
On perfect matchings in matching covered graphs

本站小编 Free考研/2020-04-17

On perfect matchings in matching covered graphs
通讯作者:Ye, D (reprint author), Middle Tennessee State Univ, Dept Math Sci, Murfreesboro, TN 37132 USA.; Ye, D (reprint author), Middle Tennessee State Univ, Ctr Computat Sci, Murfreesboro, TN 37130 USA.
关键词:matching-covered graph; perfect matching
摘要:A graph G is matching-covered if every edge of G is contained in a perfect matching. A matching-covered graph G is strongly coverable if, for any edge e of G, the subgraph G\e is still matching-covered. An edge subset X of a matching-covered graph G is feasible if there exist two perfect matchings M-1 and M-2 such that vertical bar M-1 boolean AND X vertical bar not equivalent to vertical bar M-2 boolean AND X vertical bar (mod 2), and an edge subset K with at least two edges is an equivalent se ...More
A graph G is matching-covered if every edge of G is contained in a perfect matching. A matching-covered graph G is strongly coverable if, for any edge e of G, the subgraph G\e is still matching-covered. An edge subset X of a matching-covered graph G is feasible if there exist two perfect matchings M-1 and M-2 such that vertical bar M-1 boolean AND X vertical bar not equivalent to vertical bar M-2 boolean AND X vertical bar (mod 2), and an edge subset K with at least two edges is an equivalent set if a perfect matching of G contains either all edges in K or none of them. A strongly matchable graph G does not have an equivalent set, and any two independent edges of G form a feasible set. In this paper, we show that for every integer k >= 3, there exist infinitely many k-regular graphs of class 1 with an arbitrarily large equivalent set that is not switching-equivalent to either empty set or E (G), which provides a negative answer to a problem of Lukot'ka and Rollova. For a matching-covered bipartite graph G(A, B), we show that G(A, B) has an equivalent set if and only if it has a 2-edge-cut that separates G(A, B) into two balanced subgraphs, and G(A, B) is strongly coverable if and only if every edge-cut separating G(A, B) into two balanced subgraphs G(1)(A(1), B-1) and G(2)(A(2), B-2) satisfies vertical bar E [A(1), B-2]vertical bar >= 2 and vertical bar E [B-1, A(2)]vertical bar >= 2. ...Hide

百度学术:On perfect matchings in matching covered graphs
基金:Natural Science Foundation of ChinaNational Natural Science Foundation of China [11401576]; Simons Foundation [359516]

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Homeomorphically irreducible spanning trees in hexangulations of surfaces.Zhai, Shaohui, Wei, Erling, He, Jinghua, et al. .DISCRETE MATHEMATICS. 2019, 342(10,SI), 2893-2899.
Homeomorphically irreducible spanning trees in hexangulations of surfaces.Zhai, Shaohui, Wei, Erling, He, Jinghua, et al. .DISCRETE MATHEMATICS. 2019, 342(10,SI), 2893-2899.
The edge spectrum of the saturation number for small paths.Gould, Ronald J.;Tang, Wenliang;Wei, Erling,等.8th French Combinatorial Conference (FCC).2012,312(17,SI),2682-2689.
Decycling Number of Circular Graphs.Wei, Erling;Liu, Yanpei;Li, Zhaoxiang.8th International Sympsoium on Operations Research and Its Applications.2009,10,387-393.

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