地块土层镉铅吸附pH机制 英文关键词
site soil layercadmium and leadadsorptionpHmechanism 中文摘要 采用静态批实验,研究了不同初始Cd/Pb浓度、温度(288~308 K)和pH值(2~6)条件下,湖南省株洲市某关停锌冶炼厂地块垂直剖面土层杂填土(S1)、素填土(S2)、粉质黏土(S3)和全风化板岩(S4)对Cd和Pb的吸附特征.结果表明,各土层土壤对Cd和Pb的吸附平衡过程较快,准一级动力学模型更适合描述其动力学过程.土壤对Cd和Pb的吸附量随初始溶液pH值和温度的增加而增加,Freundlich方程能较好描述其等温吸附特征,且为自发进行的吸热物理化学过程.Langmuir方程拟合发现,剖面土壤对Cd和Pb的滞留能力较大,298 K下Cd吸附量为2097~4504 mg·kg
-1,Pb吸附量高达4376~10564 mg·kg
-1,Cd和Pb吸附量均呈现出全风化板岩(S4)>杂填土(S1)>粉质黏土(S3)>素填土(S2)趋势.土层土壤理化性质差异影响Cd和Pb在土壤上的吸附行为,Fe/Al含量和阳离子交换量是其主要影响因子.扫描电镜(SEM-EDS)和傅里叶变化(FTIR)结果表明,Cd和Pb与土壤中Fe和Al发生交换,土壤中羟基(—OH)、羧基(C=O)的位点是Cd和Pb的主要吸附位点.锌冶炼活动排放的Cd和Pb进入地块后大部分滞留在土壤表层,随着土壤深度增加含量逐渐降低,研究结果可为冶炼地块土壤及地下水重金属污染防治提供科学依据. 英文摘要 Vertically tiered soil profiles, comprising miscellaneous fill (S1), plain fill (S2), silty clay (S3), and completely weathered slate (S4), were collected from a zinc smelter site in Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province, and their Cd and Pb adsorption characteristics were examined. Static batch experiments were conducted with different initial Cd and Pb solution concentrations, at temperatures of 288-308 K and pH values of 2-6. The results showed that a pseudo first-order model could be fitted to the kinetics of Cd/Pb adsorption in these soils. The soil profiles had a large retention capacity for Cd and Pb. The Cd and Pb adsorption isotherms for these soils conformed to the Freundlich isotherm, with maximum adsorption at 298 K of 2097-4504 mg ·kg
-1 for Cd and 4376-10564 mg ·kg
-1 for Pb, based on the Langmuir isotherm. The adsorption capacity of Cd and Pb increased with an increase in initial pH and temperature. The Cd and Pb adsorption process were a spontaneous physical and chemical process, and the soil profiles were ranked by their Cd and Pb adsorption capacities in the following order:completely weathered slate (S4)>miscellaneous fill (S1)>silty clay (S3)>plain fill (S2). The variation in adsorption capacities resulted from the differences in physical and chemical properties of the soil, mainly Fe/Al content and cation exchange capacity. Fourier transform infrared and SEM-EDS analysis showed that the main adsorption mechanism is the exchange of Cd and Pb with Fe/Al, while —OH/C=O sites in soils were the predominant adsorption sites for Cd and Pb. In the study area, exogenous Cd and Pb discharged by smelting activity accumulated predominantly in surface soil, and their concentration gradually decreased with depth. These results provide a scientific basis for the prevention and control of heavy metal pollution in the soil and groundwater of a smelting site.