近几年来在相关研究领域共发表学术论文70余篇,其中SCI收录论文15篇(包括IEEE JSSC 1篇),EI收录论文40余篇;已完成中文专著1本,英文专著1本,英文专著中的1章;已授权的国家发明专利13项,外观专利3项,另已申请10余项国家发明专利。
1. 新一代医用无线球囊内窥镜系统设计研究
6)图像处理: 图像压缩、图像识别、消化道图像2D展开
图1 体外读取球囊采集图像数据的系统构成 图2 实时获取球囊采集图像数据的系统构成
2. 便携式与移动平台下的3D图像获取与处理研究
1) 系统级低功耗与高性能设计
2) 基于Image Sensor、GPS、INS、Lidar的多传感器数据采集微型化研究
3) 多传感器数据融合处理算法研究
4) 基于移动平台下的3D建模与纹理映射算法研究
5) 低功耗、高性能的多传感器数据融合与处理SoC设计
6) 基于3D数据的高性能DSP设计
3. 无处不在的人机交互系统中的关键算法与集成电路设计研究
Email: xiexiang@tsinghua.edu.cn
[1] Xiang Xie, ZiQiang Wang, Hunjun Jiang and Zhihua Wang, the principle and clinic applications of wireless capsule endoscopy system (胶囊内窥镜系统原理与临床应用), Science Press, China, 2010 (in Chinese).
[2] Tianjia Sun, Xiang Xie and Zhihua Wang, Wireless Power Transfer for Medical Microsystems, Springer New York, 2013.
Book Chapters:
[1] Zhihua Wang, Xiang Xie, Xinkai Chen, Xiaowen Li, “Design considerations of low power digital integrated systems for the implantable medical application.” In CMOS Bio-Microsystems: Where Electronics Meets Biology, edited by , CRC Press, 2011.
[1] Xie, X.; Li, G.; Chen, X.; Li, X.; Wang, Z.; A Low-Power Digital IC Design Inside the Wireless Endoscopic Capsule, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Volume 41,Issue 11,Nov. 2006 Page(s):2390 - 2400, Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2006.882884. (SCI: 101BI)
[2] Xiang Xie, GuoLin Li, and ZhiHua Wang, Low-complexity and high-efficiency image compression algorithm for wireless endoscopy system, Journal of electronic imaging,Vol.15, No.2, Apr.2006, page(s): 023017(1) – 023017(15). (SCI: 071FL)
[3] Xiang Xie, Guolin Li and Zhihua Wang, ARQ Scheme with Adaptive Block size for Bidirectional Wireless Endoscopy System, IEE Proc. Communications, Volume 153, Issue 5, Oct. 2006 Page(s):611 - 618. (SCI: 105AD)
[4] Xiang Xie, LI Guolin and WANG ZhiHua, A Low Complexity and High Quality Image Compression Method for Digital Cameras, ETRI Journal, Vol. 28, No. 2, Apr.2006, pp.260-263. (SCI: 032DT)
[5] Xiang Xie, Guolin li and Zhihua Wang, A Near-lossless Image Compression Algorithm Suitable for Hardware Design in Wireless Endoscopy System,EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Volume 2007, Article ID 82160, Pages: 1–12, doi:10.1155/2007/82160. (SCI: 143WZ)
[6] Xiaowen Li, Xiang Xie, Guolin Li, Li Zhang and Zhihua Wang, Low-complexity near-lossless image compression method and its application-specific integrated circuit design for a wireless endoscopy capsule system, Journal of Electronic Imaging, Volume: vol.16, no.1 Pages: 13015-1-9 Published: Jan. 2007. (SCI: 162EB)
[7] Sun, T., Xie, X., Li, G., Gu, Y., Deng, Y., Wang, Z., A Two-Hop Wireless Power Transfer System with an Efficiency-Enhanced Power Receiver for Motion-Free Capsule Endoscopy Inspection, Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on, Nov. 2012 , Volume: 59 , Issue: 11, pages:3247-3254, DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2012.**.
[8] T.J. Sun, X. Xie, G.L. Li, Y.K. Gu, Y.D. Deng and Z.H. Wang, Integrated Omnidirectional Wireless Power Receiving Circuit for Wireless Endoscopy, IEE Electronics letter, July 2012 , Volume: 48 , Issue: 15, Page(s): 907 - 908, DOI: 10.1049/el.2012.1687.
