

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-15






2018/12至今 清华大学车辆学院,副教授

2014/10-2018/12 清华大学汽车工程系,助理教授
2013/12-2014/05 Argonne National Laboratory,访问
2013/05-2013/10 University of Chicago,访问
2012/07-2014/10 清华大学汽车工程系,博士后


论文发表及引用:在包括Nature Communications等期刊上发表SCI/SSCI检索论文63篇,4篇论文入选ESI高被引论文(其中3篇为第一作者);Web of Science核心合集引用1279次,他引1054次,H因子为22。Google Scholar统计引用1997次,H因子为26;
专著及期刊编委:担任包括IPCC第五次评估报告在内的五部中英文专著共同执笔人;担任中国工程院院刊《Frontiers in Energy》“后巴黎协议时代气候变化减缓”专刊编委、《Journal of Sustainable Mobility》“中国可持续交通”专刊编委;担任行业权威国际期刊《Automotive Innovation》助理主编。




硕士研究生:Philipp Hartmann(2018级);Alexander Schollemann(2019级);高索芬(2020级)



2018/06孙鑫获得清华-大众汽车“We Promote Talent 2018”毕业设计优胜奖

2018/10至今 中国汽车工程学会青年工作委员会,委员
2017/07至今 中国系统工程学会能源资源系统工程分会,常务理事
2017/01至今 国际期刊《Automotive Innovation》,助理主编
2016/12至今 国家自然科学基金通信评审专家(管理学部)
2016/08至今 中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会能源经济与管理研究分会,理事
2017-2018 《Frontiers in Energy》(中国工程院院刊),专刊编委
2016/08-2018/08 国际汽车工程师学会联合会(FISITA),理事
2015/11至今 中国汽车工程学会技术管理分会,副秘书长
2015 《Journal of Sustainable Mobility》,专刊编委
2012/05-2014/04 联合国IPCC第五次评估报告交通工作组,贡献作者
2008/10至今 清华大学中国车用能源研究中心(CAERC),研究人员

2019/12 清华大学刘冰奖
2018/10 中国汽车工业科学技术奖(省部级)二等奖,《汽车产业安全理论研究及其在重大产业政策制订中的应用》,3/5(刘宗巍, 赵福全, 郝瀚, 陈康达, 王悦)
2018/03 北京市教育教学成果奖(省部级)二等奖,《新车辆人才观理念及实践——不拘一格车辆工程人才培养二十年探索》,2/11(杨福源, 郝瀚, 杨殿阁, 黄开胜, 聂冰冰, 姬雪, 李克强, 帅石金, 马春生, 周世兰, 杨丽媛)
2018/01 国家能源局能源软科学研究优秀成果奖(省部级)二等奖,《中国车用能源系统可持续转型研究》,8/10(何建坤, 张希良, 王贺武, 欧训民, 朱桂萍, 麻林巍, 常世彦, 郝瀚, 刘培, 黄海燕)
2017/03 入选中国科协“青年人才托举工程”
2016/11 中国汽车工业科学技术奖(省部级)二等奖,《中国建设汽车强国的差距分析与发展战略》,3/5(赵福全, 刘宗巍, 郝瀚, 赵世佳, 王悦)
2012/07 北京市优秀毕业生(博士)
2012/07 清华大学教学成果奖(校级)一等奖,《党员是永不换届的班委—兵器定向生以党建为根基,以党建带班建的育人体系建设》,5/5(马春生、熊剑平、林成涛、黄开胜、郝瀚)
2011/04 第十六届清华大学研究生学术新秀
2007/07 清华大学优秀毕业生

学术论文:发表SCI/SSCI论文67篇,Google Scholar引用2034次,4篇论文入选ESI高被引论文。
[1]Xin Sun, Han Hao*, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, 2020, Insights into the global flow pattern of manganese, Resources Policy, 65: 101578.
[2]Xin Sun, Han Hao*, Philipp Hartmann, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, 2019, Supply risks of lithium-ion battery materials: an entire supply chain estimation, Materials Today Energy, 14: 100347.
[3]Han Hao, Yong Geng, James E. Tate, Feiqi Liu, Xin Sun, Zhexuan Mu, Dengye Xun, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, 2019, Securing Platinum-Group Metals for Transport Low-Carbon Transition, One Earth, 1(1): 117-125.
[4]Zongwei Liu, Hong Tan, Xu Kuang, Han Hao, Fuquan Zhao, 2019, The Negative Impact of Vehicular Intelligence on Energy Consumption, Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2019: **.
