

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-16

Email: hujiaxin@tsinghua.edu.cn
1997.11-1998.10,巴黎高等理工大学(école Polytechnique),访问
1、A. Bendikov, A. Grigor'yan, Eryan Hu and Jiaxin Hu, Heat kernels and non-local Dirichlet forms on ultrametric spaces, Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa- Classe di Scienze (to appear)
2、A. Grigor'yan,Eryan Hu and Jiaxin Hu,Two-sided estimates of heat kernels of jump type Dirichlet forms, Adv. Math. 330 (2018), 433-515.
3、A. Grigor'yan,Eryan Hu and Jiaxin Hu,Lower estimates of heat kernels for non-local Dirichlet forms on metric measure spaces, J. Funct. Anal. 272 (2017), 3311–3346.
4、A. Grigor'yan,Jiaxin Hu and Ka-Sing Lau,Generalized capacity, Harnack inequality and heat kernels of Dirichlet forms on metric measure spaces, J. Math. Soc. Japan, 67 (2015), 1485-1549.
5、A. Grigor'yan,Jiaxin Hu and Ka-Sing Lau,Estimates of heat kernels for non-local regular Dirichlet forms, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 366 (2014), 6397-6441.
6、A. Grigor'yan,Jiaxin Hu, Upper bounds of heat kernels on doubling spaces, Moscow Math. J. 14 (2014), No. 3, 505-563.
7、A. Grigor'yan,Jiaxin Hu, Heat kernels and Green functions on metric measure spaces, Canadian J. Math. 66 (2014), 641-699.
8、A. Grigor'yan, J. Hu and K.-S. Lau, Comparison inequalities for heat semigroups and heat kernels on metric measure spaces, J. Funct. Anal. 259 (2010), 2613-2641.
9、Jiaxin Hu and Martina Z?hle: Generalized Bessel and Riesz potentials on metric measure spaces, Potential Anal. 30 (2009), 315-340.
10、A. Grigor’yan and Jiaxin Hu: Off-diagonal upper estimates for the heat kernel of the Dirichlet forms on metric spaces, Inventiones Mathematicae 174 (2008), 81-126.
11、A. Grigor’yan; Jiaxin Hu and Ka-Sing Lau: Obtaining upper bounds of heat kernels from lower bounds, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 61 (2008), no. 5, 639-660.
12、Jiaxin Hu and X.P. Huang, A note on the limiting weak-type behavior for maximal operators, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 136 (2008), 1599-1607.
13、A. Grigor’yan, Jiaxin Hu and Ka-Sing Lau: Equivalence conditions for on-diagonal upper bounds of heat kernels on self-similar spaces, J. Funct. Anal. 237 (2006), 427-445.
14、Jiaxin Hu, K.-S. Lau and S.-M. Ngai: Laplace operators related to self-similar measures on Rd, J. Funct. Anal. 239 (2006), 542-565.
15、A. Grigor’yan, Jiaxin Hu and Ka-Sing Lau: Heat kernels on metric-measure spaces and an application to semi-linear elliptic equations, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 355 (2003), 2065--2095.
16、Kenneth J. Falconer and Jiaxin Hu: Nonlinear diffusion equations on unbounded fractal domains. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 256 (2001), 606–624.
17、Jiaxin Hu and P.G. LeFloch: L1-continuous dependence property for systems of conservation laws, Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 151 (2000), 45-93.
18、Jiaxin Hu: The Riemann problem for pressureless fluid dynamics with distribution solutions in Colombeau’s sense, Comm. Math. Phys, 194 (1998), 191-205.
Book:An introduction to fractal analysis (in Chinese, 230 pages), Science Press, 2013.
1.Meng Yang, University of Bielefeld, Germany (Initial employer after graduation) (January 2018).
2.Hongwei Bao, Postdoc (September, 2017), Ningbo University (Initial employer after graduation)
3.Xuliang Li, Watrix Technology (Beijing) (Initial employer after graduation) (PhD, 2017).
4.Chaoyi Zhu, Ubiquant Investment (Beijing) (Initial employer after graduation) (Master, 2017).
5.Pichit Boonkrong, Thailand, Lecturer at Rangsit University (Initial employer after graduation) (PhD, 2016).
6.Xiaoman Dou, Postdoc, Bosera Funds, Shenzhen, China (Initial employer after graduation) (PhD, 2015).
7.Qingsong Gu, Postdoc, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Initial employer after graduation) (PhD, 2015).
8.XiaoXiang Chai, PhD student, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Initial employer after graduation) (Master, 2015).
9.Song Huang, Guangzhou Securities, Guangzhou, China (Initial employer after graduation) (Master, 2015).
10.Eryan Hu, Postdoc, Beijing Institute of Technology, China (Initial employer after graduation) (PhD, 2013).
11.Yuhua Sun, University of Bielefeld, Germany (Initial employer after graduation) (2012).
12.Xueping Huang, PhD student, University of Bielefeld, Germany (Initial employer after graduation) (Master, 2008).
13.X.S. Wang, PhD student, University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK (Initial employer after graduation) (Master, 2006).
14.Yuan Ji, China Everbright Bank, China (Initial employer after graduation) (PhD, 2006, Joint Supervisor).
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