湖南先导洋湖再生水有限公司,长沙 410208
Hunan Pilot Yaughu Reclaimed Water Co. Ltd., Changsha 410208, China
The eutrophication is prone to occur when reclaimed water is reused as water source of landscape water. To address this issue, the landscape water bodies in different zones of a city wetland with their own water source from the reclaimed water or runoff rainwater were taken as the research object. Through analyzing the water quality indicators of TN, TP, COD, SS, Chla and DO, the spatial and the seasonal change rules of pollutants were investigated, then the eutrophication degree of wetland water was assessed, and the corresponding mechanism was also studied. The results indicate that the moderate eutrophication level occurred in the wetland water with the main water source from reclaimed water, while the middle nutrient level occurred in wetland water with the main water source from runoff rainwater. The wetland ecosystem had a certain purification performance on the nitrogenous and phosphorus pollutants in high concentration derived from the reclaimed water, but the purification efficiency was limited, which was significantly affected by seasonal factors. The seasonal algae bloom led to the decrease of TN and TP concentrations, SS and SD in the water, while the increase of COD. The excess input of nitrogenous and phosphorus salts was the main reason for the algae proliferation and eutrophication of wetland water. To conclude, the effective strategy for the eutrophication treatment is proposed, which includes the regulation of water quality and volume of reclaimed water source, the construction of healthy ecosystem of landscape water and the long-term maintenance and management of water body.
Location map of sampling points inexperimental water body
Variation of annual mean concentration of TN and TP at different sampling points
Variation of annual mean concentration of COD and SS at different sampling points
Variation of annual mean concentration of Chla and DO at different sampling points
Variation of quarterly mean concentration of TN, TP, Chla and COD at different sampling points
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