[5]Han Hao, Yong Geng, James E. Tate, Feiqi Liu, Kangda Chen, Xin Sun, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, 2019, Impact of transport electrification on critical metal sustainability with a focus on the heavy-duty segment, Nature Communications, 10: 5398.
[6]Xin Sun, Han Hao*, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, Junnan Song, 2019, Tracing Global Cobalt Flow: 1995-2015, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 149: 45-55.
[7]Feiqi Liu, Fuquan Zhao, Zongwei Liu, Han Hao*, 2019, Can autonomous vehicle reduce greenhouse gas emissions? A country-level evaluation, Energy Policy, 132: 462-473.
[8]Qinyu Qiao, Fuquan Zhao, Zongwei Liu, Xin He, Han Hao*, 2019, Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Electric Vehicles in China: Combining the Vehicle Cycle and Fuel Cycle, Energy, 177: 222-233.
[9]Xu Kuang, Fuquan Zhao, Han Hao, Zongwei Liu, 2019, Assessing the Socio-Economic Impacts of Intelligent Connected Vehicles in China: A Cost–Benefit Analysis, Sustainability, 11: 3273.
[10]Sinan Wang, Kangda Chen, Fuquan Zhao, Han Hao*, 2019, Technology pathways for complying with Corporate Average Fuel Consumption regulations up to 2030: A case study of China, Applied Energy, 241: 257-277.
[11]Yawen Li, Bohan Zeng, Tian Wu, Han Hao, 2019, Effects of urban environmental policies on improving firm efficiency: Evidence from Chinese new energy vehicle firms, Journal of Cleaner Production, 215: 600-610.
[12]Han Hao*, Feiqi Liu, Xin Sun, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, 2019, Quantifying the energy, environmental, economic, resource co-benefits and risks of GHG emissions abatement: The case of passenger vehicles in China, Sustainability, 11(5): 1344.
[13]Fuquan Zhao, Kangda Chen, Han Hao, Sinan Wang, Zongwei Liu, 2019, Technology Development for Electric Vehicles under New Energy Vehicle Credit Regulation in China: Scenarios through 2030, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 21(2): 275-289.
[14]Xin Sun, Han Hao*, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, 2019, The dynamic equilibrium mechanism of regional lithium flow for transportation electrification, Environmental Science & Technology, 53(2): 743-751.
[15]Fuquan Zhao, Feiqi Liu, Zongwei Liu, Han Hao*, 2019, The correlated impacts of fuel consumption improvements and vehicle electrification on vehicle greenhouse gas emissions in China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 207: 702-716.
[16]Qinyu Qiao, Fuquan Zhao, Zongwei Liu, Han Hao*, 2019, Electric Vehicle Recycling in China: Economic and Environmental Benefits, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 140: 45-53.
[17]Feiqi Liu, Fuquan Zhao, Zongwei Liu, Han Hao*, 2018, The impact of fuel cell vehicle deployment on road transport greenhouse gas emissions: the China case, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 43(50): 22604-22621.
[18]Feiqi Liu, Fuquan Zhao, Zongwei Liu, Han Hao*, 2018, China’s Electric Vehicle Deployment: Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emission Impacts, Energies, 11(12): 3353.
[19]Kangda Chen, Fuquan Zhao, Han Hao, Zongwei Liu, 2018, Synergistic impacts of China’s subsidy policy and new energy vehicle credit regulation on the technological development of battery electric vehicles, Energies, 11(11): 3193.
[20]Yong Geng, Tsuyoshi Fujita, Anthony Chiu, Hancheng Dai, Han Hao, 2018, Responding to the Paris Climate Agreement: global climate change mitigation efforts, Frontiers in Energy, 12(3): 333-337.
[21]Han Hao, Zhexuan Mu, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, 2018, Abating transport GHG emissions by hydrogen fuel cell vehicles: Chances for the developing world, Frontiers in Energy, 12(3): 466-480.
[22]Sinan Wang, Fuquan Zhao, Zongwei Liu, Han Hao*, 2018, Impacts of a super credit policy on electric vehicle penetration and compliance with China's Corporate Average Fuel Consumption regulation, Energy, 155: 746-762.
[23]Xu Tian, Hancheng Dai, Yong Geng, Jeffrey Wilson, Rui Wu, Yang Xie, Han Hao, 2018, Economic Impacts from PM2.5 pollution-related Health Effects in China’s road transport sector, Environment International, 115: 220-229.
[24]Zongwei Liu, Han Hao, Xiang Cheng, Fuquan Zhao, 2018, Critical Issues of Energy Efficient and New Energy Vehicles Development in China, Energy Policy, 115: 92–97. (ESI高被引论文)
[25]Xin Sun, Han Hao*, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, 2018, Global Lithium Flow 1994-2015: Implications for Improving Resource Efficiency and Security, Environmental Science & Technology, 52(5): 2827-2834.
