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Michael R.Powers

电话(86) (10) **
电邮 powers@sem.tsinghua.edu.cn
办公室 伟伦楼 386 C
办公室开放时间 周三13:30-16:00 (伟伦楼 386 C) 周四13:30-16:00 (苏世民书院103c)

Michael R. Powers是清华大学经济管理学院苏黎世保险集团讲席教授,从事风险和保险数学的教学。他同时还是《风险金融》、《亚太风险与保险》杂志的主编,是中国“”的成员。在他的新书《上帝与人类的行为:对风险保险的反思》(哥伦比亚大学出版社2011年出版)中,他阐述了自己关于“风险科学”的想法。
Powers教授研究领域广泛,包括政府监管和公共政策、博弈中的风险与保险、企业风险管理中的数学模型、风险转移的税收待遇等。他有两本学术著作:《The Economics and Politics of Choice No-Fault Insurance》和《Global Risk Management: Financial, Operational, and Insurance Strategies》,同时他也是科幻小说《Icons》的作者。他发表过75篇以上的论文和专著章节,并且获得过《风险与保险》期刊、风险与保险管理协会、国际保险社会协会所颁发的杰出研究奖。

Books and Monographs
Acts of God and Man: Ruminations on Risk and Insurance, 2012, New York: Columbia University Press.
Icons (science-fiction/fantasy novel), 2003, San Francisco: Dry Bones Press.
Global Risk Management: Financial, Operational, and Insurance Strategies, 2002 (with J. Jay Choi, eds.), Amsterdam: JAI Press/Elsevier.
The Economics and Politics of Choice No-Fault Insurance, 2001 (with Edward L. Lascher, Jr., eds.), Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Selected Journal Articles
“Insurance Risk, Risk Measures, and Capital Allocation: Navigating a Copernican Shift,” 2013 (with George Zanjani), Annual Review of Financial Economics, 5, 201-223.
“Fourier-Analytic Measures for Heavy-Tailed Insurance Losses,” 2013 (with Thomas Y. Powers), Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, forthcoming.
“The Relationship between Regulatory Pressure and Insurer Risk Taking,” 2013 (with Wen-chang Lin and Yi-hsun Lai), Journal of Risk and Insurance, forthcoming.
“Risk Finance for Catastrophe Losses with Pareto-Calibrated Lévy-Stable Severities,” 2012 (with Thomas Y. Powers and Siwei Gao), Risk Analysis, 32, 11, 1967-1977.
“The Valuation of Contingent Capital with Catastrophe Risks,” 2009 (with Shih-Kuei Lin and Chia-Chien Chang), Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 45, 1, 65-73.

“Life Insurance Efficiency in China: A Comparison of Foreign and Domestic Firms,” 2009 (with Bingzheng Chen and Joseph Qiu), China and World Economy, 17, 6, 43-63.
Colonel Blotto in the War on Terror: Implications for Event Frequency,” 2009 (with Zhan Shen), Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, 6, 1, 18, 1-16.
“Adverse Selection or Advantageous Selection? Risk and Underwriting in China’s Health Insurance Market,” 2009 (with Feng Gao and Jun Wang), Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 44, 3, 505-510.
“Social Stability and Catastrophe Risk: Lessons from the Stag Hunt,” 2008 (with Zhan Shen), Journal of Theoretical Politics, 20, 4, 477-497.
“Using Aumann-Shapley Values to Allocate Insurance Risk: The Case of Inhomogeneous Losses,” 2007, North American Actuarial Journal, 11, 3, 113-127.
“Market Bubbles and Wasteful Avoidance: Tax and Regulatory Constraints on Short Sales,” 2004 (with David M. Schizer and Martin Shubik), Tax Law Review, 57, 2, 233-274.
“September 11 Victims, Random Events, and the Ethics of Compensation,” 2004 (with Edward L. Lascher, Jr.), American Behavioral Scientist, 48, 3, 281-294.
“Of Happy and Hapless Regulators: The Asymptotics of Ruin,” 2003 (with Emilio C. Venezian and Iana B. Jucá), Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 32, 2, 317-330.
“Toward a Theory of Reinsurance and Retrocession,” 2001 (with Martin Shubik), Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 29, 2, 271-290.
“Risk Transformations, Deductibles, and Policy Limits,” 2001 (with Larry Y. Tzeng), Journal of Risk and Insurance, 68, 3, 465-473.
“Insurance Market Games: Scale Effects and Public Policy,” 1998 (with Martin Shubik and Shun Tian Yao), Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie (Journal of Economics), 67, 2, 109-134.
“Insurance Premium Taxes: A Lump-Sum Proposal,” 1998 (with Larry Y. Tzeng), Public Finance Review, 26, 1, 53-66.
“On the Tradeoff between the Law of Large Numbers and Oligopoly in Insurance,” 1998 (with Martin Shubik), Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 23, 2, 141-156.
“Captive Insurance Tax Policy: Resolving a Global Problem,” 1995 (with M. Moshe Porat), Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice, 20, 75, 197-229.
“A Theory of Risk, Return, and Solvency,” 1995, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 17, 2, 101-118.
“The Value of Information in Insurance Pricing: Comment,” 1994, Journal of Risk and Insurance, 61, 3, 519-524.
“Equity in Automobile Insurance: Optional No-Fault,” 1992, Journal of Risk and Insurance, 59, 2, 203-220.

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