自然科学基金资助项目 (61035003)
马刚, 杜宇鸽, 荣江, 甘家瑞, 史忠植, 安波. 基于威胁传播的复杂信息系统安全风险评估[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 54(1): 35-43.
Gang MA, Yuge DU, Jiang RONG, Jiarui GAN, Zhongzhi SHI, Bo AN. Risk assessment of complex information system security based on threat propagation. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2014, 54(1): 35-43.
http://jst.tsinghuajournals.com/CN/ http://jst.tsinghuajournals.com/CN/Y2014/V54/I1/35

结点 初始状态 脆弱性 威胁 转移状态 δ
a0 s0 v0 t0 s1 0.320
a0 s0 v1 t0 s1 0.286
a0 s0 v0 t1 s1 0.319
a0 s0 v1 t1 s1 0.075
a1 s0 v0 t0 s1 0.114
a1 s0 v1 t0 s1 0.323
a1 s0 v0 t1 s1 0.232
a1 s0 v1 t1 s1 0.331
a2 s0 v0 t0 s1 0.366
a2 s0 v1 t0 s1 0.031
a2 s0 v0 t1 s1 0.353
a2 s0 v1 t1 s1 0.250

结点 初始状态 转移状态 价值损失ΔW
a0 s0 s1 24.454
a1 s0 s1 17.241
a2 s0 s1 58.305

结点 初始状态 η
a0 s0 0.532
a1 s0 0.352
a2 s0 0.116

威胁 结点 转移状态 ξ
t0 a0 s1 0.411
t1 a0 s1 0.448
te a0 s1 0.141
t0 a1 s1 0.287
t1 a1 s1 0.359
te a1 s1 0.354
t0 a2 s1 0.476
t1 a2 s1 0.180
te a2 s1 0.344

脆弱性 结点 初始状态 威胁 β
v0 a0 s0 t0 0.446
v1 a0 s0 t0 0.183
ve a0 s0 t0 0.371
v0 a0 s0 t1 0.477
v1 a0 s0 t1 0.040
ve a0 s0 t1 0.483
v0 a1 s0 t0 0.413
v1 a1 s0 t0 0.170
ve a1 s0 t0 0.417
v0 a1 s0 t1 0.045
v1 a1 s0 t1 0.915
ve a1 s0 t1 0.040
v0 a2 s0 t0 0.445
v1 a2 s0 t0 0.034
ve a2 s0 t0 0.521
v0 a2 s0 t1 0.208
v1 a2 s0 t1 0.433
ve a2 s0 t1 0.359

威胁传播树Trj 概率P(Trj) 风险R(Trj)
Tr1 0.452 145 2.156 706
Tr2 0.012 504 0.081 632
Tr3 0.020 676 0.210 313
Tr4 0.008 250 0.118 193
Tr5 0.012 020 0.184 658
Tr6 0.011 112 0.178 734
Tr7 0.024 560 0.509 961
Tr8 0.000 065 0.001 052
Tr9 0.000 075 0.001 287
Tr10 0.000 361 0.007 112
Tr11 0.000 415 0.008 608
Tr12 0.000 138 0.002 227
Tr13 0.000 008 0.000 150
Tr14 0.000 224 0.003 842
Tr15 0.000 012 0.000 256


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