[26]Xu Tian, Yong Geng, Shaozhuo Zhong, Jeffrey Wilson, Cuixia Gao, Wei Chen, Zhongjue Yu, Han Hao, 2018, A bibliometric analysis on trends and characters of carbon emissions from transport sector, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 59: 1-10.
[27]Han Hao, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, Jingzheng Ren, Shiyan Chang, Ke Rong, Jiuyu Du, 2018, Biofuel for Vehicle Use in China: Current Status, Future Potential and Policy Implications, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 82: 645–653.
[28]Xu Kuang, Fuquan Zhao, Han Hao, Zongwei Liu, 2018, Intelligent Connected Vehicles: The Industrial Practices and Impacts on Automotive Value Chains in China, Asia Pacific Business Review, 24(1): 1-21.
[29]Jing Chen, Fuquan Zhao, Zongwei Liu, Xunmin Ou, Han Hao*, 2017, Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Road Construction in China: a Province-level Analysis, Journal of Cleaner Production, 168: 1039-1047.
[30]Sinan Wang, Fuquan Zhao, Zongwei Liu, Han Hao*, 2017, Heuristic Method for Automakers' Technological Strategy Making towards Fuel Economy Regulations based on Genetic Algorithm: A China's Case under Corporate Average Fuel Consumption Regulation, Applied Energy, 204: 544-559.
[31]Qinyu Qiao, Fuquan Zhao, Zongwei Liu, Shuhua Jiang, Han Hao*, 2017, Cradle-to-gate greenhouse gas emissions of battery electric and internal combustion engine vehicles in China, Applied Energy, 204: 1399-1411.
[32]Han Hao, Xiang Cheng, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, 2017, Electric Vehicles for Greenhouse Gas Reduction in China: a Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 56: 68-84.
[33]Han Hao, Xiang Cheng, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, 2017, China’s traction battery technology roadmap: Targets, impacts and concerns, Energy Policy, 108: 355-358.
[34]Xin Sun, Han Hao*, Fuquan Zhao, Zongwei Liu, 2017, Tracing Global Lithium Flow: a Trade-Linked Material Flow Analysis, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 124: 50-61.
[35]Ke Rong, Yongjiang Shi, Tianjiao Shang, Yantai Chen, Han Hao, 2017, Organizing business ecosystems in emerging electric vehicle industry: Structure, mechanism, and integrated configuration, Energy Policy, 107: 234-247.
[36]Han Hao, Qinyu Qiao, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, 2017, Comparing the Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Vehicle Production in China and the U.S.: Implications for Targeting the Reduction Opportunities, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 19(5): 1509–1522.
[37]Han Hao, Qinyu Qiao, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, 2017, Impact of recycling on energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions from electric vehicle production: the China 2025 case, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 122: 114-125.
[38]Han Hao, Feiqi Liu, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, 2017, Measuring Energy Efficiency in China’s Transport Sector, Energies, 10: 660.
[39]Han Hao, Zhexuan Mu, Shuhua Jiang, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, 2017, GHG Emissions from the Production of Lithium-ion Batteries for Electric Vehicles in China, Sustainability, 9(4): 504.
[40]Han Hao, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, Yong Geng, Joseph Sarkis, 2017, Material flow analysis of lithium in China, Resources Policy, 51: 100-106. (ESI高被引论文)
[41]Han Hao, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, Jiuyu Du, Yisong Chen, 2017, Coal-derived alternative fuels for vehicle use in China: a review, Journal of Cleaner Production, 141: 774-790.
[42]Han Hao, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, 2017, An Overview of Energy Efficiency Standards in China’s Transport Sector, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 67: 246-256.
[43]Han Hao, Feiqi Liu, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, 2016, Compression Ignition of Low-Octane Gasoline: Life Cycle Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Applied Energy, 181: 391-398.
[44]Han Hao, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, Weiqi Li, 2016, Natural gas as vehicle fuel in China: a review, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 62: 521-533.
[45]Han Hao, Yong Geng, Joseph Sarkis, 2016, Carbon footprint of global passenger cars: Scenarios through 2050, Energy, 101: 121-131.
[46]Han Hao, Yong Geng, Wen Hang, 2016, GHG emissions from primary aluminum production in China: Regional disparity and policy implications, Applied Energy, 166: 264-272.
[47]Wanxia Ren, Bing Xue, Yong Geng, Chengpeng Lu, Yunsong Zhang, Liming Zhang, Tsuyoshi Fujita, Han Hao, 2016, Inter-city passenger transport in larger urban agglomeration area: emissions and health impacts, Journal of Cleaner Production, 114: 412-419.
