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E-mail: wuaip@tsinghua.edu.cn
1984.09-1990.07, 清华大学机械工程系,焊接专业工学博士
1979.09-1984.07, 清华大学机械工程系,焊接专业工学学士
2016.07- 清华大学机械工程系教研系列长聘教授
2001.12- 清华大学机械工程系教授
1995.09-1996.09 日本大阪大学访问教授
1993.01-2001.11 清华大学机械工程系,副教授
1990.08-1992.12 清华大学机械工程系,讲师
2016- ,主讲本科生课程“材料加工(1)”和“材料加工(2)”
1997- ,主讲研究生课程“材料加工过程计算机模拟与仿真”
1997- ,主讲研究生课程“现代焊接学”
1997- , 主讲研究生课程“科技报告实践”
(2)在陶瓷与金属连接方面,从结构、工艺和材料综合提出实现陶瓷与金属高效、可靠连接的技术,并应用于陶瓷与金属复合部件的制造中;为解决陶瓷与金属钎焊连接应力问题和提高钎焊接头的耐热性能,提出了大气中过渡液相连接陶瓷、复合钎料连接陶瓷以及原位生成金属间化合物强化接头的连接新技术 ;
1. 大型2219铝合金环件形性精准协同制造的科学基础,联合基金集成项目(U**),2017
2.低温过渡液相连接技术与机理研究,国家自然科学基金项目(**), 2014
1. Yudian Bao , Aiping Wu, Huakai Shao, Yue Zhao, Lei Liu, and Guisheng Zou. Microstructural evolution and mechanical reliability of transient liquid phase sintered joint during thermal aging. J Mater Sci (2019) 54:765–776
2. Zhang, DK, Wang, GQ, Wu, AP, Zhao, Y, Li, Q, Liu, XL, Meng, DY, Song, JL, Zhang, ZP. Study on the inconsistency in mechanical properties of 2219 aluminium alloy TIG-welded joints. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 777: 1044-1053
3.吴爱萍;李艳军;赵玥;李权;朱瑞灿;刘磊;邹贵生;王国庆.Ti2AlNb合金电子束焊接接头的残余应力与再热裂纹. 航空制造技术, 2018,08: 26-35 封面邀请文章
4. Shao, Huakai; Wu, Aiping; Bao, Yudian; Zhao, Yue; Zou, Guisheng; Liu, Lei. Novel transient liquid phase bonding through capillary action for hightemperature power devices packaging. Materials Science and Engineering A, 724(2018): 231-238
5. Huakai Shao, Aiping Wu, Yudian Bao, Yue Zhao, Guisheng Zou, Lei Liu. Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of Cu/Sn/Ag TLPbonded joint during thermal aging. Materials Characterization 144 (2018) 469–478
6. Shao Huakai, Wu Aiping, Bao Yudian, Zhao Yue, Zou Guisheng. Microstructure characterization and mechanical behavior for Ag3Sn joint produced by foil-based TLP bonding in air atmosphere. Materials Science and Engineering A, 680(2017), 221-231
7. Shao Huakai, Wu Aiping, Bao Yudian, Zhao Yue. Elimination of pores in Ag-Sn TLP bonds by the introduction of dissimilar intermetallic phases. Journal of Materials Science, 56(2017), 6:3508- 3519
8. Li Yanjun, Zhao Yue, Li Quan, Wu Aiping, Zhu Ruican, Wang Guoqing. Effects of welding condition on weld shape and distortion in electron beam welded Ti2AlNb alloy joints. Materials and Design,114(2017), 226-233
9. Kang Ju, Feng Zhicao, Frankel G.S., Li Jichao, Zou, Guisheng, Wu, Aiping. Effect of precipitate evolution on the pitting corrosion of friction stir welded joints of an Al-Cu alloy. Corrosion, 72(2016), 6, 719-731
10.Shao Huakai, Wu Aiping, Bao Yudian, Zhao Yue, Zou Guisheng. Interfacial reaction and mechanical properties for Cu/Sn/Ag system low temperature transient liquid phase bonding. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 27(2016), 5: 4839-4848
11.Kang Ju, Feng Zhi-Cao, Frankel G.S., Huang I. Wen, Wang Guo-Qing, Wu, Ai-Ping. Friction Stir Welding of Al Alloy 2219-T8: Part I-Evolution of Precipitates and Formation of Abnormal Al2Cu Agglomerates. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 47(2016), 9:4553-4565
12.Kang Ju, Feng Zhi-Cao, Frankel G.S., Wang Guo-Qing, Wu, Ai-Ping. Friction Stir Welding of Al Alloy 2219-T8: Part II-Mechanical and Corrosion. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 47(2016), 9: 4566-4577
13.Li Quan, Wu Aiping, Li Yanjun, Wang Guoqing, Yan Dongyang, Liu Juan. Influence of temperature cycles on the microstructures and mechanical properties of the partially melted zone in the fusion welded joints of 2219 aluminum alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A, 623(2015):38-48
14.Aiping Wu, Zhihua Song, Kazuhiro Nakata, Jinsun Liao and Li Zhou. Interface and properties of the friction stir welded joints of titanium alloy Ti6Al4V with aluminum alloy 6061. Materials and Design, 71(2015):85-92
