

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-31

中文关键词总磷溶解态磷溶解态无机磷溶解态有机磷气溶胶干沉降通量 英文关键词total phosphorus(TP)dissolved phosphorus(DP)dissolved inorganic phosphorus(DIP)dissolved organic phosphorus(DOP)aerosoldry deposition flux 中文摘要 利用2016年6~7月在青岛采集的总悬浮颗粒物(TSP)样品,分析了其中不同形态磷的浓度,讨论了夏季气溶胶中总磷(TP)、溶解态磷(DP)、溶解态无机磷(DIP)和溶解态有机磷(DOP)的分布特征及来源,并估算了大气P的沉降通量.结果表明,夏季青岛大气气溶胶中TP的浓度为(49.3±30.6)ng·m-3,其中DP浓度为(15.5±10.4)ng·m-3,对TP的贡献为30.9%±11.0%.DP中以DIP占主导,其贡献平均约为60%.气溶胶中不同形态P的来源分析结果显示,夏季青岛气溶胶中P的来源复杂,受地壳源、人为源、生物质燃烧、农业施肥等多种源的共同影响.其中TP的38%来自土壤源的贡献,农业活动源和工业源的贡献分别为20%左右;DP中DIP主要受到农业活动源及燃烧源的影响,其贡献分别为51%和24%;DOP主要来源于土壤源及农业活动源,其贡献分别为41%和27%.观测期间,大气TP的干沉降通量为(51.7±31.7)μg·(m2·d)-1,其中DP对TP干沉降通量的贡献为23.2%±8.2%.DP中DOP有重要贡献,约为DP干沉降通量的40%.DP的干沉降通量可支持黄海(0.5±0.3)mg·(m2·d)-1浮游植物碳的生产,对新生产力的贡献约为1%. 英文摘要 Total suspended particulate (TSP) samples were collected in Qingdao from June to July 2016. Different forms of phosphorus in these samples-including total phosphorus (TP), dissolved phosphorus (DP), dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP), and dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) were analyzed to investigate their distribution characteristics and sources, as well as their dry deposition fluxes. Results showed that the mass concentration of TP in aerosols was (49.3±30.6) ng·m-3, and the concentration of DP was (15.5±10.4) ng·m-3, accounting for 30.9%±11.0% of TP. DIP dominated in dissolved state P, contributing about 60%. The sources of different forms of P were analyzed, showing that the P in Qingdao aerosols in summer was derived from both crustal and anthropogenic sources, with the latter including biomass burning and agricultural fertilization. TP was mainly derived from soil sources, which contributed 38%, while the contribution of agricultural activities and industrial sources was about 20%. DIP in DP was mainly derived from agricultural activities and combustion sources, with contributions of 51% and 24%, respectively. DOP was mainly derived from soil sources and agricultural activities, contributing 41% and 27% respectively. The dry deposition flux of TP in Qingdao was (51.7±31.7) μg·(m2·d)-1, of which 23.2%±8.2% was the water-soluble fraction. DOP in the total dry deposition flux of DP was non-negligible, accounting for 40%. The atmospheric deposition of soluble P would support phytoplankton carbon production of (0.5±0.3) mg·(m2·d)-1, contributing about 1% to new productivity in the Yellow Sea.



相关话题/中国海洋大学 环境科学 工程学院 生态 农业