

清华大学 辅仁网/2017-07-07

Control dependency analyses for detecting remote control Android malware
Jingzhe LI(),Bin LIANG,Wei YOU,Peng WANG,Wenchang SHI
School of Information, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China

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摘要为检测Android远程控制类恶意软件,该文通过对实际的该类软件进行分析,提出一种基于控制依赖分析的动态污点检测方法。动态污点分析技术是一种检测恶意软件的主流技术。该文对传统的动态污点分析进行扩展以检测Android远程控制类恶意软件。首先采用静态分析确定条件转移指令的控制范围; 再使用静态插桩在目标应用中添加分析控制依赖的功能。插桩后的应用可在运行时检查敏感操作是否控制依赖于污染数据,进而对远程控制类恶意软件进行有效的分析和检测。该文实现了一个原型检测系统。实验结果表明: 应用此方法可以有效地检测出实际的Android远程控制类恶意应用。

关键词 远程控制类恶意软件,动态污点分析,控制依赖
Abstract:A method is given to detect remote control Android malware using a control dependency analysis based on real-world malware characteristics. The malware is detected using dynamic taint analysis. An extended dynamic taint analysis method is used to detect remote control malware. A static analysis is used first to identify the control range of the conditional instructions, and the static instrumentation technique insered into the target application to track the control dependence. The instrumented application can then check whether the current sensitive operation depends on the tainted data at runtime. Then users can then effectively analyze and detect remote control malware. A prototype system based on the method shows that this method effectively detects real remote control malware.

Key wordsremote control malwaredynamic taint analysiscontrol dependence
收稿日期: 2013-12-01 出版日期: 2015-04-16
基金资助:国家自然科学基金资助项目 (61170240, 61070192);核高基重大专项资助项目 (2012ZX01039-004)
李京哲, 梁彬, 游伟, 王鹏, 石文昌. 基于控制依赖分析的Android远程控制类恶意软件检测[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 54(1): 8-13.
Jingzhe LI, Bin LIANG, Wei YOU, Peng WANG, Wenchang SHI. Control dependency analyses for detecting remote control Android malware. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2014, 54(1): 8-13.
http://jst.tsinghuajournals.com/CN/ http://jst.tsinghuajournals.com/CN/Y2014/V54/I1/8

样本类别 样本个数 恶意行为
Geinimi 7 远程控制发送短信
GoldDream 6 远程控制发送短信
Anserverbot 2 远程控制下载


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