本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-16
张靖 副教授
通信地址:北京市海淀区清华大学自动化系 邮政编码:100084
电话: Fax:
1997年9月至2001年7月 在清华大学数学科学系应用数学专业学习,获理学学士学位;
2001年9月至2006年7月 在清华大学自动化系控制科学与工程专业学习,获工学博士学位
2006年7月至2008年5月 清华大学计算机科学与技术系,博士后
2008年5月至2010年12月 清华大学自动化系,讲师
2010年12月至今 清华大学自动化系,副教授
2008年2月至3月 2008年7月至2009年2月,日本理化学研究所(RIKEN),访问
2010年4月至2010年7月 台湾成功大学,访问
担任国际期刊IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,Automatica,Physica A审稿人,国内期刊为科学通报,Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in China,Frontiers of Physics in China,系统科学与数学,控制理论与应用,中国科学院研究生院学报等期刊审稿人;
曾为国际会议Control and Decision Conference 2007, 2008,European Control Conference 2007,International Conference on Quantum, Nano and Micro Technologies 2008担任审稿人。
11.中国博士后科学基金(一等资助),“纳米操作系统量子化及控制研究”,课题负责人 2007.1-2008.7
国际自动控制联合会(IFAC)世界大会青年作者奖(Young Author Award,2011)
[1] J. Zhang, Y.-X. Liu, R.-B. Wu, K. Jacobs, and F. Nori, Quantum feedback: theory, experiments, and applications, accepted by Physics Reports.
[2] Z. P. Liu, J. Zhang* (co-first author), S. K. ?zdemir, B. Peng, H. Jing, X.-Y. Lü, C.-W. Li, L. Yang, F. Nori, and Y.-X. Liu, Metrology with PT-Symmetric Cavities: Enhanced Sensitivity near the PT-Phase Transition, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 110802 (2016).
[3] F. Monifi, J. Zhang*(co-first auther), ?. K. ?zdemir*, B. Peng, Y.-X. Liu, F. Bo, F. Nori and L. Yang*, Optomechanically-induced stochastic resonance and chaos transfer between optical fields, Nature Photonics 10, 399-405 (2016).
[4] J. Zhang*, B. Peng, S. K. Ozdemir, Y.-X. Liu, H. Jing, X.-Y. Lü, Y.-L. Liu, L. Yang, and F. Nori, Giant nonlinearity via breaking parity-time symmetry: A route to low-threshold phonon diodes, Phys. Rev. B 92, 115407 (2015).
[5] N. Yang, J. Zhang*, H. Wang, Y.-X. Liu, R.-B. Wu, L.-Q. Liu, C.-W. Li, and F. Nori, Noise suppression of on-chip mechanical resonators by chaotic coherent feedback, Phys. Rev. A 92, 033812 (2015).
[6] C.-L. Zhu, N. Yang, Y.-X. Liu, F. Nori, and J. Zhang*, Entanglement distribution over quantum code-division multiple-access networks, Phys. Rev. A 92, 042327 (2015).
[7] Y. L. Liu, Z. P. Liu and J. Zhang, Coherent-feedback-induced controllable optical bistability and photon blockade, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 10, 105501 (2015).
[8] H. Jing, S. K. Ozdemir, Z. Geng, J. Zhang, X.-Y. Lü, B. Peng, L. Yang, and F. Nori, Optomechanically-induced transparency in partiy-time-symmetric microresonators, Sci. Rep. 5, 9663 (2015).
[9] X.-Y. Lü, Y. Wu, J. R. Johansson, H. Jing, J. Zhang, and F. Nori, Squeezed optomechanics with phase-matched amplification and dissipation, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 093602 (2015).
[10] H. Wang, Z. X. Wang, J. Zhang, ?. K. ?zdemir, L. Yang, and Y.-X. Liu, Phonon amplification in two coupled cavities containing one mechanical resonator, Phys. Rev. A 90, 053814 (2014).
[11] H. Jing, S.?K. ?zdemir, X.-Y. Lü, J. Zhang, L. Yang, and F. Nori, PT-Symmetric Phonon Laser, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 053604 (2014).
[12] J. Zhang*, Y.-X. Liu, S. K. Ozdemir, R. B. Wu, F. F. Gao, X. B. Wang, L. Yang and F. Nori. Quantum internet using code division multiple access. Sci. Rep. 3, 2211 (2013) (Nature series journal).
