Boldness of the alpine musk deer in captivity during non-mating season and its relationships with the musk secretion and reproduction succes
期刊名称:Ying yong sheng tai xue bao
关键词:Alpine musk deer (Moschus sifanicus),boldness,in captivity,musk secretion,reproduction success
摘要:This study was conducted in 2017 from July 1st to August 31st at Xinglongshan musk deer farm in the Xinglongshan National Nature Reserve of Gansu Province, where we recorded behaviors and locations of 29 captive musk deer using the integrated methods of focal sampling and all occurrence recording. Based on the location selection patterns under artificial stress, we defined the animal's stress level and quantified individuals' boldness by combination with the occupation time ratio at each level. ...More
This study was conducted in 2017 from July 1st to August 31st at Xinglongshan musk deer farm in the Xinglongshan National Nature Reserve of Gansu Province, where we recorded behaviors and locations of 29 captive musk deer using the integrated methods of focal sampling and all occurrence recording. Based on the location selection patterns under artificial stress, we defined the animal's stress level and quantified individuals' boldness by combination with the occupation time ratio at each level. Then, the effects of gender, age-class, and other factors on boldness were analyzed along with musk secretion and reproduction success. The results showed that musk deer in better health (1.731±0.347) were significantly bolder than those in ill health (0.915±0.789). Female musk deer (1.901±0.391) were significantly bolder than the males (1.035±0.120). The boldness of sub-adults (1.450±0.463) was higher than those of the adults (1.093±0.321) and the old (1.430±0.189). No significant difference in boldness was observed among three age-classes under the same gender. Deer living in groups (1.397±0.179) were not significantly bolder than those living alone (0.853±0.326). More individuals in groups, less boldness. Furthermore, there was negative correlation between male's boldness and musk secretion. The litter size had positive relationship with boldness. The non-pregnant percentage was strongly correlated to the boldness, namely the bolder females had lower non-pregnant ratio. Our results provide reference for forecasting the musk secretion and reproduction success of captive musk deer, and provide new ideas for the study of boldness in captive animals. ...Hide
百度学术:Boldness of the alpine musk deer in captivity during non-mating season and its relationships with the musk secretion and reproduction succes
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Boldness of the alpine musk deer in captivity during non-mating season and its relationships with th
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