15.Haiyang Xia, Fivos Drymiotis,Cheng-Lung Chen, Aiping Wu, Yang yuan Chen, G. Jeffrey Snyder. Bonding and high temperature reliability of NiFeMo alloy/n-type PbTe joints for thermoelectric module applications. Journal of Materials Science, V50(2015), n5:2700-2708
16.Zhihua Song, Kazuhiro Nakata, Aiping Wu, Jinsun Liao, Li Zhou. Influence of probe offset distance on interfacial microstructure and mechanical properties of friction stir butt welded joint of Ti6Al4V and A6061 dissimilar alloys. Materials and Design, 57(2014): 269-278
17.Haiyang Xia, Fivos Drymiotis, Cheng-Lung Chen, Aiping Wu, G. Jeffrey Snyder. Bonding and interfacial reaction between Ni foil and n-type PbTe thermoelectric materials for thermoelectric module applications. Journal of Materials Science, 49(2014), n 4, p 1716-1723
18.Song Zhihua,Nakata Kazuhiro,Wu Aiping; Liao Jinsun. Interfacial microstructure and mechanical property of Ti6Al4V/A6061 dissimilar joint by direct laser brazing without filler metal and groove. Materials Science and Engineering A,V560, 2013,111-120
19.Zhao Y., Wu A. P., Ren J. L., Sato Y. S., Kokawa H., Miyake M., Yan D. Y.. Temperature and force response characteristics of friction stir welding on Invar 36 alloy. Science and technology of welding and joining, 18(2013), No 3: 232-238
20.Xia Haiyang, Wu Aiping, Fan Yinglong, Zou Guisheng, Ren Jialie. Effects of ion implantation on the brazing properties of high purity alumina. Surface and Coatings Technology, 206(2012), 8-9: 2098-2104
21.Zhao Yue, Sato Yutaka S., Kokawa Hiroyuki, Wu Aiping. Microstructure and properties of friction stir welded high strength Fe-36 wt%Ni alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2011,528(25-26):7768-7773
22.Yan Dong-yang, Wu Ai-ping, Silvanus Juergen, Shi Qing-yu. Predicting residual distortion of aluminum alloy stiffened sheet after friction stir welding by numerical simulation. Materials and Design, 2011, 32(4): 2284-2291
23.Wang Guo-qing(王国庆), Wu Ai-ping(吴爱萍)*, Zhao Yue(赵玥), Zou Gui-sheng(邹贵生), Chen Qiang(陈强), Ren Jia-lie(任家烈). Effect of Post-weld Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Properties of Ti-23Al-17Nb Alloy Laser Beam Welding Joints. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2010, 20(5):732-739
24.Yao Wei, Wu Aiping, Zou Guisheng, Ren Jialie Formation process of the bonding joint in Ti/Al diffusion bonding. Materials Science and Engineering A 480 (2008) 456–463
25.Yao Wei, Wu Aiping, Zou Guisheng, Ren Jialie. 5A06/TA2 diffusion bonding with Nb diffusion-retarding layers. Materials Letters 62 (2008) 2836–2839
26.Liu Gen-mao,Zou Gui-sheng, Wu Ai-ping, Zhang De-ku. Improvements of the Si3N4 brazed joints with intermetallics. Materials Science & Engineering A 415(2006)213~218
27.A.P. Wu, G.S. Zou, J.L. Ren, H.J. Zhang, G.Q. Wang, X. Liu, M.R. Xie. Microstructures and mechanical properties of Ti-24Al-17Nb (at.%) laser beam welding joints. Intermetallics, 10(2002) 647~652
28.任维佳,吴爱萍,赵海燕,邹贵生. 大型电机转子焊接残余应力的数值分析. 焊接学报, Vol.23(2002), No.2:92~96
29.Wu Aiping, Zou Guisheng, Ren Jialie, et al. Heat-resistant joints of Si3N4 ceramics with intermetallic compounds formed in situ. Journal of Materials Science,Vol.36(2001),Iss 11:2673~2678
30.A.P.WU, J.L.REN, Z.S.PENG, H.MURAKAWA and Y.UEDA. Numerical Simulation for the Residual Stresses of Stellite Hardfacing on Carbon Steel. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 101(2000), No.1-3: 70~75
31.吴爱萍,任家烈,鹿安理.辅助冷热源防止焊缝凝固裂纹的研究.航空材料学报,Vol.16(1996),No.1: 38~46
32.Wu Aiping, H.Murakawa, Y. Ueda. Effects of Welding Procedures on Residual Stresses of T-joints. Transactions of JWRI, Vol.25(1996),No.1: 81~89
35.任家烈,吴爱萍著. 先进材料的连接,北京:机械工业出版社,2000年6月.
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