[48]Ana Karmela Sumabat, Neil Stephen Lopez, Krista Danielle Yu, Han Hao, Richard Li, Yong Geng, Anthony S.F. Chiu, 2016, Decomposition analysis of Philippine CO2 emissions from fuel combustion and electricity generation, Applied Energy, 164: 795-804.
[49]Han Hao, Sinan Wang, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, 2016, The impact of stepped fuel economy targets on automaker’s light-weighting strategy: the China case, Energy, 94: 755-765.
[50]Fuquan Zhao, Han Hao, Zongwei Liu, 2016, Technology strategy to meet China’s 5 L/100 km fuel consumption target for passenger vehicles in 2020, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 18(1): 7-15.
[51]Han Hao, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, Weiqi Li, Wen Hang, 2015, Scenario analysis of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions from China's passenger vehicles, Energy, 91: 151-159.
[52]Han Hao, Yong Geng, Weiqi Li, Bin Guo, 2015, Energy consumption and GHG emissions from China's freight transport sector: Scenarios through 2050, Energy Policy, 85: 94-101. (ESI高被引论文)
[53]Han Hao, Michael Wang, Yan Zhou, Hewu Wang, Minggao Ouyang, 2015, Levelized costs of conventional and battery electric vehicles in china: Beijing experiences, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 20(7): 1229-1246.
[54]Weiqi Li, Yaping Dai, Linwei Ma, Han Hao, Haiyan Lu, Rosemary Albinson, Zheng Li, 2015, Oil-saving pathways until 2030 for road freight transportation in China based on a cost-optimization model, Energy, 86: 369-384.
[55]Yan Zhou, Larry Johnson, Michael Wang, Hewu Wang, Han Hao, 2015, Plug-In Electric Vehicle Market Penetration and Incentives: A Global Review, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 20(5): 777-795.
[56]Jinhua Zhang, Fushen Hou, Lijin Zhao, Mengliang Li, Yueyun Xu, Han Hao, 2015, Technology evaluation of Chinese hybrid electric bus demonstration, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 20(5): 797-815.
[57]Han Hao, Yong Geng, Xunmin Ou, 2015, Estimating CO2 emissions from water transportation of freight in China, International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 7(6): 676-694.
[58]Bin Guo, Yong Geng, Bernd Franke, Han Hao, Yaxuan Liu, Anthony Chiu, 2014, Uncovering China’s transport CO2 emission patterns at the regional level, Energy Policy, 74: 134-146.
[59]Han Hao, Xunmin Ou, Jiuyu Du, Hewu Wang, Minggao Ouyang, 2014, China's Electric Vehicle Subsidy Scheme: Rationale and Impacts, Energy Policy, 73: 722-732. (ESI高被引论文)
[60]Han Hao, Yong Geng, Hewu Wang, Minggao Ouyang, 2014, Regional disparity of urban passenger transport associated GHG emissions in China: A review, Energy, 69: 783-793.
[61]Han Hao, Hewu Wang, Minggao Ouyang, 2012, Fuel consumption and life cycle GHG emissions by China’s on-road trucks: Future trends through 2050 and evaluation of mitigation measures, Energy Policy, 43: 244-251.
[62]Han Hao, Hewu Wang, Minggao Ouyang, 2011, Fuel conservation and GHG (Greenhouse gas) emissions mitigation scenarios for China’s passenger vehicle fleet, Energy, 36(11): 6520-6528.
[63]Han Hao, Hewu Wang, Minggao Ouyang, Fei Cheng, 2011, Vehicle survival patterns in China, Science China-Technological Sciences, 54(3): 625-629.
[64]Han Hao, Hewu Wang, Minggao Ouyang, 2011, Comparison of policies on vehicle ownership and use between Beijing and Shanghai and their impacts on fuel consumption by passenger vehicles, Energy Policy, 39(2): 1016-1021.
[65]Han Hao, Hewu Wang, Ran Yi, 2011, Hybrid modeling of China's vehicle ownership and projection through 2050, Energy, 36(2): 1351-1361.
[66]Han Hao, Hewu Wang, Lingjun Song, Xihao Li, Minggao Ouyang, 2010, Energy consumption and GHG emissions of GTL fuel by LCA: Results from eight demonstration transit buses in Beijing, Applied Energy, 87(10): 3212-3217.
[67]Hewu Wang, Han Hao, Xihao Li, Ke Zhang, Minggao Ouyang, 2009, Performance of Euro III common rail heavy duty diesel engine fueled with Gas to Liquid, Applied Energy, 86(10): 2257-2261.



