基金项目: 国家自然科学基金联合基金资助项目(U1462201)
Effect of sludge reflux ratio on performance of two step-feed A/O process in treating heavy oil refining wastewater
LI Changgang1,,YAN Guangxu1,
GUO Shaohui1,
LI Qianwei1
1.Beijing Key Laboratory of Oil & Gas Pollution Control, College of Science, China University of Petroleum Beijing, Beijing 102249, China
关键词: 重油加工污水/
Abstract:The effect of sludge recycle ratio (r) on the performance of the two step-feed A/O process was investigated in a pilot-scale reactor, where the effluent from the hydrolysis and acidification unit of the heavy oil refining wastewater was taken as the treating object. The results showed that the change of r values had a relatively high effect on the nitrogen removal but a slight effect on the organic pollutants removal. As r value increased from 0.60 to 1.25, both the nitrification and denitrification performances of the two step-feed A/O process were significantly improved though the wastewater treatment load increased and the residence time of wastewater, sludge and pollutant decreased. When the r value was higher than 1.25, both the nitrification and denitrification effects decreased, even if a marked increase of the nitrate removal occurred in the first anoxic zone.The highest total nitrogen removal efficiency was observed as 73.38% at r value of 1.25. In addition, the longer residence time of pollutant in step-feed A/O process in comparison with a traditional A/O process could contribute to the enhancement of the refractory organic pollutants degradation in heavy oil refining wastewater.
Key words:heavy oil refining wastewater/
two step-feed A/O process/
sludge reflux ratio/
removal efficiency.

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基金项目: 国家自然科学基金联合基金资助项目(U1462201)
关键词: 重油加工污水/
English Abstract
Effect of sludge reflux ratio on performance of two step-feed A/O process in treating heavy oil refining wastewater
LI Changgang1,,YAN Guangxu1,
GUO Shaohui1,
LI Qianwei1
1.Beijing Key Laboratory of Oil & Gas Pollution Control, College of Science, China University of Petroleum Beijing, Beijing 102249, China
Keywords: heavy oil refining wastewater/
two step-feed A/O process/
sludge reflux ratio/
removal efficiency
Abstract:The effect of sludge recycle ratio (r) on the performance of the two step-feed A/O process was investigated in a pilot-scale reactor, where the effluent from the hydrolysis and acidification unit of the heavy oil refining wastewater was taken as the treating object. The results showed that the change of r values had a relatively high effect on the nitrogen removal but a slight effect on the organic pollutants removal. As r value increased from 0.60 to 1.25, both the nitrification and denitrification performances of the two step-feed A/O process were significantly improved though the wastewater treatment load increased and the residence time of wastewater, sludge and pollutant decreased. When the r value was higher than 1.25, both the nitrification and denitrification effects decreased, even if a marked increase of the nitrate removal occurred in the first anoxic zone.The highest total nitrogen removal efficiency was observed as 73.38% at r value of 1.25. In addition, the longer residence time of pollutant in step-feed A/O process in comparison with a traditional A/O process could contribute to the enhancement of the refractory organic pollutants degradation in heavy oil refining wastewater.