[9] Tianjia Sun, Xiang Xie, Guolinli, Yingke Gu, Zhihua Wang, "Rectigulator, a hybrid of rectifiers and regulators for miniature wirelessly powered bio-microsystems", Electronics Letter, Sep. 2012, Vol: 48, issue: 19, pages: 1181 - 1182. DOI: 10.1049/el.2012.1588.
[10]Tianjia Sun, Xiang Xie, Guolinli, Yingke Gu, Zhihua Wang, "Indoor Wireless Power Transfer Using Asymmetric Direct-Strong-Coupling Mechanism", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Feb. 2013, Vol: 55, Issue: 2, pages 250-253. DOI: 10.1002/mop.27315.
[11]Yingke Gu, Xiang Xie, Guolin Li, Tianjia Sun and Zhihua Wang, A two-stage wireless capsule image compression with low complexity and high quality, IEE Electronics letter, 2012. Volume: 48 , Issue: 25, Publication Year: 2012 , Page(s): 1588 - 1589, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1049/el.2012.3470
[12]Jun Hu, G.L.Li, Xiang Xie, et.al, "Bare-fingers Touch Detection by the Button's Distortion in Projector-camera System", IEEE Transcation on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2013.(Accepted)
[1] Xiang Xie, GuoLin Li, XiaoWen Li, ZhiHua Wang, Chun Zhang, DongMei Li and Li Zhang, A New Approach for Near-lossless and Lossless Image Compression with Bayer Color Filter Arrays, Third International Conference on Image and Graphics 2004, Hong Kong, pages:357-360.
[2] Xiang Xie, GuoLin Li, XiaoWen Li,ChunZhang,ZhiHuaWang, XinKaiChen, HsiaoWeiSu, a new high quality image compression method for digital image sensors with bayer color filter arrays, 2004 IEEE International Workshop on Biomedical Circuits and Systems (BioCAS04), Singapore, 2004, pages:S3.3.13-S3.3.16.
[3] Xiang Xie, Guolin Li, XinKai Chen, XiaoWen Li, BaoYong Chi, ShuGuang Han, JinKeYao, Chun Zhang and Zhihua Wang, a novel low power ic design for bi-directional digital wireless endoscopy capsule system, 2004 IEEE International Workshop on Biomedical Circuits and Systems (BioCAS04),Singapore,2004,pages:S1.8.5-S1.8.8.
[4] Xiang Xie, GuoLin Li, DongMei Li, Chun Zhang, ZhiHua Wang,A New Near-lossless Image Compression Algorithm Suitable for Hardware Design in Wireless Endoscopy System, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2005, Genoa, Italy, Volume 1, Page(s):1125-1128.
[5] Xiang Xie, GuoLin Li, BaoYong Chi, XueYi Yu, Chun Zhang and ZhiHua Wang, Micro-system Design inside the Wireless Endoscopic Capsule,27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering In Medicine and Biology Society(EMBC), China, 01-04 Sept. 2005, Page(s):7135-7138.
[6] Xiang Xie, GuoLin Li, ZhiHua Wang, Chun Zhang, DongMei Li and XiaoWen Li, A Novel Method of Lossy Image Compression for Digital Image Sensors with Bayer Color Filter Arrays, Circuits and Systems, 2005. ISCAS 2005. IEEE International Symposium on 23-26 May 2005 Page(s):4995 - 4998, Japan.
[7] Xiang Xie, Guolin Li, Chun Zhang and Zhihua Wang, An Efficient Control Strategy of Adaptive Packet Length for ARQ in Wireless Endoscopy System, International Symposium on Communications and Information technologies(ISCIT2005), China, 2005,2:1084-1086.
[8] Xiang Xie, LI Guolin and WANG ZhiHua, A New VLSI Structure for An Improved Near-lossless Color Image Compression Algorithm Inside Wireless Endoscopy Capsule, Circuits and Systems, 2006. ISCAS 2006. Proceedings. 2006 IEEE International Symposium on 21-24 May 2006 Page(s):357 - 360 .
