Fast Failure Recovery in Vertex-Centric Distributed Graph Processing Systems
通讯作者:Zhang, MH (reprint author), Beijing Inst Technol, Beijing 100081, Peoples R China.
关键词:Distributed graph processing systems; failure recovery; checkpoint; log; compression; partition-based recovery
摘要:There is a growing need for distributed graph processing systems to have many more compute nodes processing graph-based Big Data applications, which, however, increases the chance of node failures. To address the issue, we propose a novel recovery scheme to accelerate the recovery process by parallelizing the recomputation. Once a failure occurs, all recomputations are confined to subgraphs that originally reside in the failed compute nodes. When the recovery starts, these subgraphs are reassign ...More
There is a growing need for distributed graph processing systems to have many more compute nodes processing graph-based Big Data applications, which, however, increases the chance of node failures. To address the issue, we propose a novel recovery scheme to accelerate the recovery process by parallelizing the recomputation. Once a failure occurs, all recomputations are confined to subgraphs that originally reside in the failed compute nodes. When the recovery starts, these subgraphs are reassigned to another set of compute nodes, where the recomputation over these subgraphs are conducted in parallel. To minimize the recovery latency, we also develop a reassignment strategy, from these subgraphs to the replaced compute nodes, by properly leveraging the computation and communication cost. We integrate the proposed recovery scheme into Giraph system, a widely used graph processing system. The experimental results over a variety of real graph datasets demonstrate that our proposed recovery scheme outperforms existing recovery methods by up to 30x on a cluster of 40 compute nodes. ...Hide
百度学术:Fast Failure Recovery in Vertex-Centric Distributed Graph Processing Systems
基金:National Key Research and Development Program of China [2018YFB1004400]; National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaNational Natural Science Foundation of China [61502504, U1711261, 61602297, 61732014]
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Fast Failure Recovery in Vertex-Centric Distributed Graph Processing Systems
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