[13] J. Zhang*, Y.-X. Liu, R. B. Wu, K. Jacobs, and F. Nori. Non-Markovian quantum input-output networks. Physical Review A 87, 032117 (2013).
[14] Z.-P. Liu, H. Wang, J. Zhang*, Y.-X. Liu, R.-B. Wu, C.-W. Li, and F. Nori. Feedback-induced nonlinearity and superconducting on-chip quantum optics. Physical Review A 88, 063851 (2013).
[15] X.-W. Xu, H. Wang, J. Zhang, and Y.-X. Liu. Engineering of nonclassical motional states in optomechanical systems. Physical Review A 88, 063819 (2013).
[16] R. B. Wu, T. F. Li, A. G. Kofman, J. Zhang, Yu-xi Liu, Yu. A. Pashkin, J.-S. Tsai, and Franco Nori. Spectral analysis and identification of noises in quantum systems. Physical Review A, 87: 022324 (2013).
[17] J. Zhang*, R. B. Wu, Y.-X. Liu, C. W. Li, and T. J. Tarn. Quantum coherent nonlinear feedbacks with applications to quantum optics on chip. IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, 57: 1997 (2012) (Regular paper).
[18] J. Zhang*, R. B. Wu, L. Miao, Lei, N. Xi, C. W. Li, Y. C. Wang, and T. J. Tarn. Suppressing nano-scale stick-slip motion by feedback. J. Appl. Phys. 111: 054308 (2012).
[19] S.-B. Xue, R.-B. Wu, W.-M. Zhang, J. Zhang and T.-J. Tarn. Coherent feedback control of non-Markovian open Boson systems via engineered quantum fields. Physical Review A, 86: 052304 (2012).
[20] H. Wang, H. C. Sun, J. Zhang, and Y.-X. Liu. Transparency and amplification in a hybrid system of the mechanical resonator and circuit QED. SCIENCE CHINA-Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 55: 2264 (2012).
[21] R. B. Wu, J. Zhang, C. W. Li, G. L. Long, and T. J. Tarn. Control problems in quantum systems. Chinese Science Bulletin, 57: 2194 (2012).
[22] J. Zhang*, Y.-X. Liu, W. M. Zhang, L. A. Wu, R. B. Wu, and T. J. Tarn. Determinstic chaos can act as a decoherence suppressor. Physical. Review B, 84: 214304 (2011).
[23] S. B. Xue, J. Zhang*, R. B. Wu, C. W. Li, and T.-J. Tarn. Quantum operation for a one-qubit system under a non-Markovian environment. Journal of Physics B: Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 44: 154016 (2011).
[24] J. Zhang*, R.-B. Wu, C.-W. Li T.-J. Tarn. Protecting coherence and entanglement by quantum feedback controls. IEEE Transactions on Automation Control, 55: 619-633 (2010) (Regular Paper).
[25] J. Zhang*, Y.-X. Liu, R.-B. Wu, C. W. Li, and T. J. Tarn. Transition from weak to strong measurements by nonlinear quantum feedback control. Physical. Review A, 82: 022101 (2010).
[26] J. Zhang*, Y. X. Liu, and F. Nori, Cooling and squeezing the fluctuations of a nanomechanical beam by indirect quantum feedback control, Physical Review A, 79: 052102 (2009). (quant-ph/ 0902.2526)
[27] J. Zhang*, Y. X. Liu, C. W. Li, T. J. Tarn, and F. Nori. Generating stationary entangled states in superconducting qubits. Physical Review A 79: 052308 (2009). (quant-ph/0808.0395)
[28] J. Zhang*, R. B. Wu, C. W. Li, and T. J. Tarn. Using a squeezed field to protect two-atom entanglement against spontaneous emissions. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 42: 035304 (2009). (quant-ph/0807.0965)
[29] J. Zhang*, C. W. Li, T. J. Tarn, J. W. Wu, Analytically solvable two-qubit entanglement monotone, Physical Review A, 76: 032306 (2007).
[30] J. Zhang*, R. B. Wu, C. W. Li, T. J. Tarn, and J. W. Wu. Asymptotically noise decoupling for Markovian open quantum systems, Physical Review A, 75: 022324 (2007). (quant-ph/**)
[31] J. W. Wu, C. W. Li, T. J. Tarn, and J. Zhang. Optimal BangBang control for SU(1,1) Coherent States. Physical. Review A, 76: 053403 (2007).