[9] Xiang Xie, GuoLin Li, XinKai Chen, Lu Liu, Chun Zhang and ZhiHua Wang, A Low Power Digital IC Design Inside the Wireless Endoscopy Capsule, Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference, A-SSCC 2005, TaiWang, 2005:217-220.
[10]Gu yingke, xiang Xie, Wang ziqiang, et al., A New Globularity Capsule Endoscopy System with Multi-Camera, Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference, 2009, IEEE-BioCAS 2009, page(s):289-292, China.
[11]Yingke Gu, Xiang Xie, Guolin Li, Tianjia Sun, Qiang Zhang, Ziqiang Wang, Zhihua Wang,A New System Design of Multi-view Micro-Ball Endoscopy System, 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, page(s): 6409 - 6412, August 31 - September 4, 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
[12]Tianjia Sun, Xiang Xie, Guolin Li, Yingke Gu, Yangdong Deng, Ziqiang Wang, Zhihua Wang, An Asymmetric Resonant Coupling Wireless Power Transmission Link for Micro-Ball Endoscopy, 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, page(s): 6531 – 6534, August 31 - September 4, 2010,Buenos Aires, Argentina.
[13]Dan Wang, Xiang Xie, Guolin li, Yinke Gu, Tianjia Sun and Zhihua Wang, Research on Image Registration for 2D Representation of GI tract in Micro-Ball Endoscopy System, 2010 3rd International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI'10), Volume 2, page(s):514~517, October 2010, Yantai, China.
[14]Tianjia Sun, Xiang Xie, Guolin Li, Yingke Gu, Xiaomeng Li, Zhihua Wang, "A Wireless Energy Link for Endoscopy with End-Fire Helix Emitter and Load-Adaptive Power Converter", APCCAS, Page(s): 32-35, Dec. 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
[15]Dan Wang, Xiang Xie, Guolin Li, Yingke Gu, Tianjia Sun, Zhihua Wang, Image Registration Method for 2D Representation of Wireless Micro-Ball Endoscopic Images, Circuits and Systems, 2011 IEEE International Symposium on, ISCAS 2011, Page(s): 93-96, May. 2011, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
[16]Xiaomeng Li, Tianjia Sun, Guolin Li, Xiang Xie, Yingke Gu, Chuan Tian and Zhihua Wang, A New Omnidirectional Wireless Power Transmission Solution for The Wireless Endoscopic Micro-Ball, Circuits and Systems, 2011 IEEE International Symposium on, ISCAS 2011, Page(s): 2609-2612, May. 2011, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
[17]Jun Hu, Xiang Xie, Guolin Li, Yingke Gu, Yemao Zeng and Zhihua Wang, Attitude Sensing System Design for Wireless Micro-Ball Endoscopy, Circuits and Systems, 2011 IEEE International Symposium on, ISCAS 2011, Page(s): 2357-2360, May. 2011, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
[18]Dan Wang, Xiang Xie et al., "A Low Complexity Method of Real-Time Intestinal Lumen Detection for The Wireless Endoscopy", 2012 6th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE'12), vol: 3, pp: 386~389.
[19]Dan Wang, Xiang Xie et al., "Research on 2D Representation Method of Wireless Micro-Ball Endoscopic Images", 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society Conference(EMBC'12), pp: 1145~1148.
[20]Yingke Gu, Guolin Li, Xiang Xie, Tianjia Sun, Shouhao Liu, Xiaomeng Li, Songping Mai, Zhihua Wang, “The design and implementation of a chipset for the endoscopic Micro-Ball”, Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2012 IEEE International Symposium on,2012 ,Korea, Page(s): 2633 – 2636.
[21]Yiyi Ren, Wenshou Chen, Xiang Xie, Guolin Li, Yangdong Deng, Kai Zhao, Enbo Shi, Zhihua Wang, "A Theoretical and Empirical Error Analysis of Mobile 3D Data Acquisition System",IEEEInternational Symposium on Circuits and Systems, May 2012, Page(s): 596 - 599.
[22]Yingke. Gu, X. Xie, G. Li, T. Sun, D. Wang, Z. Yin, Y. Deng, and Z. Wang, “Design of Micro-Ball endoscopy system,” in Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), 2012 IEEE, 2012, page(s): 208–211, Taiwan.
