

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-31


Abstract:Urban green space couples with urban ecosystem services and human well-being. The pattern of urban green space which takes fairness and efficiency into account is an important method to enhance the human settlements environment and improve people's livelihood. On the basis of clarifying the relevant concepts and connotations, based on Citespace software, keyword co-emerging network analysis and cluster analysis of urban green space ecosystem services, residents' health and human well-being and their similar concepts can be found:The research clusters are highly concentrated, the research fields under each cluster have a high degree of overlap, and the research scale is also more refined. The differentiation of urban green space and the urban built environment and leisure physical activity and health spatial has become the research hot spots in recent years. In this paper, the correlation research between urban green space ecosystem services and residents' health is systematically summarized from the following four aspects:1) Supply side, which mainly includes the types of urban green space ecosystem services as well as their evaluation and measurement methods; 2) demand side, that is, the measurement methods of urban residents' health and human well-being needs and their temporal and spatial expression; 3) the matching of supply and demand, relating to the matching method of supply and demand of urban green space ecosystem services and spatial equity; 4) and the promotion and regulation, including optimization of spatial and temporal structure of urban green space and efficient service. It is pointed out that the existing research on the supply and demand matching of urban green space ecosystem services needs to be further deepened and improved in terms of research content, research logic, research methods and results. Future research needs to pay more attention to the spatial characteristics of urban green space ecosystem services and the matching degree of supply and demand at the level of residents' health needs. The spatial form, functional structure and element organization of multidimensional urban green space efficient service under the equilibrium state of supply and demand are summarized through the coupling with refined and normative research of residents' health temporal and spatial behaviors in the context of new data environment. At the same time, it is applied to the research of the spatial pattern of urban green space and the practice of urban green space system planning for expanding the theory and methods of optimization and improvement the quality of human settlements environment.



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