3.生态环境部环境规划院,北京 100012
1.Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, China
3.Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning, Ministry of Ecological Environment, Beijing 100012, China
The four evolutionary stages measures for risk management and control of contaminated sites by USEPA, namely the large-scale remediation stage, the embryo stage, the formation stage, and the developing stage, were systematically analyzed. The evolutionary characteristics for each stage were illuminated, which were the development of the concept, the increase of the proportion of risk management in site management, the establishment of dynamic, whole process management system and the improvement of public involvement. Furthermore, three suggestions of policies were pointed out: 1) to specify its connotation and path and realize overtaking at curves; 2) to establish dynamic management system and strengthen demonstration and promotion, and 3) to improve life cycle management of contaminated sites and encourage participation of stakeholders.
The concept development of contaminated sites’ risk management and control in the United States
Statistics of the pollution source’s treatment measures in US national priority list (1982—1991)
Statistics of the pollution source’s treatment measures in US national priority list (2012—2014)
Percentage of monitoring natural attenuation and institutional control in treatment files of US Superfund pollution sources (1986—2014)
Differences and connections between the narrow and broad concepts of risk management and control
Characteristics of different development stages of risk management and control of contaminated sites in the United States
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