2018/12至今 清华大学车辆学院,副教授

2014/10-2018/12 清华大学汽车工程系,助理教授
2013/12-2014/05 Argonne National Laboratory,访问
2013/05-2013/10 University of Chicago,访问
2012/07-2014/10 清华大学汽车工程系,博士后
论文发表及引用:在包括Nature Communications等期刊上发表SCI/SSCI检索论文63篇,4篇论文入选ESI高被引论文(其中3篇为第一作者);Web of Science核心合集引用1279次,他引1054次,H因子为22。Google Scholar统计引用1997次,H因子为26;
专著及期刊编委:担任包括IPCC第五次评估报告在内的五部中英文专著共同执笔人;担任中国工程院院刊《Frontiers in Energy》“后巴黎协议时代气候变化减缓”专刊编委、《Journal of Sustainable Mobility》“中国可持续交通”专刊编委;担任行业权威国际期刊《Automotive Innovation》助理主编。



硕士研究生:Philipp Hartmann(2018级);Alexander Schollemann(2019级);高索芬(2020级)



2018/06孙鑫获得清华-大众汽车“We Promote Talent 2018”毕业设计优胜奖
2018/10至今 中国汽车工程学会青年工作委员会,委员
2017/07至今 中国系统工程学会能源资源系统工程分会,常务理事
2017/01至今 国际期刊《Automotive Innovation》,助理主编
2016/12至今 国家自然科学基金通信评审专家(管理学部)
2016/08至今 中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会能源经济与管理研究分会,理事
2017-2018 《Frontiers in Energy》(中国工程院院刊),专刊编委
2016/08-2018/08 国际汽车工程师学会联合会(FISITA),理事
2015/11至今 中国汽车工程学会技术管理分会,副秘书长
2015 《Journal of Sustainable Mobility》,专刊编委
2012/05-2014/04 联合国IPCC第五次评估报告交通工作组,贡献作者
2008/10至今 清华大学中国车用能源研究中心(CAERC),研究人员
2019/12 清华大学刘冰奖
2018/10 中国汽车工业科学技术奖(省部级)二等奖,《汽车产业安全理论研究及其在重大产业政策制订中的应用》,3/5(刘宗巍, 赵福全, 郝瀚, 陈康达, 王悦)
2018/03 北京市教育教学成果奖(省部级)二等奖,《新车辆人才观理念及实践——不拘一格车辆工程人才培养二十年探索》,2/11(杨福源, 郝瀚, 杨殿阁, 黄开胜, 聂冰冰, 姬雪, 李克强, 帅石金, 马春生, 周世兰, 杨丽媛)
2018/01 国家能源局能源软科学研究优秀成果奖(省部级)二等奖,《中国车用能源系统可持续转型研究》,8/10(何建坤, 张希良, 王贺武, 欧训民, 朱桂萍, 麻林巍, 常世彦, 郝瀚, 刘培, 黄海燕)
2017/03 入选中国科协“青年人才托举工程”
2016/11 中国汽车工业科学技术奖(省部级)二等奖,《中国建设汽车强国的差距分析与发展战略》,3/5(赵福全, 刘宗巍, 郝瀚, 赵世佳, 王悦)
2012/07 北京市优秀毕业生(博士)
2012/07 清华大学教学成果奖(校级)一等奖,《党员是永不换届的班委—兵器定向生以党建为根基,以党建带班建的育人体系建设》,5/5(马春生、熊剑平、林成涛、黄开胜、郝瀚)
2011/04 第十六届清华大学研究生学术新秀
2007/07 清华大学优秀毕业生

学术论文:发表SCI/SSCI论文67篇,Google Scholar引用2034次,4篇论文入选ESI高被引论文。
[1]Xin Sun, Han Hao*, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, 2020, Insights into the global flow pattern of manganese, Resources Policy, 65: 101578.
[2]Xin Sun, Han Hao*, Philipp Hartmann, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, 2019, Supply risks of lithium-ion battery materials: an entire supply chain estimation, Materials Today Energy, 14: 100347.
[3]Han Hao, Yong Geng, James E. Tate, Feiqi Liu, Xin Sun, Zhexuan Mu, Dengye Xun, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, 2019, Securing Platinum-Group Metals for Transport Low-Carbon Transition, One Earth, 1(1): 117-125.
[4]Zongwei Liu, Hong Tan, Xu Kuang, Han Hao, Fuquan Zhao, 2019, The Negative Impact of Vehicular Intelligence on Energy Consumption, Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2019: **.
[5]Han Hao, Yong Geng, James E. Tate, Feiqi Liu, Kangda Chen, Xin Sun, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, 2019, Impact of transport electrification on critical metal sustainability with a focus on the heavy-duty segment, Nature Communications, 10: 5398.
