

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-31


Abstract:This paper uses nontransferable ecological footprint to reflect ecological pressure on the tourism urbanization areas. It employs partial least squares to build the regression model between footprint and driving factors, and compares the contribution of driving indexes to the change of nontransferable ecological footprint by constructing the driving coefficient model. The paper studies the footprint evolution and driving law of tourism urbanization in different stages by the case of Zhangjiajie. The results indicate that (1) the nontransferable ecological footprint and the per capita nontransferable ecological footprint in the tourism urbanization areas generally show a smoothly growing dynamic change. The nontransferable ecological footprint are, from large to small, the per capita disposable income of urban residents, the added value of secondary industry, the urbanization rate, the added value of tertiary industry, the resource production efficiency, the urban development land, the added value of primary industry, and the tourism population density. The internal structure of industry affects the elasticity coefficient of the nontransferable ecological footprint of the industrial added value. (3) In the initial stage of tourism urbanization, the nontransferable ecological footprint increases. The important driving factors are the added value of secondary industry, the density of tourism population, and the added value of the tertiary industry. In the advanced stage of tourism urbanization, the nontransferable ecological footprint increases. The main driving factors are the added value of tertiary industry, the added value of secondary industry, and the added value of primary industry. We put forward the following suggestions. In the initial stage of the development of city and town tourism, we should rationally promote the urbanization process, control the scale of tourism, improve the production efficiency of the secondary and tertiary industries, change the structure of high energy consumption, and cultivate the ecological awareness of residents and tourists. In the advanced stage of the development of city and town tourism, we should adjust the internal structure of the primary industry and the tertiary industry, improve the efficiency of the secondary industry, cultivate technology-intensive industries led by tourism, increase the proportion and quality of the tertiary industry, achieve a biological productive footprint through trade export, effectively control the growth of non-transferable ecological footprint, and significantly improve the development capacity of tourism urbanization areas.



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