Integrative interaction analysis using threshold gradient directed regularization
通讯作者:Wu, MY (reprint author), Shanghai Univ Finance & Econ, Sch Stat & Management, Shanghai, Peoples R China.; Ma, SG (reprint author), Yale Univ, Dept Biostat, New Haven, CT 06510 USA.
关键词:high-dimensional data; integrative analysis; interaction analysis; TGDR
摘要:For many complex business and industry problems, high-dimensional data collection and modeling have been conducted. It has been shown that interactions may have important implications beyond the main effects. The number of unknown parameters in an interaction analysis can be larger or much larger than the sample size. As such, results generated from analyzing a single data set are often unsatisfactory. Integrative analysis, which jointly analyzes the raw data from multiple independent studies, h ...More
For many complex business and industry problems, high-dimensional data collection and modeling have been conducted. It has been shown that interactions may have important implications beyond the main effects. The number of unknown parameters in an interaction analysis can be larger or much larger than the sample size. As such, results generated from analyzing a single data set are often unsatisfactory. Integrative analysis, which jointly analyzes the raw data from multiple independent studies, has been conducted in a series of recent studies and shown to outperform single-data set analysis, meta-analysis, and other multi-data set analyses. In this study, our goal is to conduct integrative analysis in interaction analysis. For regularized estimation and selection of important interactions (and main effects), we apply a threshold gradient directed regularization approach. Advancing from the existing studies, the threshold gradient directed regularization approach is modified to respect the "main effects, interactions" hierarchy. The proposed approach has an intuitive formulation and is computationally simple and broadly applicable. Simulations and the analyses of financial early warning system data and news-APP (application) recommendation behavior data demonstrate its satisfactory practical performance. ...Hide
百度学术:Integrative interaction analysis using threshold gradient directed regularization
基金:National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaNational Natural Science Foundation of China [71771211, 11401013, 91546202]; Ministry of Education Key Research Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences at Universities Project [16JJD910002]; National Institutes of HealthUnited States Department of Health & Human ServicesNational Institutes of Health (NIH) - USA [CA204120, CA191383]
Solution processing of V2VI3 chalcogenides with a deep eutectic solvent for enhanced visible-light-driven hydrogen production.Wang, Jinfang, Mou, Hongyu, Li, Rong, et al. .GREEN CHEMISTRY. 2018, 20(23), 5266-5270.
Identification of cancer omics commonality and difference via community fusion.Sun, Yifan, Jiang, Yu, Li, Yang, et al. .STATISTICS IN MEDICINE. 2019, 38(7), 1200-1212.
Validity and reliability of patient section of evidence-based medical records about doctor-patient building through integrated therapy of traditional Chinese and Western medicine (DPEBMR-P) in patients with gastrointestinal diseases.Feng, Shuo, Chen, Lingxiao, Tian, Guihua, et al. .ANNALS OF TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE. 2019, 7(6,SI).
Validity and reliability of patient section of evidence-based medical records about doctor-patient building through integrated therapy of traditional Chinese and Western medicine (DPEBMR-P) in patients with gastrointestinal diseases.Feng, Shuo, Chen, Lingxiao, Tian, Guihua, et al. .ANNALS OF TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE. 2019, 7(6,SI).
Integrative interaction analysis using threshold gradient directed regularization.Li, Yang, Li, Rong, Qin, Yichen, et al. .APPLIED STOCHASTIC MODELS IN BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY. 2019, 35(2,SI), 354-375.
Integrative interaction analysis using threshold gradient directed regularization
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