
Ranking Function Detection via SVM: A More General Method

本站小编 Free考研/2020-04-17

Ranking Function Detection via SVM: A More General Method
通讯作者:Li, Y (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Chongqing Inst Green & Intelligent Technol, Chongqing Key Lab Automated Reasoning & Cognit, Automated Reasoning & Cognit Ctr, Chongqing 401120, Peoples R China.
期刊名称:IEEE ACCESS影响因子和分区
关键词:Termination analysis; ranking functions; loop programs
摘要:The existence of a ranking function implies the termination of a loop. Different methods are designed for detection of different classes of ranking functions. Moreover, for loops with polynomial guards and polynomial assignments, existing complete solutions for detecting their ranking functions are mostly with bad complexity. In this paper, we propose an approach to the synthesis of ranking functions for loops via support vector machine (SVM). We transform the ranking function detection problem ...More
The existence of a ranking function implies the termination of a loop. Different methods are designed for detection of different classes of ranking functions. Moreover, for loops with polynomial guards and polynomial assignments, existing complete solutions for detecting their ranking functions are mostly with bad complexity. In this paper, we propose an approach to the synthesis of ranking functions for loops via support vector machine (SVM). We transform the ranking function detection problem into a binary classification problem. Once ranking function templates are given, the SVM is used to learn the coefficients of the templates. In this way, candidate ranking functions can be obtained. Finally, existing verification tools are employed to certify the candidates. With our approach, multiple forms of loops can be handled, and multiple classes of ranking functions can be detected. The effectiveness is presented with experimental evidence. We can detect ranking functions (e.g., polynomial ranking functions and non-polynomial ranking functions) for given loops, especially for loops with fractional or radical update that existing tools may not be able to handle as far as we know. ...Hide

百度学术:Ranking Function Detection via SVM: A More General Method
基金:National Nature Science Foundation of ChinaNational Natural Science Foundation of China [61472429, 61572024, 61103110]

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