[6]Xin Sun, Han Hao*, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, Junnan Song, 2019, Tracing Global Cobalt Flow: 1995-2015, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 149: 45-55.
[7]Feiqi Liu, Fuquan Zhao, Zongwei Liu, Han Hao*, 2019, Can autonomous vehicle reduce greenhouse gas emissions? A country-level evaluation, Energy Policy, 132: 462-473.
[8]Qinyu Qiao, Fuquan Zhao, Zongwei Liu, Xin He, Han Hao*, 2019, Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Electric Vehicles in China: Combining the Vehicle Cycle and Fuel Cycle, Energy, 177: 222-233.
[9]Xu Kuang, Fuquan Zhao, Han Hao, Zongwei Liu, 2019, Assessing the Socio-Economic Impacts of Intelligent Connected Vehicles in China: A Cost–Benefit Analysis, Sustainability, 11: 3273.
[10]Sinan Wang, Kangda Chen, Fuquan Zhao, Han Hao*, 2019, Technology pathways for complying with Corporate Average Fuel Consumption regulations up to 2030: A case study of China, Applied Energy, 241: 257-277.
[11]Yawen Li, Bohan Zeng, Tian Wu, Han Hao, 2019, Effects of urban environmental policies on improving firm efficiency: Evidence from Chinese new energy vehicle firms, Journal of Cleaner Production, 215: 600-610.
[12]Han Hao*, Feiqi Liu, Xin Sun, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, 2019, Quantifying the energy, environmental, economic, resource co-benefits and risks of GHG emissions abatement: The case of passenger vehicles in China, Sustainability, 11(5): 1344.
[13]Fuquan Zhao, Kangda Chen, Han Hao, Sinan Wang, Zongwei Liu, 2019, Technology Development for Electric Vehicles under New Energy Vehicle Credit Regulation in China: Scenarios through 2030, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 21(2): 275-289.
[14]Xin Sun, Han Hao*, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, 2019, The dynamic equilibrium mechanism of regional lithium flow for transportation electrification, Environmental Science & Technology, 53(2): 743-751.
[15]Fuquan Zhao, Feiqi Liu, Zongwei Liu, Han Hao*, 2019, The correlated impacts of fuel consumption improvements and vehicle electrification on vehicle greenhouse gas emissions in China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 207: 702-716.
[16]Qinyu Qiao, Fuquan Zhao, Zongwei Liu, Han Hao*, 2019, Electric Vehicle Recycling in China: Economic and Environmental Benefits, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 140: 45-53.
[17]Feiqi Liu, Fuquan Zhao, Zongwei Liu, Han Hao*, 2018, The impact of fuel cell vehicle deployment on road transport greenhouse gas emissions: the China case, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 43(50): 22604-22621.
[18]Feiqi Liu, Fuquan Zhao, Zongwei Liu, Han Hao*, 2018, China’s Electric Vehicle Deployment: Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emission Impacts, Energies, 11(12): 3353.
[19]Kangda Chen, Fuquan Zhao, Han Hao, Zongwei Liu, 2018, Synergistic impacts of China’s subsidy policy and new energy vehicle credit regulation on the technological development of battery electric vehicles, Energies, 11(11): 3193.
[20]Yong Geng, Tsuyoshi Fujita, Anthony Chiu, Hancheng Dai, Han Hao, 2018, Responding to the Paris Climate Agreement: global climate change mitigation efforts, Frontiers in Energy, 12(3): 333-337.
[21]Han Hao, Zhexuan Mu, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, 2018, Abating transport GHG emissions by hydrogen fuel cell vehicles: Chances for the developing world, Frontiers in Energy, 12(3): 466-480.
[22]Sinan Wang, Fuquan Zhao, Zongwei Liu, Han Hao*, 2018, Impacts of a super credit policy on electric vehicle penetration and compliance with China's Corporate Average Fuel Consumption regulation, Energy, 155: 746-762.
[23]Xu Tian, Hancheng Dai, Yong Geng, Jeffrey Wilson, Rui Wu, Yang Xie, Han Hao, 2018, Economic Impacts from PM2.5 pollution-related Health Effects in China’s road transport sector, Environment International, 115: 220-229.
[24]Zongwei Liu, Han Hao, Xiang Cheng, Fuquan Zhao, 2018, Critical Issues of Energy Efficient and New Energy Vehicles Development in China, Energy Policy, 115: 92–97. (ESI高被引论文)
[25]Xin Sun, Han Hao*, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, 2018, Global Lithium Flow 1994-2015: Implications for Improving Resource Efficiency and Security, Environmental Science & Technology, 52(5): 2827-2834.