[32] J. Zhang*, C.W. Li, R.B. Wu, T.J. Tarn, J.W. Wu. Quasi multipartite entanglement measure based on quadratic functions, Physical Review A, 73: 022319 (2006). (quant-ph/**)
[33] J. Zhang*, C.W. Li. Decoherence suppression of two-level quantum systems based on coherent control, Control and Decision, 21: 508-512 (2006). (in Chinese)
[34] J. W. Wu, C. W. Li, R. B. Wu, T. J. Tarn, and J. Zhang. Quantum control by decomposition of SU(1,1), Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 39: 13531-13551 (2006).
[35] J. Zhang*, C.W. Li, R.B. Wu, T.J. Tarn, X. S. Liu, Maximal suppression of decoherence in Markovian quantum systems, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 38: 6587-6601 (2005).
[36] X.S. Liu, R.B. Wu, Y. Liu, J. Zhang and G.L. Long. Dynamical control of adiabatic decoherence in the single three-level atom, Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics, 7: 268-293 (2005).
[37] J. Zhang*, C.W. Li, R.B. Wu, Coherent control modeling of quantum computers in open environment, ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 31: 759-764 (2005). (in Chinese)
[38] J. Zhang*, C.W. Li, R.B. Wu, Output feedback control of quantum mechanical systems, Control and Decision, 20: 607-610, 615 (2005). (in Chinese)
[1] H. Sun, J. Zhang*, R.-B. Wu, H. Rabitz, T.-J. Tarn. Optimal control protocols can be exponentially accelerated by quantum algorithms. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2016.
[2] N. Yang, J. Zhang, Z. P. Liu, C. W. Li, and T. J. Tarn. Cooling of optomechanical system by coherent feedback. Proceeding of the 11th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA), pp. 2103-2107, Shenyang, China, 29 June-4 July 2014.
[3] R. B. Wu, J. Zhang, Y. X. Liu, C. W. Li, and T. J. Tarn. Control of quantum mechanical systems - Recent works in Tsinghua University. Proceeding of the 11th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA), pp. 1310-1317, Shenyang, China, 29 June-4 July 2014.
[4] W. B. Dong, R. B. Wu, J. Zhang, C. W. Li, and T. J. Tarn. Quantum control model for spatial propagation of. electromagnetic fields in dielectrics. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2013.
[5] R.-B. Wu, J. Zhang, C. W. Li and T.-J. Tarn. Frequency-domain model of quantum control systems. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2012.
[6] J. Zhang, R. B. Wu, C. W. Li, and T. J. Tarn. Quantum chaotic communication. 10th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, pp. 1854, 2012.
[7] S. B. Xue, R. B. Wu, and J. Zhang. Coherent quantum feedback rejection of non-Markovian noises. 10th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, pp. 2209, 2012.
[8] J. Zhang and R. B. Wu. Coherent nonlinear quantum feedback with applications to on-chip quantum optics. 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan, 2011.
[9] J. Zhang and R. B. Wu, Using chaotic device to suppress non-Markovian quantum noises, Proceedings of the 30th Chinese Control Conference, 2011, pp. 5346-5351, Yantai, China.
[10] S. B. Xue, J. Zhang, R. B. Wu, C. W. Li, and T. J. Tarn, Quantum operation for one non-Markovian qubit via AC control, Proceedings of the 30th Chinese Control Conference, 2011, pp. 5352-5357, Yantai, China.
[11] J. Zhang, L. Miao, R. B. Wu, N. Xi, C. W. Li, Y. C. Wang, and T. J. Tarn. Reducing stick-slip motion in one-dimensional nano manipulation by real-time feedback control. IEEE NANO 2010 Joint Symposium with NANO Korea, 2010/8/24.
[12] J. Zhang, R. B. Wu, Y. X. Liu, C. W. Li, and T. J. Tarn. Quantum-feedback-control induced bifurcation and its application to qubit readout. 48th Control and Decision Conference (CDC), Shanghai China, 2009.
[13] J. Zhang, R. B. Wu, C. W. Li, and T. J. Tarn. Bath-induced Control of Two-qubit Entanglement under Markovian Noises. 47th Control and Decision Conference (CDC), Cancun Mexico, 2008.
[14] J. W. Wu, C. W. Li, J. Zhang, Energy optimal control for SU(1,1)-type two-input quantum systems, Proceedings of the 26th Chinese Control Conference, Zhangjiajie, China, 2007.
[15] J. Zhang, C. W. Li, Noise decoupling decoherence suppression strategy for Markovian open quantum systems, Proceedings of the 25th Chinese Control Conference, Harbin, China, 2006.
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