Abstract:Leaves are sensitive organ for plants responding to the environmental changes. The response of community-level chemical traits to environmental changes and resource competition are driven by inter-and intraspecific variations simultaneously. Therefore, studying the inter-and intraspecific trait variations of desert plant in high and low soil moisture and salinity environments can reveal the shaping effect of soil environmental factors on plants chemical traits. In this study, investigation and sampling were carried out at 32 sampling plots (10 m×10 m), and the clustering method was used to divide these plots into high (11) and low (21) soil moisture and salinity environments. We focused on four key functional traits (potassium K, calcium Ca, sodium Na, magnesium Mg) that belong to leaf chemical trait and measured seven soil factors, including soil water content (SVWC), soil electric conductivity (EC), soil pH, and soil K, Ca, Na, Mg contents, to explore the relationship between trait variations and soil factors. The results indicated that:(1) the soil pH, Ca and Na contents were significantly higher in high soil moisture-salinity environment than those in low soil moisture-salinity environment. The community weighted trait means of foliar K, Na and Mg concentrations in low soil moisture and salinity environment were significantly higher than those in soils with high moisture and salinity content. (2) Based on the results of a sum of squares decomposition method, we observed that the interspecific variations of foliar K, Na and Mg in the high soil moisture and salinity environment were significantly lower than those in the low soil moisture and salinity environment. The intraspecific variations of all traits were higher and the foliar K reached a significant level when facing drought stress. (3) Redundancy analysis (RDA) and correlation analysis results showed that the soil factors were generally negatively correlated with the interspecific variations of Ca and Na (|r|>0.3) in high soil moisture-salinity environment, but were mostly positively correlated with intraspecific variation of Na (|r|>0.3). In environment with drought stress, the correlation between soil factors and inter-and intraspecific variability was relatively low. The soil EC and SVWC were positively correlated with the interspecific variation of foliar Mg and positively correlated with the intraspecific variation of Na when the drought was severe. The results indicated that the same functional traits respond differently to soil factors changes, enabling adaption to specific environment conditions. Overall, these trait-soil relationships at community level will provide mechanistic understanding on the vegetation community assembly in the study area.
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-31
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