4.生态环境部对外合作与交流中心,北京 100035
1.Beijing Construction Engineering Group Environmental Remediation Co. Ltd., Beijing 100015, China
2.National Engineering Laboratory for Site Remediation Technologies, Beijing 100015, China
3.State Key Laboratory of Urban and Regional Ecology, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, China
4.Foreign Environmental Cooperation Center, Ministry of Ecological and Environment, Beijing 100035, China
The ex-situ thermal desorption technology has significant advantages such as high removal efficiency, short remediation period and strong application scope, which has been proven to be one of the most effective techniques for organic contaminated sites remediation. This paper introduces the research status at home and abroad, and application situation of ex-situ thermal desorption technology and equipment in China by means of data, literature review and field investigation. Meanwhile, combined with the engineering cases in China, the corresponding technology routes of direct and indirect thermal desorption equipment are analyzed, respectively. The equipment selection recommendations for the practical contaminated site remediation is proposed, as well as the theoretical research and equipment development orientation of thermal desorption technology, which will provide reference for the popularization and application of ex-situ thermal desorption technology in organic contaminated sites remediation in China.
Thermal desorption equipment for remediation of contaminated site in Shanxi province, China
First set of thermal desorption equipment for engineering application in China
Thermal desorption equipment supported by “863” Program of Beijing Construction Engineering Group Environmental Remediation Co. Ltd.
Technological route of American thermal desorption equipment
Technological route of Finnish thermal desorption equipment
Technological route of thermal desorption equipment
Technological route of thermal desorption equipment
Technological route of thermal desorption equipment
Technological route of thermal desorption equipment
Comparison of advantages and disadvantages between directly and indirectly heated thermal desorption equipment
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