姓 名:司亚丽
职 称:副教授
教育背景 荷兰特文特大学与荷兰瓦赫宁根大学空间生态学博士 (2011)
荷兰国际地理信息科学和地球观测学院 (ITC) 地理信息资源与环境硕士(2006)
河南农业大学土地资源管理学士 (2003)
清华大学地球系统科学系副教授 (2012至今)
英国谢菲尔德大学动物与植物科学系访问 (2014.01-06)
研究兴趣 基于遥感与地理信息系统的动物分布与迁徙时空格局模拟与规律预测,动物携带流行病传播机制与风险预测,以及全球环境变化对迁徙物种和疾病传播的影响。
奖励荣誉 2016 第十届国际湿地大会优秀青年汇报奖(博士生徐菲)
2010 荷兰国际地理信息科学和地球观测学院 (ITC) 授予ITC最佳论文奖
2010 荷兰瓦格宁根大学生产生态与资源保护研究生院授予论文出版奖第二名
学术成果 SCI Journal Articles n =32 incl. 9 lead 10 senior/corresponding (*) & 15 with students
32. Xu, Y., Si, Y.*, Takekawa, J., Liu, Q., Prins, H. H. T., Yin, S., Prosser, D., Gong, P. and de Boer W.F. (In Press) ‘A network approach to prioritize conservation efforts for migratory birds’ Conservation Biology
31. Xu, Y., Si, Y.*, Wang, Y., Zhang, Y., Prins, H.H.T., Cao, L. and de Boer, W.F. (In Press) “Loss of integrity in migration networks induces population decline in migratory birds”. Ecological Applications
30. Huang, Z.Y.X., Xu, C., van Langevelde, F., Ma, Y., Langendoen, T., Mundkur, T., Si, Y., Tian, H., Kraus, R.H.S., Gilbert, M., Han, G.-Z., Ji, X., Prins, H.H.T., de Boer, W.F. (2019). “Contrasting effects of host species and phylogenetic diversity on the occurrence of HPAI H5N1 in European wild birds”. Journal of Animal Ecology 88:1044-1053.
29. Lv, Z., Yang, J., Wielstra, B., Wei, J., Xu, F., & Si, Y.* (2019). “Prioritizing green spaces for biodiversity conservation in Beijing based on habitat network connectivity”. Sustainability 11(7).
28. Xu, F. and Si, Y.* (2019) “The frost wave hypothesis: how environment drives autumn departure of herbivorous waterfowl”. Ecological Indicators 101: 1018-1025.
27. Xu, Y., Si, Y.*, Yin S., Zhang W., Grishchenko M., Prins, H.H.T. Gong, P. and de Boer, W.F. (2019) “Species-dependent exposure to habitat degradation in relation to seasonal distributions of migratory waterfowl”. Landscape Ecology 34:243-257.
26. Wei, J., Xin, Q., Ji, L., Gong, P. and Si, Y.* (2019) “Improved satellite-derived identification of spatiotemporal foraging area for herbivorous waterfowl”. Ecological Indicators 99: 83-90.
25.Si, Y., Xu, Y., Xu, F., Li, X., Zhang, W., Wielstra, B., Wei, J., Liu, G., Luo, H., Takekawa, J., Balachandran, S., Zhang, T., de Boer, W.F., Prins, H.H.T. and Gong, P. (2018) “Spring migration patterns, habitat use and stopover site protection status for two declining waterfowl species wintering in China as revealed by satellite tracking”. Ecology and Evolution 8: 6280-6289.
24. Zhang, W., Li, X., Yu, L., Si, Y.* (2018) “Multi-scale habitat selection by two declining East Asian waterfowl species at their core spring stopover area”. Ecological Indicators 87: 127-135.
23.Wielstra, B., Canestrelli, D., Cvijanovi?, M., Denoel, M., Fijarczyk, A., Jablonski, D., Liana, M., Naumov, B., Olgun, K., B., Pabijan, M., Pezzarossa, A., Popgeorgiev, G., Salvi, D., Si, Y., Sillero, N., Sotiropoulos, K., Zieliński, P. and Babik, W. (2018). “The distributions of the six species constituting the smooth newt species complex (Lissotriton vulgaris sensu lato and L. montandoni) – an addition to the New Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles of Europe”. Amphibia-Reptilia: 39: 252-259.
22. Liu, X., Yu, L., Si, Y., Zhang, C., Lu, H., Yu, C. and Gong, P. (2018). “Identifying patterns and hotspots of global land cover transitions using the ESA CCI Land Cover dataset”. Remote Sensing Letters 9: 972-981.
21. Aharon-Rotman, Y., McEvoy, J., Zhaoju, Z., Yu, H., Wang, X., Si, Y., Xu, Z., Yuan, Z., Jeong, W., Cao, L. and Fox, A.D. (2017) “Water level affects availability of optimal feeding habitats for threatened migratory waterbirds”. Ecology and Evolution 7: 10440-10450.
