本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-16
李翔 副教授
地址:北京清华大学自动化系 邮编:100084
2002年9月至2006年7月 北京理工大学光电学院,获学士学位
2006年9月至2008年7月 北京理工大学光电学院,获硕士学位
2008年8月至2013年6月 新加坡南洋理工大学电子与电气工程学院,获博士学位
2012年8月至2015年2月 新加坡南洋理工大学,博士后
2015年2月至2016年8月 新加坡国立大学,博士后
2016年8月至2019年6月 香港中文大学,研究助理教授
2019年6月至今 清华大学自动化系,副教授
Associate Editor,《IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine》
Associate Editor, 2019 and 2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
ICRA, IROS, CDC, AIM, IFAC等国际学术会议和Automatica, TRO, RAL, TMECH, TNNLS, TASE, TIE, TCST等国际期刊审稿人
2018: T. J. Tarn Best Paper in Robotics in the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics
2017: Best Application Paper Finalists in IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
2017: Best Paper in Robotic Control in the 18th International Conference on Advanced Robotics
2013: Highly Commended Paper Award in the third IFToMM International Symposium on Robotics and Mechatronics
C. C. Cheah and X. Li, Task-Space Sensory Feedback Control of Robot Manipulator, Springer, 2015.
(1) X. Li, Z. Chen, Y. Gao, and Y.-H. Liu, “Apparatus for Separating USB Wires,” US Provisional Patent, 2018.
(2) X. Li, Z. Chen, Y. Gao, and Y.-H. Liu, “Apparatus and Method for Sorting USB Wires,” US Provisional Patent, 2018.
(1) X. Li, Y. Pan, G. Chen, and H. Yu, “Multi-modal control scheme for rehabilitation robotic exoskeletons,” The International Journal of Robotics Research, 36(5-7):759- 777, 2017.
(2) X. Li, Y. Pan, G. Chen, and H. Yu, “Adaptive human-robot interaction control for robots driven by series elastic actuators,” IEEE Transactions on Robotics, (Regular Paper), 33(1):169-182, 2017.
(3) X. Li, C. C. Cheah, S. Hu, and D. Sun, “Dynamic trapping and manipulation of biological cells with optical tweezers,” Automatica, (Regular Paper), 49(6):1614-1625, 2013.
(4) X. Li and C. C. Cheah, “Global task-space adaptive control of robot,” Automatica, (Regular Paper), 49(1):58-69, 2013.
(5) X. Li, Y.-H. Liu, and H. Yu, “Iterative learning impedance control for rehabilitation robots driven by series elastic actuators,” Automatica, 90:1-7, 2018.
(6) X. Li, C. C. Cheah, and Q. M. Ta, “Cooperative optical trapping and manipulation of multiple cells with robot tweezers,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, (Regular Paper), 25(5):1564-1575, 2017.
(7) X. Li, G. Chi, S. Vidas, and C. C. Cheah, “Human-guided robotic co-manipulation: Two illustrative scenarios,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, (Regular Paper), 24(5), 1751-1763, 2016.
(8) X. Li and C. C. Cheah, “Tracking control for optical manipulation with adaptation of trapping stiffness,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, (Regular Paper), 24(4):1432-1440, 2015.
(9) X. Li and C. C. Cheah, “Adaptive neural network control of robot based on a unified objective bound,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, (Regular Paper), 22(3):1032-1043, 2014.
(10) X. Li, X. Su, and Y.-H. Liu, “Vision-based robotic manipulation of flexible PCBs,” IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, (Regular Paper), 23(6):2739-2749, 2018.
(11) X. Li and C. C. Cheah, “Stochastic optical trapping and manipulation of micro object with neural-network adaptation,” IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, (Regular Paper), 22(6):2633-2642, 2017.
(12) X. Li and C. C. Cheah, “Robotic cell manipulation using optical tweezers with unknown trapping stiffness and limited field of view,” IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, (Regular Paper), 20(4):1624-1632, 2014.
(13) X. Li, Y. Pan, G. Chen, and H. Yu, “Continuous tracking control for a compliant actuator with two-stage stiffness,” IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, (Regular Paper), 15(1):57-66, 2018.
(14) X. Li and C. C. Cheah, “A simple trapping and manipulation method of biological cell using robot-assisted optical tweezers: Singular perturbation approach,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, (Regular Paper), 64(2):1656-1663, 2017.
(15) C. C. Cheah, X. Li, X. Yan, and D. Sun, “Observer based optical manipulation of biological cells with robotic tweezers,” IEEE Transactions on Robotics, (Regular Paper), 30(1):68-80, 2014.
(16) C. C. Cheah, X. Li, X. Yan, and D. Sun, “Simple PD control scheme for robotic manipulation of biological cell,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 60(5):1427-1432, 2014.
(1) Z. Wang, X. Li*, D. Navarro-Alarcon, and Y.-H. Liu, “A unified controller for regionreaching and deforming of soft objects,” IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intelli. Robots Syst., (IROS), 2018, online.
(2) X. Li, X. Su, Y. Gao, and Y.-H. Liu, “Vision-based robotic grasping and manipulation of USB wires,” IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics Automat., (ICRA), 3482-3487, 2018.
(3) G. Sun, X. Li*, P. Li, Y. Meng, Y. Zhou, E. Xu, and Y.-H. Liu, “A synchronization scheme for position control of multiple rope-climbing robots,” IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics Automat., (ICRA), 3736-3741, 2018.
(4) X. Li, X. Su, and Y.-H. Liu, “Cooperative robotic soldering of flexible PCBs,” IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intelli. Robots Syst., (IROS), 1651-1656, 2017.
(5) X. Li, G. Chen, Y. Pan, and H. Yu, “Region control for robots driven by series elastic actuators,” IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics Automat., (ICRA), 1102-1107, 2016.
(6) X. Li, X. Yan, and C. C. Cheah, “Robot-assisted optical trapping and manipulation of a biological cell with stochastic perturbations,” IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics Automat., (ICRA), 5236-5241, 2016.
(7) X. Li, and C. C. Cheah, “Human-guided robotic manipulation: theory and experiments,” IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics Automat., (ICRA), 4594-4599, 2014.
(8) X. Li, C. C. Cheah, X. Yan, and D. Sun, “Robotic cell manipulation using optical tweezers with limited FOV,” IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics Automat., (ICRA), 4588-4593, 2014.
(9) C. C. Cheah, X. Li, X. Yan, D. Sun, and H.C. Liaw, “A simple setpoint controller for dynamic manipulation of biological cells using optical tweezers,” IEEE Conf. Decision Control (CDC), 3379-3384, 2013.
(10) X. Li, and C. C. Cheah, “Dynamic region control for robot-assisted cell manipulation using optical tweezers,” IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics Automat., (ICRA), 1057-1062, 2012.
(11) X. Li, and C. C. Cheah, “Multiple task-space robot control: sense locally, act globally,” IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics Automat., (ICRA), 265-270, 2012.
(12) X. Li, and C. C. Cheah, “Adaptive regional feedback control of robot manipulator with uncertain kinematics and depth information,” American Control Conf., 5472-5477, 2012.
(13) C. C. Cheah, and X. Li, “Singularity-robust task-space tracking control of robot,” IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics Automat., (ICRA), 5819-5824, 2011.
(14) C. C. Cheah, and X. Li, “Reach then see: A new adaptive controller for robot manipulator based on dual task-space information,” IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics Automat., (ICRA), 5155-5160, 2010.
* Corresponding Author
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