1.武汉理工大学理学院,武汉 430070
Electrode optimization for gear cylinder electrode discharge treating organic waste gas
WANG Ye1,,XU Xiaoying1,
1.School of Science, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China
摘要:放电等离子体技术被广泛用来处理各类有机污染物,其中放电电极的结构是污染物处理效率的关键。通过实验分别研究了在搭载齿轮-筒电极和线-筒电极的等离子体气体处理器下处理甲苯和VOC的效率。此外,还模拟了齿轮-筒电极的放电间距、齿轮齿数、电压大小对于放电特性与效率的影响。结果表明,齿轮-筒电极处理甲苯的效率比线-筒电极具有优势,最高效率可相差8.3%。齿轮-筒电极在处理VOC时的效率也优于线-筒电极2%~5%。放电间距在8~10 mm左右、齿轮为20齿时的电子数密度最大。同时,放电所产生的电子数密度随着电压的增大而增大,但当电压超过-20 kV时增长缓慢。齿轮-筒电极处理有机废气的效率比线-筒电极有提升,此外,电极结构还有优化提升空间。
关键词: 电晕放电/
Abstract:Discharge plasma technology is widely used to treat various organic pollutants, and the structure of discharge electrode is the key to improve the efficiency of pollutant treatment. In this study, the plasma gas processors with the gear-cylinder electrode and the wire-tube one were tested in terms of the treating efficiencies of toluene and VOC. In addition, the effects of the discharge distance, number of gear teeth and voltage on the discharge characteristics and efficiency were simulated. The results show that the gear-cylinder electrode was superior to the wire-tube one in the toluene treatment with the maximum difference of 8.3% in the treatment efficiency. For VOC treatment, the same result was obtained with the treatment efficiency difference of 2%~5%. The largest electron number density occurred at the discharge distance of 8~10 mm and the gear teeth number of 20. Moreover, the electrons number density through discharge increased with the increase of voltage, while it slowed down at the voltages over 20 kV. The efficiency of treating organic waste gas by the gear-cylinder electrode was improved in comparison with the wire-tube one, and the electrode structure could be further optimized.
Key words:corona discharge/
organic waste gas treatment/
electrode structure optimization/
plasma treatment of waste gas.

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1.武汉理工大学理学院,武汉 430070
关键词: 电晕放电/
摘要:放电等离子体技术被广泛用来处理各类有机污染物,其中放电电极的结构是污染物处理效率的关键。通过实验分别研究了在搭载齿轮-筒电极和线-筒电极的等离子体气体处理器下处理甲苯和VOC的效率。此外,还模拟了齿轮-筒电极的放电间距、齿轮齿数、电压大小对于放电特性与效率的影响。结果表明,齿轮-筒电极处理甲苯的效率比线-筒电极具有优势,最高效率可相差8.3%。齿轮-筒电极在处理VOC时的效率也优于线-筒电极2%~5%。放电间距在8~10 mm左右、齿轮为20齿时的电子数密度最大。同时,放电所产生的电子数密度随着电压的增大而增大,但当电压超过-20 kV时增长缓慢。齿轮-筒电极处理有机废气的效率比线-筒电极有提升,此外,电极结构还有优化提升空间。
English Abstract
Electrode optimization for gear cylinder electrode discharge treating organic waste gas
WANG Ye1,,XU Xiaoying1,
1.School of Science, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China
Keywords: corona discharge/
organic waste gas treatment/
electrode structure optimization/
plasma treatment of waste gas
Abstract:Discharge plasma technology is widely used to treat various organic pollutants, and the structure of discharge electrode is the key to improve the efficiency of pollutant treatment. In this study, the plasma gas processors with the gear-cylinder electrode and the wire-tube one were tested in terms of the treating efficiencies of toluene and VOC. In addition, the effects of the discharge distance, number of gear teeth and voltage on the discharge characteristics and efficiency were simulated. The results show that the gear-cylinder electrode was superior to the wire-tube one in the toluene treatment with the maximum difference of 8.3% in the treatment efficiency. For VOC treatment, the same result was obtained with the treatment efficiency difference of 2%~5%. The largest electron number density occurred at the discharge distance of 8~10 mm and the gear teeth number of 20. Moreover, the electrons number density through discharge increased with the increase of voltage, while it slowed down at the voltages over 20 kV. The efficiency of treating organic waste gas by the gear-cylinder electrode was improved in comparison with the wire-tube one, and the electrode structure could be further optimized.