20. Li, X., Si, Y.*, Ji, L. and Gong, P. (2017) “Dynamic response of East Asian Greater White-fronted Geese to changes of environment during migration: Use of multi-temporal species distribution model”. Ecological Modelling 360: 70-79.
19. Zhang, H., Si, Y., Wang, X. and Gong, P. (2017) “Environmental drivers and predicted risk of Bacillary Dysentery in Southwest China”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14: 782.
18. Yin, S., Kleijn, D., Müskens, G.J.D.M., Fouchier, R.A.M., Verhagen, J.H., Glazov, P.M., Si, Y., Prins, H.H.T. and de Boer, W.F. (2017) “No evidence that migratory geese disperse avian influenza viruses from breeding to wintering ground”. PLoS ONE 12: e**.
17. Xu, F., Liu, G. and Si, Y.* (2017) “Local temperature and El Ni?o Southern Oscillation influence migration phenology of East Asian migratory waterbirds wintering in Poyang, China”. Integrative Zoology 12: 303-317.
16. Yu, L., Li, X., Li, C., Zhao, Y., Niu, Z., Huang, H., Wang, J., Cheng, Y., Lu, H., Si, Y., Yu, C., Fu, H. and Gong, P. (2017) “Using a global reference sample set and a cropland map for area estimation in China”. Science China Earth Sciences 60: 277-285.
15. Xu, Y., Gong, P., Wielstra, B. and Si, Y.* (2016) “Southward autumn migration of waterfowl facilitates cross-continental transmission of the highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus”. Scientific Reports 6: 30262.
14. Xin, Q., Gong, P., Suyker, A.E. and Si, Y. (2016) “Effects of the partitioning of diffuse and direct solar radiation on satellite-based modeling of crop gross primary production”. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 50: 51-63
13. Zhang, H., Si, Y., Wang, X. and Gong, P. (2016). "Patterns of Bacillary Dysentery in China, 2005–2010". International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 13: 164.
12. Si, Y., Xin, Q., Prins, H.H.T., de Boer, W.F. and Gong, P. (2015) “Improving the quantification of waterfowl migration with remote sensing and bird tracking”. Science Bulletin 60(23): 1984-1993.
11. Li, X., Clinton, N., Si, Y., Liao, J., Liang, L. and Gong P. (2015) “Projected impacts of climate change on protected birds and nature reserves in China”, Science Bulletin 60(19): 1644-1653
10. Si, Y. & Prins, H.H.T. (2015) “Climate law: path paved for civil action”. Nature 523(7561): 410.
9. Si, Y., Xin, Q., de Boer, W.F., Gong, P., Ydenberg, R.C. and Prins, H.H.T. (2015) “Do Arctic breeding geese track or overtake a green wave during spring migration?” Scientific Reports 5: 8749.
8. Si, Y., de Boer, W.F. and Gong, P. (2013) “Different environmental drivers of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 outbreaks in poultry and wild birds”. PloS ONE 8: e53362.
7. Guo, D., Zhou H., Zou, Y., Yin, W., Yu, H., Si, Y., Li, J., Zhou, Y., Zhou, X. and Magalhaes, R.J.S. (2013) "Geographical Analysis of the Distribution and Spread of Human Rabies in China from 2005 to 2011". PLoS ONE 8: e72352.
6. Si, Y., Schlerf, M., Zurita-Milla, R., Skidmore, A.K. and Wang, T. (2012) “Mapping the spatio-temporal variation of grassland quantity and quality using MERIS data and the PROSAIL model”. Remote Sensing of Environment 121: 415-425.
5. Ullah, S., Si, Y., Schlerf, M., Skidmore, A.K., Shafiquec, M. and Iqbale I.A. (2012) “Estimation of grassland biomass and nitrogen using MERIS data”. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 19: 196–204.
4. Si, Y., Skidmore, A.K., Wang, T., de Boer, W.F., Toxopeus, A.G., Schlerf, M., Oudshoorn, M., Zwerver, S., van der Jeugd, H., Exo, K,-M. and Prins, H.H.T. (2011) “Distribution of Barnacle Geese Branta leucopsis in relation to food resources, distance to roosts, and the location of refuges”. ARDEA 99: 217-226.
3. Si, Y., Wang, T., Skidmore, A.K., de Boer, W.F., Li, L. and Prins, H.H.T. (2010) “Environmental factors influencing the spread of the highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus in wild birds in Europe”. Ecology & Society 15: 26.
2. Wang, T., Skidmore, A.K., Zeng, Z, Beck, P.S.A., Si, Y., Song, Y., Liu, X. and Prins, H.H.T. (2010) “Migration patterns of two endangered sympatric species from a remote sensing perspective”. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 76: 10p.
1. Si, Y., Skidmore, A.K., Wang, T., de Boer, W.F., Debba, P., Toxopeus, A.G., Li., L. and Prins, H.H.T. (2009) “Spatio - temporal dynamics of global H5N1 outbreaks match bird migration patterns”. Geospatial Health 4: 65-78.
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