[26]Xu Tian, Yong Geng, Shaozhuo Zhong, Jeffrey Wilson, Cuixia Gao, Wei Chen, Zhongjue Yu, Han Hao, 2018, A bibliometric analysis on trends and characters of carbon emissions from transport sector, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 59: 1-10.
[27]Han Hao, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, Jingzheng Ren, Shiyan Chang, Ke Rong, Jiuyu Du, 2018, Biofuel for Vehicle Use in China: Current Status, Future Potential and Policy Implications, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 82: 645–653.
[28]Xu Kuang, Fuquan Zhao, Han Hao, Zongwei Liu, 2018, Intelligent Connected Vehicles: The Industrial Practices and Impacts on Automotive Value Chains in China, Asia Pacific Business Review, 24(1): 1-21.
[29]Jing Chen, Fuquan Zhao, Zongwei Liu, Xunmin Ou, Han Hao*, 2017, Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Road Construction in China: a Province-level Analysis, Journal of Cleaner Production, 168: 1039-1047.
[30]Sinan Wang, Fuquan Zhao, Zongwei Liu, Han Hao*, 2017, Heuristic Method for Automakers' Technological Strategy Making towards Fuel Economy Regulations based on Genetic Algorithm: A China's Case under Corporate Average Fuel Consumption Regulation, Applied Energy, 204: 544-559.
[31]Qinyu Qiao, Fuquan Zhao, Zongwei Liu, Shuhua Jiang, Han Hao*, 2017, Cradle-to-gate greenhouse gas emissions of battery electric and internal combustion engine vehicles in China, Applied Energy, 204: 1399-1411.
[32]Han Hao, Xiang Cheng, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, 2017, Electric Vehicles for Greenhouse Gas Reduction in China: a Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 56: 68-84.
[33]Han Hao, Xiang Cheng, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, 2017, China’s traction battery technology roadmap: Targets, impacts and concerns, Energy Policy, 108: 355-358.
[34]Xin Sun, Han Hao*, Fuquan Zhao, Zongwei Liu, 2017, Tracing Global Lithium Flow: a Trade-Linked Material Flow Analysis, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 124: 50-61.
[35]Ke Rong, Yongjiang Shi, Tianjiao Shang, Yantai Chen, Han Hao, 2017, Organizing business ecosystems in emerging electric vehicle industry: Structure, mechanism, and integrated configuration, Energy Policy, 107: 234-247.
[36]Han Hao, Qinyu Qiao, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, 2017, Comparing the Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Vehicle Production in China and the U.S.: Implications for Targeting the Reduction Opportunities, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 19(5): 1509–1522.
[37]Han Hao, Qinyu Qiao, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, 2017, Impact of recycling on energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions from electric vehicle production: the China 2025 case, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 122: 114-125.
[38]Han Hao, Feiqi Liu, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, 2017, Measuring Energy Efficiency in China’s Transport Sector, Energies, 10: 660.
[39]Han Hao, Zhexuan Mu, Shuhua Jiang, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, 2017, GHG Emissions from the Production of Lithium-ion Batteries for Electric Vehicles in China, Sustainability, 9(4): 504.
[40]Han Hao, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, Yong Geng, Joseph Sarkis, 2017, Material flow analysis of lithium in China, Resources Policy, 51: 100-106. (ESI高被引论文)
[41]Han Hao, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, Jiuyu Du, Yisong Chen, 2017, Coal-derived alternative fuels for vehicle use in China: a review, Journal of Cleaner Production, 141: 774-790.
[42]Han Hao, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, 2017, An Overview of Energy Efficiency Standards in China’s Transport Sector, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 67: 246-256.
[43]Han Hao, Feiqi Liu, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, 2016, Compression Ignition of Low-Octane Gasoline: Life Cycle Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Applied Energy, 181: 391-398.
[44]Han Hao, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, Weiqi Li, 2016, Natural gas as vehicle fuel in China: a review, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 62: 521-533.
[45]Han Hao, Yong Geng, Joseph Sarkis, 2016, Carbon footprint of global passenger cars: Scenarios through 2050, Energy, 101: 121-131.
[46]Han Hao, Yong Geng, Wen Hang, 2016, GHG emissions from primary aluminum production in China: Regional disparity and policy implications, Applied Energy, 166: 264-272.
[47]Wanxia Ren, Bing Xue, Yong Geng, Chengpeng Lu, Yunsong Zhang, Liming Zhang, Tsuyoshi Fujita, Han Hao, 2016, Inter-city passenger transport in larger urban agglomeration area: emissions and health impacts, Journal of Cleaner Production, 114: 412-419.
