办公电话: **
2015/04-至今, 清华大学机械工程系,助理研究员
1. Li C K, Zhao D W, Wen J L, Lu X C, Numerical Investigation of Wafer Drying Induced by the Thermal Marangoni Effect. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2019, 132, 689–698.
2. Li C K, Zhao D W, Wen J L, Lu X C, Chen J, Lu X C. Evolution of Entrained Water Film Thickness and Dynamics of Marangoni Flow in Marangoni Drying. RSC Advances. 2018, 8 (9), 4995–5004.
3. Jiang B C, Zhao D W, Liu Y H, Lu X C. Surface figure control in fine rotation grinding process of thick silicon mirror. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 98(1-4): 771-779.
4. Zhao D W, He Y Y, Wang T Q, et al. Comparative study of the lubricating behavior between 12-in. copper disk and wafer during chemical mechanical polishing, Tribology International, 2017, 105:37-41.
5. 赵德文, 路新春, 何永勇, 王同庆, 化学机械抛光设备负载特性与主体结构变形, 机械工程学报, 2014, 50(15):160-165.
6. Zhao D W, Lu X C, Chemical mechanical polishing: Theory and experiment, Friction, 2013, 1(4):306-326.
7. Zhao D W, Wang T Q, He Y Y, Lu X C, Kinematic optimization for chemical mechanical polishing based on statistical analysis of particle trajectories, IEEE Transactions On Semiconductor Manufacturing, 2013, 26(4):556-563.
8. Zhao D W, He Y Y, Wang T Q, Lu X C, Luo J B, Wafer bending/orientation characterization and their effects on fluid lubrication during chemical mechanical polishing, Tribology International, 2013, 66:330-336.
9. Zhao D W, Wang T Q, He Y Y, Lu X C, Effect of zone pressure on wafer bending and fluid lubrication behavior during multi-zone CMP process, Microelectronic Engineering, 2013, 108:33-38.
10. Zhao D W, He Y Y, Wang T Q, Lu X C, Effect of kinematic parameters and their coupling relationships on global uniformity of chemical mechanical polishing, IEEE Transactions On Semiconductor Manufacturing, 2012, 25(3):502-508.
11. Zhao D W, He Y Y, Wang T Q, Lu X C, Luo J B, Effects of the polishing variables on the wafer-pad interfacial fluid pressure in chemical mechanical polishing of 12-inch wafer, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2012, 159(3):H342-H348.
12. Zhao D W, He Y Y, Lu X C, In-situ measurement of fluid pressure at the wafer-pad interface during chemical mechanical polishing of 12" wafer, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2011, 159(1):H22-H28.
1. 测量润滑剂摩擦力的装置,专利号20**,中国,授权日期**,本人排名第2
2. 具有自适应性的抛光头,专利号20**,中国,授权日期**,本人排名第1
3. 一种不积水的抛光头,专利号20**,中国,授权日期**,本人排名第1
4. 全局金属膜厚度测量装置,专利号US**B2,美国,授权日**,本人排名第2
5. 利用晶圆台测量晶圆的膜厚度的方法,专利号38,中国,授权日**,本人排名第2
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-15
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