Abstract:Magnetic ballasted clarification is the enhanced coagulation and sedimentation process by the ballasted reaction with magnetic particles addition and recovery. In the reaction, the coagulation efficiency and flocs settling performance and the effluent quality are enhanced greatly due to the positive effects by the higher density, particle size, surface charge, and the coercivity of the magnetic particles. In the treatment and remediation of a black and odorous water body in Daxing district, Beijing, magnetic ballasted clarification achieved stable effluent turbidity and TP below 5 NTU and 0.5 mg·L-1 respectively regardless of significant variation of influent quality. This indicates strong resistance against variations in influent pollutant load and shows high stablibility of sewage treatement. In a tertiary wastewater treatment processin Heilongjiang province, the effluent SS and TP achieved Class 1A discharge standard by applying this technology. Therefore, the one stage magnetic clarifier with multi-effects is potentially valuable for the treatment of sewage due to the the advantages of stable performance, good efficiency, low operating cost, and low land requirement. Key words:magnetic coagulation/ magnetic particles/ multi-effect clarification/ black and odorous water treatment/ tertiary wastewater?treatment.
图1磁加载多效澄清技术结构图 Figure1.Technical structure of a magnetic clarifier with multi-effects
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Wonder-Flow Environmental Technology (Beijing) Co. Ltd., Beijing 100192, China Received Date: 2020-08-20 Accepted Date: 2021-01-26 Available Online: 2021-09-23 Keywords:magnetic coagulation/ magnetic particles/ multi-effect clarification/ black and odorous water treatment/ tertiary wastewater?treatment Abstract:Magnetic ballasted clarification is the enhanced coagulation and sedimentation process by the ballasted reaction with magnetic particles addition and recovery. In the reaction, the coagulation efficiency and flocs settling performance and the effluent quality are enhanced greatly due to the positive effects by the higher density, particle size, surface charge, and the coercivity of the magnetic particles. In the treatment and remediation of a black and odorous water body in Daxing district, Beijing, magnetic ballasted clarification achieved stable effluent turbidity and TP below 5 NTU and 0.5 mg·L-1 respectively regardless of significant variation of influent quality. This indicates strong resistance against variations in influent pollutant load and shows high stablibility of sewage treatement. In a tertiary wastewater treatment processin Heilongjiang province, the effluent SS and TP achieved Class 1A discharge standard by applying this technology. Therefore, the one stage magnetic clarifier with multi-effects is potentially valuable for the treatment of sewage due to the the advantages of stable performance, good efficiency, low operating cost, and low land requirement.