[23]Pengfei Zhang, Xiang Xie, Guolin Li, Dan Wang, Yingke Gu, Zhihua Wang, "A Method for the Generation of Small Intestine Map Based on Endoscopic Micro-Ball", IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference(Biocas 2012), Nov 2012, Taiwan, page(s):276–279.
[24]Zheng. Yin, G. Li, X. Xie, Y. Gu, J. Hu, D. Wang, and Z. Wang, “A flexible attitude system for wireless Micro-Ball endoscopy,” in Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), 2012 IEEE, 2012, page(s): 5–8.
[25]Zhong. Lv, Y. Xu, G. Li, X. Xie, J. Hu, W. Song, and Z. Wang, “A new finger touch detection algorithm and prototype system architecture for pervasive bare-hand human computer interaction”, in Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2013 IEEE International Symposium on, 2013, page(s):725–728, Beijing, China.
[26]Yadong. Huang, J. Wang, T. Sun, X. Xie, G. Li, Y. Gu, and Z. Wang, “An efficiency-enhanced wireless power transfer system with segmented transmitting coils for endoscopic capsule”, in Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2013 IEEE International Symposium on, 2013, page(s): 2279–2282., Beijing, China.
[27] Tianjia. Sun, X. Xie, and Z. Wang, “Design challenges of the wireless power transfer for medical microsystems,” in Wireless Symposium (IWS), 2013 IEEE International, 2013, page(s): 1–4.
[1] 王志华、谢翔、张春,“双向数字式无线内窥镜系统” 发明专利申请号:**.X, 发明专利申请日期:2003.4.11, 授权专利号:ZL**X.
[2] 谢翔,李国林,李晓雯,王志华,“无线内窥镜系统的准无损图像压缩和解压缩方法”,发明专利申请号:5.3, 发明专利申请日期:2005.12.2, 授权专利号:ZL5.3.
[3] 谢翔,李国林,喻学艺,王志华,“双向数字无线内窥镜胶囊用的集成电路系统”,发明专利申请号:1.7, 发明专利申请日期:2006.5.26, 授权专利号:ZL1.7.
[4] 谢翔,李国林,喻学艺,王志华,“无线内窥镜系统高码率超短距离的自动请求重传通信方法”发明专利申请号:8.4,发明专利申请日期:2005.12.16,授权专利号:ZL8.4
[5] 谢翔,潘圣,杨霞,吕燕、赵晓红、赵玉生、鞠茂光“计算机与磁盘数据安全传输防护系统”,发明专利申请号:7.5,发明专利申请日期:2007.7.27,授权专利号:ZL7.5
[6] 谢 翔, 姜汉钧, 王红梅, 李国林, 王志华, “一种无线生物体腔内图像采集系统及装置”, 发明专利申请号:6.5, 发明专利申请日期:2007.11.09, 授权专利号:6.5
[7] 祁楠, 谢翔, 李国林, 姜汉钧,王志华, 王红梅, “生物体腔内全视角采集系统”, 发明专利申请号:3.3, 发明专利申请日期:2008.01.10, 授权公开号:CNB
[8] 孙天佳;谢翔;李国林;谷荧柯;王自强;张春;王志华, “无线能量传输系统及方法”, 发明专利申请号:0.X, 发明专利申请日期:2010.5.24, 授权专利号:0.X.
[9] 谢翔,李国林,邓仰东,胡军,王志华等,“一种便携式移动操作终端及其方法”, 授权专利号:5.0
[10] 谢翔, 邓仰东, 李国林, 王自强等, “车辆导航系统及方法”, 授权专利号:7.
[11] 谷荧柯,李国林,谢翔,孙天佳,胡军,王志华, “用于生物体腔内的多视角图像采集与存储系统和方法”, 授权专利号:8.
[12] 王自强;谢翔;张春;谷荧柯;孙天佳;王志华,” 利用电磁波相位差的人体内视镜胶囊定位方法及其系统”, 授权专利号:9.X.
[13] 童凯, 李国林, 谢翔, 谷荧科, 赵凯, 刘守浩, 王志华”一种数据压缩方法”, 授权专利号:5.7.