[48]Ana Karmela Sumabat, Neil Stephen Lopez, Krista Danielle Yu, Han Hao, Richard Li, Yong Geng, Anthony S.F. Chiu, 2016, Decomposition analysis of Philippine CO2 emissions from fuel combustion and electricity generation, Applied Energy, 164: 795-804.
[49]Han Hao, Sinan Wang, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, 2016, The impact of stepped fuel economy targets on automaker’s light-weighting strategy: the China case, Energy, 94: 755-765.
[50]Fuquan Zhao, Han Hao, Zongwei Liu, 2016, Technology strategy to meet China’s 5 L/100 km fuel consumption target for passenger vehicles in 2020, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 18(1): 7-15.
[51]Han Hao, Zongwei Liu, Fuquan Zhao, Weiqi Li, Wen Hang, 2015, Scenario analysis of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions from China's passenger vehicles, Energy, 91: 151-159.
[52]Han Hao, Yong Geng, Weiqi Li, Bin Guo, 2015, Energy consumption and GHG emissions from China's freight transport sector: Scenarios through 2050, Energy Policy, 85: 94-101. (ESI高被引论文)
[53]Han Hao, Michael Wang, Yan Zhou, Hewu Wang, Minggao Ouyang, 2015, Levelized costs of conventional and battery electric vehicles in china: Beijing experiences, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 20(7): 1229-1246.
[54]Weiqi Li, Yaping Dai, Linwei Ma, Han Hao, Haiyan Lu, Rosemary Albinson, Zheng Li, 2015, Oil-saving pathways until 2030 for road freight transportation in China based on a cost-optimization model, Energy, 86: 369-384.
[55]Yan Zhou, Larry Johnson, Michael Wang, Hewu Wang, Han Hao, 2015, Plug-In Electric Vehicle Market Penetration and Incentives: A Global Review, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 20(5): 777-795.
[56]Jinhua Zhang, Fushen Hou, Lijin Zhao, Mengliang Li, Yueyun Xu, Han Hao, 2015, Technology evaluation of Chinese hybrid electric bus demonstration, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 20(5): 797-815.
[57]Han Hao, Yong Geng, Xunmin Ou, 2015, Estimating CO2 emissions from water transportation of freight in China, International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 7(6): 676-694.
[58]Bin Guo, Yong Geng, Bernd Franke, Han Hao, Yaxuan Liu, Anthony Chiu, 2014, Uncovering China’s transport CO2 emission patterns at the regional level, Energy Policy, 74: 134-146.
[59]Han Hao, Xunmin Ou, Jiuyu Du, Hewu Wang, Minggao Ouyang, 2014, China's Electric Vehicle Subsidy Scheme: Rationale and Impacts, Energy Policy, 73: 722-732. (ESI高被引论文)
[60]Han Hao, Yong Geng, Hewu Wang, Minggao Ouyang, 2014, Regional disparity of urban passenger transport associated GHG emissions in China: A review, Energy, 69: 783-793.
[61]Han Hao, Hewu Wang, Minggao Ouyang, 2012, Fuel consumption and life cycle GHG emissions by China’s on-road trucks: Future trends through 2050 and evaluation of mitigation measures, Energy Policy, 43: 244-251.
[62]Han Hao, Hewu Wang, Minggao Ouyang, 2011, Fuel conservation and GHG (Greenhouse gas) emissions mitigation scenarios for China’s passenger vehicle fleet, Energy, 36(11): 6520-6528.
[63]Han Hao, Hewu Wang, Minggao Ouyang, Fei Cheng, 2011, Vehicle survival patterns in China, Science China-Technological Sciences, 54(3): 625-629.
[64]Han Hao, Hewu Wang, Minggao Ouyang, 2011, Comparison of policies on vehicle ownership and use between Beijing and Shanghai and their impacts on fuel consumption by passenger vehicles, Energy Policy, 39(2): 1016-1021.
[65]Han Hao, Hewu Wang, Ran Yi, 2011, Hybrid modeling of China's vehicle ownership and projection through 2050, Energy, 36(2): 1351-1361.
[66]Han Hao, Hewu Wang, Lingjun Song, Xihao Li, Minggao Ouyang, 2010, Energy consumption and GHG emissions of GTL fuel by LCA: Results from eight demonstration transit buses in Beijing, Applied Energy, 87(10): 3212-3217.
[67]Hewu Wang, Han Hao, Xihao Li, Ke Zhang, Minggao Ouyang, 2009, Performance of Euro III common rail heavy duty diesel engine fueled with Gas to Liquid, Applied Energy, 86(10): 2257-2261.
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